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Traitor attacked in prison.

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WASHINGTON — The FBI is investigating an attack by a federal prison inmate on John Walker Lindh, who is imprisoned for helping the Taliban in Afghanistan.

"There was an assault and we have a pending investigation," FBI spokesman Ed Cogswell said. He said he couldn't comment on the details of an ongoing probe.

Another law enforcement source said Lindh was uninjured.

"It was a minor incident, a prison fight. He got a little scraped up, but he's fine. One guy was picking on him," said this source, speaking on condition of anonymity. The source said it wasn't possible to immediately provide information on Lindh's attacker.

The San Bernardino Sun received an anonymous tip early Tuesday that Lindh had been attacked, possibly by white supremacists.

"Yes, I'd like to inform your newspaper that John Lindh Walker, who is incarcerated in Victorville, was assaulted this night by a white supremacist organization that is imprisoned there. Thank you," the male caller said in a voice message.

The paper was unable to identify the caller or the attacker.

Lindh, 21, was sentenced in October to 20 years in prison after pleading guilty to supplying services to Afghanistan's defunct Taliban government and carrying explosives in commission of a felony. He has been at the medium-security federal prison in Victorville, Calif., northeast of Los Angeles, since January.

George Harris, an attorney with the San Francisco firm that represents Lindh, said he was unaware of any incident.

"We would be concerned if my client would be in danger," he said.

Federal Bureau of Prisons spokesman Dan Dunne said agency policy prohibits him from commenting on the details of an inmate's confinement.

But, he did say that Lindh remains "safely housed at Victorville. He is housed in a unit which is consistent with his individual safety and security needs."

Lindh, his parents and his legal representatives are under a gag order as a condition of his plea bargain and are barred from talking to the media, Dunne said.

Before arriving at the Victorville facility, Lindh had been held at a federal lockup in Virginia. He was moved to be closer to his parents, who live in Northern California.

Lindh was placed in the general prison population last month at his attorneys' request and was working as an orderly, cleaning indoors where guards could watch him, the Sun reported, citing an unnamed source it said works at the prison.

The source said Lindh since Monday had been in special housing, similar to solitary confinement, for his protection.

The prison has more than 1,650 inmates and 362 full-time employees. A high-security penitentiary and a second medium-security prison are under construction on the site.

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Originally posted by mrmhs

lol lol lol.

You beleive this crap, Bigmahs got banned by the administarators I have to PM dave and plea my case I hope he see diffrent...

whatever happen to the freedom of speech, which these liberals preach so much about?:laugh:

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