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I asked this question once before, but the thread went off on tangents....

Question: If the US goes to war, and you are anti-war, as a US citizen would you support your country, government, and military

Basically, would you pick a side?....

I expect some answers like " we will support the soldiers but not the govt"...

In my view and opinion, as a US citizen, you need to chose a side once war starts, and there is no middle ground....

To quote Orwell: "If you hamper the war effort of one side you automatically help out that of the other."

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Originally posted by igloo

I asked this question once before, but the thread went off on tangents....

Question: If the US goes to war, and you are anti-war, as a US citizen would you support your country, government, and military

Basically, would you pick a side?....

I expect some answers like " we will support the soldiers but not the govt"...

In my view and opinion, as a US citizen, you need to chose a side once war starts, and there is no middle ground....

To quote Orwell: "If you hamper the war effort of one side you automatically help out that of the other."

I am a citizen, I support the war and specially our troops....

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I already answered this in the other post you made. No, I don't agree with this war so I cannot support it right now BUT I do respect the military, and am grateful for them for going out and fighting. However, I do say "right now" because my opinion might change.

Anyway, my opinion/support does not matter since I'm not an American citizen. However, in a way it does matter, since the outcome/consequences of this war is going to affect the world as a whole.

But let me ask you - would you support the govt blindly even if you thought it was doing something wrong? Remember, public opinion is extremely important, and its wrong to say someone is anti-American if they don't support certain actions of the govt.

BTW, I'm neither democrat nor Republican - if Clinton was in the same position as Bush today, and did the same things, I would criticize him too.

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Some of you are ducking the question (not raver)....the question is not if you support the war or not...

The question is, once the war starts, will you support the United States, irrespective if you agree with military action......

Again, the reason I state that is because once we go to war, IMO, one must support their country.....again, the key being once the war starts.......IMO, if you are not supporting your country, you are supporting the enemy (saddam hussein)

Also, by no means am I saying someone is anti-American being against the war...or for not agreeing with their government....

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Originally posted by igloo

Again, the reason I state that is because once we go to war, IMO, one must support their country.....again, the key being once the war starts.......IMO, if you are not supporting your country, you are supporting the enemy (saddam hussein)

Also, by no means am I saying someone is anti-American being against the war...or for not agreeing with their government....

why does it have to be either/or? why can't someone remain neutral on this issue? just because someone does not want this war to happen does not necessarily mean they have to side with saddam...what is this, kindergarten politics? that's bullshit...

to answer your question, i do not support this government on most of its policies (although some i do favor), and in the event this country declared war on anyone, i would not support it.

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Originally posted by sassa

why does it have to be either/or? why can't someone remain neutral on this issue? just because someone does not want this war to happen does not necessarily mean they have to side with saddam...what is this, kindergarten politics? that's bullshit...

to answer your question, i do not support this government on most of its policies (although some i do favor), and in the event this country declared war on anyone, i would not support it.

Sassa my friend--I would not call it Kindergarten politics....and I respectfully disagree with your stance

I think it is a very fair question....I think once war starts, a side must be chosen....there is no middle ground for a citizen

If your country goes to war, even if you do not agree with going to war--a side must be chosen...there is no"nuetrality"...A US citizen is not Switzerland

In war, it is us or them....it is no longer a debate....you must rally around your country ...

Just my opinion.....and quite frankly, I am glad to hear many of the vocal anti-war protesters in the media say the same...

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Originally posted by igloo

Some of you are ducking the question (not raver)....the question is not if you support the war or not...


The question is, once the war starts, will you support the United States, irrespective if you agree with military action......

I will support the United States in a peaceful manner by maintaining my stand against this war and nothing and nobody is gonna change me not even you. It's my right to and I'll support what I believe is right, thank you very much.

Again, the reason I state that is because once we go to war, IMO, one must support their country.....again, the key being once the war starts.......IMO, if you are not supporting your country, you are supporting the enemy (saddam hussein)

Sorry to interrupt...

So you're saying that we must as ABSOLUTE? IMO you are forcing your beliefs on others. Didn't Hitler force his people to support his?

Yes I support this country by choice, not by force. No I am against this war by choice, not by force. I believe in what I believe is right and I will not allow myself to be forced to believe in what Bush and torries like you believe in. It's called freedom of speech.

