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O'reilly: Clear and Present Danger


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Hi, I'm Bill O'Reilly.

Thank you for watching tonight.

A clear and present danger: that is the subject of this evening's Talking Points Memo.

Last night we provided facts to back up our assertion that France, Russia and Germany have sold the United States out on Iraq. Those countries are making billions doing business with Saddam and they want that money.

Tonight more evidence that many countries will simply never come to grips with worldwide terrorism.

Nineteen people, including one American, are dead in the Philippines after a group linked to al Qaeda detonated a bomb in an airport there. This comes just days after the Philippine government turned down the help of American troops to fight the terrorists.

In Turkey that government may fall because of the chaos that now grips the country. Its stock market has imploded and international confidence is shot because the Turks will not help the USA against Saddam.

All over the world there is chaos and confusion over how to deal with rogue states and terrorism in general. The USA cannot allow that chaos to deter it.

The fact that a load of weapons grade plutonium has disappeared from Nigeria should send a signal to all Americans that a nuclear device could be planted here. It is possible. And those with the mindset to do that have to be confronted.

A new ABC News/Washington Post poll is encouraging: 34 percent of Americans support removing Saddam without reservations, 24 percent with reservations. That's 59 percent of the country that believes Saddam must go with our without U.N. approval, according to the poll.

Talking Points is one of those with reservations. Nobody knows what will happen during or after the war, so we must be cautious and meticulous. This is not cowboy time but it is also not a time for paralysis.

Thirty-seven percent of Americans would allow Saddam to stay in power. To these people I say this.

You are failing to understand that we have entered into the most dangerous period of American history ever. The terrorists will kill you and your family. The nations like Iraq and North Korea have the ability to provide those terrorists with doomsday weapons. You are failing to recognize true evil.

In the 1930's millions didn't want to confront Adolf Hitler and many Jews in Europe could not conceive of an evil that would attempt to wipe out an entire race of people. Thus, millions of Jews were caught by surprise when rounded up by the Nazis and the world did not join to fight Hitler until it was far too late.

Today's terrorists are Nazis. They will slaughter you and your family, but unlike the Nazis, they have no fear of death.

Americans need to wake up and fast. We are in crisis period where mass murder is an every day possibility.

If every country in the world would confront the evil of terrorism it could not exist on this planets but every country will not do that.

They do not see the evil, they do not care if Americans die.

The Nazis are back and this time their Panzers are plutonium and anthrax. God help us.

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Originally posted by igloo

Hi, I'm Bill O'Reilly.

Thank you for watching tonight.

A clear and present danger: that is the subject of this evening's Talking Points Memo.

Last night we provided facts to back up our assertion that France, Russia and Germany have sold the United States out on Iraq. Those countries are making billions doing business with Saddam and they want that money.

Tonight more evidence that many countries will simply never come to grips with worldwide terrorism.

Nineteen people, including one American, are dead in the Philippines after a group linked to al Qaeda detonated a bomb in an airport there. This comes just days after the Philippine government turned down the help of American troops to fight the terrorists.

In Turkey that government may fall because of the chaos that now grips the country. Its stock market has imploded and international confidence is shot because the Turks will not help the USA against Saddam.

All over the world there is chaos and confusion over how to deal with rogue states and terrorism in general. The USA cannot allow that chaos to deter it.

The fact that a load of weapons grade plutonium has disappeared from Nigeria should send a signal to all Americans that a nuclear device could be planted here. It is possible. And those with the mindset to do that have to be confronted.

A new ABC News/Washington Post poll is encouraging: 34 percent of Americans support removing Saddam without reservations, 24 percent with reservations. That's 59 percent of the country that believes Saddam must go with our without U.N. approval, according to the poll.

Talking Points is one of those with reservations. Nobody knows what will happen during or after the war, so we must be cautious and meticulous. This is not cowboy time but it is also not a time for paralysis.

Thirty-seven percent of Americans would allow Saddam to stay in power. To these people I say this.

You are failing to understand that we have entered into the most dangerous period of American history ever. The terrorists will kill you and your family. The nations like Iraq and North Korea have the ability to provide those terrorists with doomsday weapons. You are failing to recognize true evil.

In the 1930's millions didn't want to confront Adolf Hitler and many Jews in Europe could not conceive of an evil that would attempt to wipe out an entire race of people. Thus, millions of Jews were caught by surprise when rounded up by the Nazis and the world did not join to fight Hitler until it was far too late.

Today's terrorists are Nazis. They will slaughter you and your family, but unlike the Nazis, they have no fear of death.

Americans need to wake up and fast. We are in crisis period where mass murder is an every day possibility.

If every country in the world would confront the evil of terrorism it could not exist on this planets but every country will not do that.

They do not see the evil, they do not care if Americans die.

The Nazis are back and this time their Panzers are plutonium and anthrax. God help us.

Why is this written like a 3rd grader?

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is there such a thing as too much free press? i believe so, when you allow every moron in the country to have their own show and express whatever they like, whether it is true or not. guess this is a very delicate line to walk, especially since no one can really judge who is wrong or right.

but this character...damn. was he a former kkk member...part of some racist fraternity? i really don't get him...he's very narrow minded and racist.

