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Our Support Of Israel Is The Greatest Threat

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Everyone here is so concerned with how to bolster our national security, well stopping the shit that Israel gets away with would be the most effective step yet in our war on terror.

9-11 would not have happened if it were not for our Israeli policy.

The costs of our support of Israel far outweigh any benefits we gain.

A bus bombing that kills 15 Israelis gets more media coverage than the 70 Palestinians that have been killed in the past month, including a pregnant woman and many children.

But the U.S. gives Israel enromous military and financial aid and justifies its responses. Would you not hate us too if you were Arab?

I work at the State Dept in the Bureau of Middle Eastern Affairs, and the more that I hear about what really goes on there, the more I become disgusted. Disgusted.

But I can't say it out loud, I can't say it at my job or in the street because I will be called anti-semetic.

When our tax dollars pay for the military development and equipment used against defenseless people that LIVED THERE FIRST.

If the story were told differently, and the Israelis were described as "Blue People" and the Palestinians as "green people" then the immorality of what has occurred on this land is all that shines through and not racial sensitivity.

But no, I can't say it at my job; I couldn't say it in classes I took in college. Because I will labled a racist. I have to vent under an alias on a messageboard.......

Has the media brainwashed everyone or does anyone agree with me?

Remember this: Our Israeli policy jeapordizes your personal security.

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in a way ur right...that whole Palestine vs Israel thing is too hard to deal with...but ur right by supporting Israel we do get in alot of trouble..but both sides are just as guilty as the other....and both sides are as difficult to convince to stop the back lashes against each other...

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Agreed...though I'm not saying withdraw all support. I think the US should come down really hard on Israel for some of the atrocities they commit (ie, dropping a one ton bomb on an apt blds, firing into groups of ppl, etc), and force them to stop breaking so many UN resolutions(settlements, for example).

A very large reason for this terrorism is the skewed US policy toward Israel.

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

in a way ur right...that whole Palestine vs Israel thing is too hard to deal with...but ur right by supporting Israel we do get in alot of trouble..but both sides are just as guilty as the other....and both sides are as difficult to convince to stop the back lashes against each other...

WOW!! Raise the flag!! Something I can actually agree with you on!

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Originally posted by bassboy


Everyone here is so concerned with how to bolster our national security, well stopping the shit that Israel gets away with would be the most effective step yet in our war on terror.

9-11 would not have happened if it were not for our Israeli policy.

The costs of our support of Israel far outweigh any benefits we gain.

A bus bombing that kills 15 Israelis gets more media coverage than the 70 Palestinians that have been killed in the past month, including a pregnant woman and many children.

But the U.S. gives Israel enromous military and financial aid and justifies its responses. Would you not hate us too if you were Arab?

I work at the State Dept in the Bureau of Middle Eastern Affairs, and the more that I hear about what really goes on there, the more I become disgusted. Disgusted.

But I can't say it out loud, I can't say it at my job or in the street because I will be called anti-semetic.

When our tax dollars pay for the military development and equipment used against defenseless people that LIVED THERE FIRST.

If the story were told differently, and the Israelis were described as "Blue People" and the Palestinians as "green people" then the immorality of what has occurred on this land is all that shines through and not racial sensitivity.

But no, I can't say it at my job; I couldn't say it in classes I took in college. Because I will labled a racist. I have to vent under an alias on a messageboard.......

Has the media brainwashed everyone or does anyone agree with me?

Remember this: Our Israeli policy jeapordizes your personal security.

Being that you work at the State Dept ME desk, what is your solution then?

I am surprised, given your stated position and implied expertise, that you would make some of the statements you have made:

"9/11 would not have happened .....

"The cost of supporting Israel outweighs.....

"Getting labeled as anti-semetic......

I am not disputing some of the things you have said, but the above statements, IMO, are very, very questionable.....especially coming from someone at State....

Not saying you can't have your own opinion, but those statements are a little more complicated that just blaming our support for Israel, and a lack of understanding of al-Qaeda and their leadership....

So, again, from a staffer at State---what is your solution?

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Originally posted by bassboy


Everyone here is so concerned with how to bolster our national security, well stopping the shit that Israel gets away with would be the most effective step yet in our war on terror.

9-11 would not have happened if it were not for our Israeli policy.

The costs of our support of Israel far outweigh any benefits we gain.

A bus bombing that kills 15 Israelis gets more media coverage than the 70 Palestinians that have been killed in the past month, including a pregnant woman and many children.

But the U.S. gives Israel enromous military and financial aid and justifies its responses. Would you not hate us too if you were Arab?

Great Post.

I work at the State Dept in the Bureau of Middle Eastern Affairs, and the more that I hear about what really goes on there, the more I become disgusted. Disgusted.

But I can't say it out loud, I can't say it at my job or in the street because I will be called anti-semetic.

When our tax dollars pay for the military development and equipment used against defenseless people that LIVED THERE FIRST.

If the story were told differently, and the Israelis were described as "Blue People" and the Palestinians as "green people" then the immorality of what has occurred on this land is all that shines through and not racial sensitivity.

But no, I can't say it at my job; I couldn't say it in classes I took in college. Because I will labled a racist. I have to vent under an alias on a messageboard.......

Has the media brainwashed everyone or does anyone agree with me?

Remember this: Our Israeli policy jeapordizes your personal security.

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