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Funny George W. Bush photo album

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Originally posted by dialectics

you consider that cretin to be your leader???????

yeah, well , he is the president of the united states.

and, well, i am a citizen of the united states.


and can everyone start posting government related stuff on the "current events" board.

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Originally posted by Ferris

yeah, well , he is the president of the united states.

and, well, i am a citizen of the united states.

note the distinction between 'being a leader' and 'being in a position where leadership is required'. You see to lead, you have to inspire trust in your vision, faith in your plan, and elucidate a sense that 'you know what you're doing' so that others may follow. Can you honestly say that the man who said "And so, in my State of the — my State of the Union — or state — my speech to the nation, whatever you want to call it, speech to the nation — I asked Americans to give 4,000 years — 4,000 hours over the next — the rest of your life — of service to America. That's what I asked — 4,000 hours." can inspire leadership??????

GWB was quote-unquote elected (electorated, hahaha), but that does not mean he is my leader.

In terms of 2+2=5, please read 1984, especially the concept of doublethink. While it is obvious that Americans are being grossly manipulated by the media (as proof, see the Knight-ridder poll where only 17% of those polled correctly knew that NONE of the 9-11 hijackers were iraqi), doublethink takes a much more subtle approach - it is here that you find it possible to believe two entirely contradictory facts at once. As an example, consider the conference call posted by phuturephunk (note that this is an opinion, but i don't think its a stretch)

The US perception/assumption: The Iraqi army is incapable of fighting. As the US command views the situation, the predominant supposition is that the regular Iraqi army collapsed when the US took it on in Kuwait. The assumption in 1991 was that US casualties would be high: the US establishment feels that they over-estimated the Iraqi army. As a result, the theme now is that the Iraqi regular army cannot fight. Stratfor states that this shows a strange schizophrenia , in that the public are encouraged to believe that great sophistication is being shown by the Iraqi subterfuge and deceptions regarding the mobile chemical bio-chemical weapons which are being moved about the country at the moment, whilst little competence is accorded/transferred to the army.

this is the essence of doublethink. We think sadam is strong because he can wipe the floor with us, and we think sadam is weak because we'll be able to take him out within the "acceptable range of loss."

Luckily, we live in a country where open dialogue and free information exchange is permissible. Hence, I am IN FAVOR of the overthrowing Sadam Hussain, but i am AGAINST the idiot in charge. In his campaign speeches he explicitly said that the US would not get involved in nation-building which is precisely what he is proposing now. He said that he would not engage the brave men + women of the US armed forces without a CLEAR MILITARY OBJECTIVE and an EXIT STRATEGY, none of which exist. The anti-war movement treats sadam like some kind of friendly dictator but i think deep down we are protesting this war because we are a nation who saw the effects of vietnam and how many casualties a splendid little war can inflict upon americans. And the way cowboy bush is talking, he's leading us into middle-eastern vietnam, updated for 2003. His explicit alterior motives, his fanatical megalomaniacism, his toying with the army like it was legos does not inspire leadership.... and people will die unnecessarily because of it.

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Originally posted by dialectics

note the distinction between 'being a leader' and 'being in a position where leadership is required'. You see to lead, you have to inspire trust in your vision, faith in your plan, and elucidate a sense that 'you know what you're doing' so that others may follow. Can you honestly say that the man who said "And so, in my State of the — my State of the Union — or state — my speech to the nation, whatever you want to call it, speech to the nation — I asked Americans to give 4,000 years — 4,000 hours over the next — the rest of your life — of service to America. That's what I asked — 4,000 hours." can inspire leadership??????

GWB was quote-unquote elected (electorated, hahaha), but that does not mean he is my leader.

In terms of 2+2=5, please read 1984, especially the concept of doublethink. While it is obvious that Americans are being grossly manipulated by the media (as proof, see the Knight-ridder poll where only 17% of those polled correctly knew that NONE of the 9-11 hijackers were iraqi), doublethink takes a much more subtle approach - it is here that you find it possible to believe two entirely contradictory facts at once. As an example, consider the conference call posted by phuturephunk (note that this is an opinion, but i don't think its a stretch)

this is the essence of doublethink. We think sadam is strong because he can wipe the floor with us, and we think sadam is weak because we'll be able to take him out within the "acceptable range of loss."

Luckily, we live in a country where open dialogue and free information exchange is permissible. Hence, I am IN FAVOR of the overthrowing Sadam Hussain, but i am AGAINST the idiot in charge. In his campaign speeches he explicitly said that the US would not get involved in nation-building which is precisely what he is proposing now. He said that he would not engage the brave men + women of the US armed forces without a CLEAR MILITARY OBJECTIVE and an EXIT STRATEGY, none of which exist. The anti-war movement treats sadam like some kind of friendly dictator but i think deep down we are protesting this war because we are a nation who saw the effects of vietnam and how many casualties a splendid little war can inflict upon americans. And the way cowboy bush is talking, he's leading us into middle-eastern vietnam, updated for 2003. His explicit alterior motives, his fanatical megalomaniacism, his toying with the army like it was legos does not inspire leadership.... and people will die unnecessarily because of it.

Dude, like, shut up! :aright:

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doublethink takes a much more subtle approach - it is here that you find it possible to believe two entirely contradictory facts at once

see i would disagree with you there, because your example isnt a genuine meaning of Orwell's doublethink. your example isnt doublethink, its a ground reality based on military assessment alongside the assymetrical aspect of WMD warfare. the situation may look like doublethink, but its not fundamentally. iraqs army is indeed weak and will be easy to rout, but the attention to saddam's WMD threat level is so high, is based on his previous uses of forbidden weapons and his relentless drive over the past 10 years to obtain nuclear fissile material. the doublethink that you mention would be something along the lines of: US calling Pakistan a terror state, while at the same time promoting Pakistan's help in US's war against terror. doublethink exists only because of the nature of the game.

not that i dont think bush is slow, he is offcourse, but the dumb jokes are getting stale, and unimaginative by now

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Originally posted by tribal

see i would disagree with you there, because your example isnt a genuine meaning of Orwell's doublethink.

Good point. I'll find some better examples :)

not that i dont think bush is slow, he is offcourse, but the dumb jokes are getting stale, and unimaginative by now

yeah we really need a few more good ones like these:




(not even the democrats are immune!)


and another stab at the incompetent democrats: http://www.salon.com/comics/tomo/2002/11/04/tomo/index.html



ok enough for now (you have to click on 'free day pass' to see these cartoons)


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