Catch it, it's contageous.

So, do you think the US should suspend the constitution so we can force the US agenda like Hitler suspended the German Constitution to force his agenda?

Should we use Homeland Security to systematically kill and make "dissenters" and "traitors" in your mind known as anti-war protesters "disappear" who are against Bush's Agenda the same way Hitler formed the SS to systematically kill and made "dissenters" and "traitors" who wear also against Hitlers agenda "disappear"?

You are one sad nutcase.

You have the right to say...

"Again, the reason I state that is because once we go to war, IMO, one must support their country.....again, the key being once the war starts.......IMO, if you are not supporting your country, you are supporting the enemy (saddam hussein)."

As much as I have the right to say...

"Again, the reason I state that is because once we achieve peace, IMO, one must support their country, and the world in peace.....again, the key being once the peace starts.......IMO, if you are not supporting peace for your country, and the world, you are supporting war with the enemy (President Bush)."

Freedom of Speech.

So, would you like someone elses beliefs forced upon you?

Now carry on...

Also, by no means am I saying someone is anti-American being against the war...or for not agreeing with their government....

"If you're not with us, you're with the enemy". - G.W. Bush

Synonymal to: "...if you are not supporting your country, you are supporting the enemy (saddam hussein)".- Igloo

Meaning if we are protesting peacefully against the war, we are automatically terrorists and support Saddam, meaning we are the enemy which makes us "un-American".

I'm impressed how you can contridict yourself so elequently Igloo. Stop lying.

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Originally posted by sassa

why does it have to be either/or? why can't someone remain neutral on this issue? just because someone does not want this war to happen does not necessarily mean they have to side with saddam...what is this, kindergarten politics? that's bullshit...

to answer your question, i do not support this government on most of its policies (although some i do favor), and in the event this country declared war on anyone, i would not support it.


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Originally posted by normalnoises

Some of you are ducking the question (not raver)....the question is not if you support the war or not...


The question is, once the war starts, will you support the United States, irrespective if you agree with military action......

I will support the United States in a peaceful manner by maintaining my stand against this war and nothing and nobody is gonna change me not even you. It's my right to and I'll support what I believe is right, thank you very much.

Again, the reason I state that is because once we go to war, IMO, one must support their country.....again, the key being once the war starts.......IMO, if you are not supporting your country, you are supporting the enemy (saddam hussein)

Sorry to interrupt...

So you're saying that we must as ABSOLUTE? IMO you are forcing your beliefs on others. Didn't Hitler force his people to support his?

Yes I support this country by choice, not by force. No I am against this war by choice, not by force. I believe in what I believe is right and I will not allow myself to be forced to believe in what Bush and torries like you believe in. It's called freedom of speech.

Catch it, it's contageous.

So, do you think the US should suspend the constitution so we can force the US agenda like Hitler suspended the German Constitution to force his agenda?

Should we use Homeland Security to systematically kill and make "dissenters" and "traitors" in your mind known as anti-war protesters "disappear" who are against Bush's Agenda the same way Hitler formed the SS to systematically kill and made "dissenters" and "traitors" who wear also against Hitlers agenda "disappear"?

You are one sad nutcase.

You have the right to say...

"Again, the reason I state that is because once we go to war, IMO, one must support their country.....again, the key being once the war starts.......IMO, if you are not supporting your country, you are supporting the enemy (saddam hussein)."

As much as I have the right to say...

"Again, the reason I state that is because once we achieve peace, IMO, one must support their country, and the world in peace.....again, the key being once the peace starts.......IMO, if you are not supporting peace for your country, and the world, you are supporting war with the enemy (President Bush)."

Freedom of Speech.

So, would you like someone elses beliefs forced upon you?

Now carry on...

Also, by no means am I saying someone is anti-American being against the war...or for not agreeing with their government....

"If you're not with us, you're with the enemy". - G.W. Bush

Synonymal to: "...if you are not supporting your country, you are supporting the enemy (saddam hussein)".- Igloo

Meaning if we are protesting peacefully against the war, we are automatically terrorists and support Saddam, meaning we are the enemy which makes us "un-American".

I'm impressed how you can contridict yourself so elequently Igloo. Stop lying.


