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Bipolar, schizo, psycho????

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are we all delusional in one way or the other or only a few.....cause sometimes i feel like i am the only normal person out there and some other people i know are bipolar nutjobs......than at times i become one myself.......i know.....i know....this is a notallthere thread......but answer the question if ya like fockers!!!

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Originally posted by dondiezel26

are we all delusional in one way or the other or only a few.....cause sometimes i feel like i am the only normal person out there and some other people i know are bipolar nutjobs......than at times i become one myself.......i know.....i know....this is a notallthere thread......but answer the question if ya like fockers!!!

i feel like i am the only normal 1 out there too

but all joking aside whats normal , normal to you is weird and strange to someone else

think about what i said before you bust on me

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how cute both DAVE D's posting back to back.......................

reminds me of a commercial i once saw goes a little something like this:


HELL NO DON, i'll be the 1st to tell ya im just fuggin retarted and have done too much chemicals in the past and thats why i'm a fuggin nUT cASe, i aint gonna front, i'm border line sKiTSO, but i found happiness in finger painting, opera singing, and love melodies from the 70's and next week i get the 80's..............................and i'm doing just fine today

so dont sweat it dave, its not a dream we're all crazy


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Originally posted by deeelite1

I'm a nutjob and damn proud..

Digga can back me up.

nahhhhh, ya just surround yourself w/ nUtj()bs...............

actually yeah, your a fuggin FREAK ASS CRAZY BITCH, but its cool i still love ya..................and invisible too, wink wink

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Originally posted by deeelite1

Oh gee.. like the WINK WINK is going to mislead anyone with even the brain the size of a pea.

Real Subtle Jerki.

oh yeah i forgot i don't see you write now, your really not posting.........i can not see you write now.................MARCO!!!!!!

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Originally posted by deeelite1






FUGGGGGGGGGGGG, i hate this game...............reminds me when i was a kid, when my brother hid my HE MAN sword for two weeks...................


god askdj!@#$#@%^(@!%((@!#_$ BALL HAIR (*)^)(&* &)( AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT THE FUGGGG


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