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Anybody check out the Matisse/Picasso Exhibit...

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at the MoMA yet? I'm coming up next weekend for it and thought I'd see if there were any views/opinions on it. It better be good for the price of the tickets and the lack of good available dates and times. Also, now that the MoMA is temporarily housed in Queens, are there any good restaurunts in that area or am I better off taking the subway into Manhatten or Little Italy? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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Originally posted by sh4un4

Yea I volunteer at the MoMA so I got free tix for it plus I had to work it . . . so I saw alot of it :D


What did you think? Also, since you work in the area, any good restaurunts I could check out after the exhibit?

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All I know is that I went to check out the Davinci exhibit this past Sat at the Met and the line was 5 people wide and snaked throughout the entire museum. Over 2 hour wait so we skipped it. I'll go back during the week when its less crowded.

Does advanced ticket sales get you right in at MOMA or do you still have to wait?

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I was planning on going 2 weeks ago, but the weather was horrible, so I didnt. My boss went, he said it's not as good as he expected it to be, the paintings were very small. I'm not a big Picasso fan, I love Dali, but I guess I'll go check it out anyway, since everyone is making a big deal about it :)

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another reason why i might not go is because of the crowd. its gona b full of know-nothings who hear PICASSO and automatically run to see him because of the name. 70% of them never saw his work before...and most have no clue who Matisse is...i duno if i could deal with that crowd..and people gawking and sayin shit like "OHH THATSS BEAUTIIIFUL"

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Originally posted by bionic

All I know is that I went to check out the Davinci exhibit this past Sat at the Met and the line was 5 people wide and snaked throughout the entire museum. Over 2 hour wait so we skipped it. I'll go back during the week when its less crowded.

Does advanced ticket sales get you right in at MOMA or do you still have to wait?

I'm not sure, I got tickets for a 12:30 entrance time and I plan on being there around 11:30-12:00. I hope there's not a wait for ticket holders - IMO, they were a bit pricey (b/c of ticketmaster and all their BS charges and fees) and I'm driving up from Baltimore to see it, so after a 3.5 hour car ride, I will not want to wait in a line!

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

another reason why i might not go is because of the crowd. its gona b full of know-nothings who hear PICASSO and automatically run to see him because of the name. 70% of them never saw his work before...and most have no clue who Matisse is...i duno if i could deal with that crowd..and people gawking and sayin shit like "OHH THATSS BEAUTIIIFUL"

That would be me. :laugh: I'm familiar with Picasso's work a lot and went through quite a few books on him, but I relaly don't know much about Matisse.

I'm sorry though, even though I often find Picasso's work intriguing, I'd never call it beautiful. :tongue:

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Originally posted by hotcheme

i didn't realize this was such a big deal. my company sent out an email a few weeks ago for tickets for a private viewing. maybe i should have gone...

My company did the same. But I had to go through the Itranet within the company to get tickets by 12:00pm and I don't get into work until 1:30pm so I missed out. :(

I actually wanted to check it out.

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Originally posted by Xpander

That would be me. :laugh: I'm familiar with Picasso's work a lot and went through quite a few books on him, but I relaly don't know much about Matisse.

I'm sorry though, even though I often find Picasso's work intriguing, I'd never call it beautiful. :tongue:

I agree - while Picasso's style is revolutionary (b/c of abstraction), it isn't very aesthetically pleasing at all (sorry I'm an art major.) Matisse, on the other hand has done some beautiful paintings. His stuff is a little juvenile (he doesn't use much detail when drawing/painting, he justs lumps basic shapes together), but his use of color is gorgeous. Check out below - my favorites are his paintings of rooms and still life arrangements.


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Originally posted by Xpander

That would be me. :laugh: I'm familiar with Picasso's work a lot and went through quite a few books on him, but I relaly don't know much about Matisse.

I'm sorry though, even though I often find Picasso's work intriguing, I'd never call it beautiful. :tongue:

ur def. not one of the know-nothings. at least uve done research on picasso and read up on his work. i was reffering to the people who love to POSE @ art galleries and pretend theyre interested...these r the same people who take PHOTOGRAPHS OF PAINTINGS!!...whats the point?? u cant just remember it for the time being ?..its much more fun going back every time and noticing things about the paintng that u havent before.

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Originally posted by lizard23

at the MoMA yet? I'm coming up next weekend for it and thought I'd see if there were any views/opinions on it. It better be good for the price of the tickets and the lack of good available dates and times. Also, now that the MoMA is temporarily housed in Queens, are there any good restaurunts in that area or am I better off taking the subway into Manhatten or Little Italy? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

theres a great lil french restaurant called Tournesol on Vernon Blvd. in LIC...awesome mussles..even better Creme Brule

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Originally posted by bkissa


i was thinking of going to the metropolitan this weekend, though.

Well, the Met has Da Vinci and the MoMA has Matisse and Picasso.

I'm pretty sure both exhibits will be around for at least another week, so you have your pick either way.

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Originally posted by lizard23

I agree - while Picasso's style is revolutionary (b/c of abstraction), it isn't very aesthetically pleasing at all (sorry I'm an art major.) Matisse, on the other hand has done some beautiful paintings. His stuff is a little juvenile (he doesn't use much detail when drawing/painting, he justs lumps basic shapes together), but his use of color is gorgeous. Check out below - my favorites are his paintings of rooms and still life arrangements.

i saw the exhibit in london over the summer and it was pretty hot. the whole idea is to highlight exactly what you've said - to see the two artists' take on the same subject with their different POVs. it is as much about who they were as it is what they've done.

i heard that they set it up differently in queens tho - intead of 13 smaller rooms you had just a few major rooms. after the first 5 rooms it started to become an sensual (as in "involving the senses" experience and after 10 my libido was so charged that i could stay anymore.

that was my summer vacation - art by day, party by night :)

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if one keeps in mind that Matisse's application of color, which was based more on the relationship between quanitities of pure color on the canvas than any attempt at "naturalism," was quite *revolutionary* at the time, it would be easier to not see his work as juvenile.

i think some of Picasso's cubist works are actually quite beautiful and complicated. however, i'm one of those people who thinks Duchamp's "Nude Descending a Staircase" is beautiful, too. ;>

BTW, the Manet-Velazquez exhibit at the Met is something i would recommend to those of you interested in Important Art. i haven't seen it yet but have heard it's great! :]

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Originally posted by Xpander

Well, the Met has Da Vinci and the MoMA has Matisse and Picasso.

I'm pretty sure both exhibits will be around for at least another week, so you have your pick either way.

i had thought that all friday and saturday tickets were sold out for the M/P show. am i wrong?

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