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Originally posted by sassa

is there such a thing as too much free press? i believe so, when you allow every moron in the country to have their own show and express whatever they like, whether it is true or not. guess this is a very delicate line to walk, especially since no one can really judge who is wrong or right.

but this character...damn. was he a former kkk member...part of some racist fraternity? i really don't get him...he's very narrow minded and racist.

As narrow minded as U. It's the no spin zone all truth no garbage calls it like he sees it...

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Originally posted by sassa

is there such a thing as too much free press? i believe so, when you allow every moron in the country to have their own show and express whatever they like, whether it is true or not. guess this is a very delicate line to walk, especially since no one can really judge who is wrong or right.

but this character...damn. was he a former kkk member...part of some racist fraternity? i really don't get him...he's very narrow minded and racist.


I respectfully believe you are way off-base on this one. Racist?....very poor choice of words...no basis for making that comment.......and O'reilly is far from being a moron....

Too much free press?....Perhaps...Martin Sheen, Susan Sarandon, Harry Belafonte, Sean Penn, nornalnoises, etc...I guess you are right---too many morons get a platform these days..

ps...notice "respectfully".....

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Originally posted by mrmhs

As narrow minded as U. It's the no spin zone all truth no garbage calls it like he sees it...

Yeah yeah.. Pass O'Reilly's racist rhetoric as a reliable source... Is that the only thing you conservanazis are good at? The piece of garbage lies through his teeth. No Spin my ass. He spins faster than a textile mill and you know it for christ sakes.

You might be conservative if.... You blame the "liberal" media but FOX NEWS and Bill O'Reilly makes sense to you.

He needs to be shot.

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Originally posted by normalnoises

Yeah yeah.. Pass O'Reilly's racist rhetoric as a reliable source... Is that the only thing you conservanazis are good at? The piece of garbage lies through his teeth. No Spin my ass. He spins faster than a textile mill and you know it for christ sakes.

You might be conservative if.... You blame the "liberal" media but FOX NEWS and Bill O'Reilly makes sense to you.

He needs to be shot.

It is amazing how you have no shame in displaying what a miserable, moronic misfit you are

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Originally posted by normalnoises

Yeah yeah.. Pass O'Reilly's racist rhetoric as a reliable source... Is that the only thing you conservanazis are good at? The piece of garbage lies through his teeth. No Spin my ass. He spins faster than a textile mill and you know it for christ sakes.

You might be conservative if.... You blame the "liberal" media but FOX NEWS and Bill O'Reilly makes sense to you.

He needs to be shot.

How is he racist. What has he said about blacks hispanics or any nationality??? What I do notice is that he ripps into any hippie dillusional ASSWHOLE like yourself who would rather put your tree hugging liberal beliefs before national security...


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Originally posted by mrmhs

What I do notice is that he ripps into any hippie dillusional ASSWHOLE like yourself who would rather put your tree hugging liberal beliefs before national security...


AGREED!!!.....those assholes call everyone racist....fucking idiots

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Originally posted by igloo


I respectfully believe you are way off-base on this one. Racist?....very poor choice of words...no basis for making that comment.......and O'reilly is far from being a moron....

Too much free press?....Perhaps...Martin Sheen, Susan Sarandon, Harry Belafonte, Sean Penn, nornalnoises, etc...I guess you are right---too many morons get a platform these days..

ps...notice "respectfully".....

fine, maybe he's not a "racist". (although i think he is on many levels). but can you understand what i mean by too much freedom? when you allow this much liberty to be rampant in a society, ANYTHING GOES. you have transsexuals being considered as having a "disease" and that they're not really fucked up people...i think they are. maybe this will sound extremely narrow minded, but the fact that gay marriages are being considered and all sorts of indecent, immoral shit in society are going around...does not provide a stable environment for children to be raised in. Look at the television programs of today, i don't watch much tv anymore, but the programs do not seem catered to the audiences that usually watch tv during the day, especially young children. i don't want to see children growing up in this kind of world. they are going to adopt fucked up values and views about the world and people in general. anyways, my point being is that you cannot have too much freedom in a society, there MUST be some restraints....especially with the media, where anything goes it seems these days...

and i think we've surpassed them at this point....

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Originally posted by sassa

fine, maybe he's not a "racist". (although i think he is on many levels). but can you understand what i mean by too much freedom? when you allow this much liberty to be rampant in a society, ANYTHING GOES. you have transsexuals being considered as having a "disease" and that they're not really fucked up people...i think they are. maybe this will sound extremely narrow minded, but the fact that gay marriages are being considered and all sorts of indecent, immoral shit in society are going around...does not provide a stable environment for children to be raised in. Look at the television programs of today, i don't watch much tv anymore, but the programs do not seem catered to the audiences that usually watch tv during the day, especially young children. i don't want to see children growing up in this kind of world. they are going to adopt fucked up values and views about the world and people in general. anyways, my point being is that you cannot have too much freedom in a society, there MUST be some restraints....especially with the media, where anything goes it seems these days...

and i think we've surpassed them at this point....

Call the UN.....I AGREE WITH SASSA!!!

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