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A letter from Tenaglia


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Hi everybody,

As many of you know I travel often and have been fortunate to be able to say that I have been to many parts of the world now, and words cannot describe the warm feeling I get inside from all the appreciation. It's "goosebump" realness most of the time. The reason why I felt the need to write this post today is because I just got back from Miami late last night and was thinking about the party at Space/Miami this past Saturday.

Many of you have heard the reports and cheers about our first time renting this club for our infamous Winter Music Conference party, and this past Saturday was almost as good (minus it being a room full of mostly well known Dance Music industry folk, DJ's etc...)

However, this week was similar in the fact that I started at midnight. Oscar G. was doing his usual great job in the other room that they have, and when the doors opened to the main room KABLAM! Within 2 songs the room was already full. I of course was not gonna rush into full on energy knowing I had another 12 hours or more to play , so I took them on what I like to consider the "journey", and a journey it was. Most people stayed until at least 10-11am, then the true hardcore folks, (you know who you are) would not let me stop, and of course I loved not stopping. That's when the twisted fun starts happening where I can play anything from Heaven 17's "Let me go" to well, anything really.

I wound up playing until at least 1:30 pm.

So basically, I wanted to say thanks to anyone who was there having the time of their lives because I sure did. I also wanted to mention since there aren't many people who post here from Toronto that once again, of all the many. many, places I've been to, last month I played theclosing party (EVER) at Industry in Toronto. Now almost every gig (including every Friday at Vinyl) is something special to me. However, I don't think I can find words to describe how "special" this party in Toronto was. Industry was like Toronto's version of Vinyl. Not glamorous, just fun and music loving people. Well, they asked me back (which was like my fifth time there) to do the honors of playing the closing party. I started at 5am on Sunday night Monday Morning and did not stop until that Monday night at 6:30 pm!

This party was so special and full of high emotions. The people (and there were many) that stayed until the very last song became instant best friends with each other. We didn't even need a light show the last couple of hours. Even my manager Kevin was out there dancing his ass off and creating a Soul Train line. All I can say is Thanks to Gavin, Mario, Daniel and Matt C. the owners and resident DJ's for providing such a wonderful party, I hope they create another one soon. Toronto will miss you.

Besides those two, I don't knwo if I ever posted about my first time playing at STEREO in Montreal, but I know some have like Brian Coolavibe. However, I want to also reiterate that is was another one of those most memorable nights and I don't think I could ever play another room in Montreal unless it was STEREO! Absolutey incredible sound, people and vibes. One downfall, it was about 400 degrees in there! But that might be an indication of how "cool" it was. No pun intended.

Last but not least, once again tomorrow, I am off to to Home in London and Ibiza for the third time this Summer, and then once again in two weeks to do the closing parties of thr Season. Many of you have to experience Ibiza. Especially the parties held on the Terrace at Space. The closing party I will play from 4pm until midnight (they have to stop the terrace at midnight for noise control) then we take the party into the main room.

Once again I am honored that they asked me to do the closing party and am looking forward to all the craziness out there for 8 hours. We are gonna hand out masks and toys like they often do, but this time I'm gonna bring my own bag full just to show my appreciation and to add a lil something X-tra to the party and sorta give something back to the people since they give me sop much joy and appreciation.

That's about it.

I guess I was just kind of thinkin how 2000 with Vinyl and all has been such a GREAT year, and I honestly could not be happier.


Much blessing's to all my friends out there who live & love this as much as I do!

Viva La Musica,

danny t : )

PS... I have no time to look for typos, so just laugh at them : )

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Guest crystalmethodny


I love that man.


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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