I think I am going to print your post and wipe my ass with it when I dump today...That's how much sense it makes...

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You are still dodging MY question from another thread SO I will post it again.... Please answer..

????Normal seriously, all kidding aside what can you contribute to solving this terrrorism promblem we have???

I mean really what else is coming out of your corner then blame America first?? This so called lit obviously states that we created our promblem but what does that solve?? See how silly you people sound "What has Sadam done to us"? "Bush is the real threat" always looking at the cup half empty, ball of negativity, a minus to any operation, useless... get my point? The left always bitch and point out flaws with no answers...

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Originally posted by normalnoises

Some of you are ducking the question (not raver)....the question is not if you support the war or not...


The question is, once the war starts, will you support the United States, irrespective if you agree with military action......

I will support the United States in a peaceful manner by maintaining my stand against this war and nothing and nobody is gonna change me not even you. It's my right to and I'll support what I believe is right, thank you very much.

Again, the reason I state that is because once we go to war, IMO, one must support their country.....again, the key being once the war starts.......IMO, if you are not supporting your country, you are supporting the enemy (saddam hussein)

Sorry to interrupt...

So you're saying that we must as ABSOLUTE? IMO you are forcing your beliefs on others. Didn't Hitler force his people to support his?

Yes I support this country by choice, not by force. No I am against this war by choice, not by force. I believe in what I believe is right and I will not allow myself to be forced to believe in what Bush and torries like you believe in. It's called freedom of speech.

Catch it, it's contageous.

So, do you think the US should suspend the constitution so we can force the US agenda like Hitler suspended the German Constitution to force his agenda?

Should we use Homeland Security to systematically kill and make "dissenters" and "traitors" in your mind known as anti-war protesters "disappear" who are against Bush's Agenda the same way Hitler formed the SS to systematically kill and made "dissenters" and "traitors" who wear also against Hitlers agenda "disappear"?

You are one sad nutcase.

You have the right to say...

"Again, the reason I state that is because once we go to war, IMO, one must support their country.....again, the key being once the war starts.......IMO, if you are not supporting your country, you are supporting the enemy (saddam hussein)."

As much as I have the right to say...

"Again, the reason I state that is because once we achieve peace, IMO, one must support their country, and the world in peace.....again, the key being once the peace starts.......IMO, if you are not supporting peace for your country, and the world, you are supporting war with the enemy (President Bush)."

Freedom of Speech.

So, would you like someone elses beliefs forced upon you?

Now carry on...

Also, by no means am I saying someone is anti-American being against the war...or for not agreeing with their government....

"If you're not with us, you're with the enemy". - G.W. Bush

Synonymal to: "...if you are not supporting your country, you are supporting the enemy (saddam hussein)".- Igloo

Meaning if we are protesting peacefully against the war, we are automatically terrorists and support Saddam, meaning we are the enemy which makes us "un-American".

I'm impressed how you can contridict yourself so elequently Igloo. Stop lying.

You are a dumb fucking imbecile

You completely twisted this around to support the fact that you are a freak incapable of normal thought....

The premise again is ONCE THE WAR STARTS freakboy...no one is saying to change your beliefs or opinions asshole, and certainly no one is forcing their views of the war on you...and no one is looking to end your freedom of speech, or freedom to peacefully demonstrate..shove your ridiculous spin up your ass dickhead...

I also specifically said that if you are anti-war, you are not anti-American....or are you to stupid to understand that jerkoff...

But asshole, IMO, IMO, IMO---you owe it, as a US citizen, to support your country and soldiers if the decision is made to go to war....the same country that affords you the rights to shoot your mouth off recklessly....and support the soldiers, who have died for your freedoms that you abuse.....

In war son, there is only one side to be on---us or them....this is war....not a fucking ass picking contest between you and your blow-up doll....

And yes--I agree with Bush's stance on war...you are either with us or you are against us......simple but REALITY.....

And even "peaceful" demonstrations in time of war can help the other side.....it is your right to do so, but with that, understand the possible ramifications when the country goes to war

To quote Orwell again: If you hamper the war effort of one side you automatically help out that of the other."

ps..Go fuck yourself with your Nazi bullshit---fucking jerkoff

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