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Attn: DonDiezel...The Trade of The Week!

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I hope you were all over this Bear market Rally.....

I put everything into the QQQ's last friday leveregaged 10:1 and was stuck until this morning...Got out with over $1.40...I was paying $40/day in margin....fucking sick trade.....I am pulling off a parabolic trade as week speak....I got out of QQQ's at 25.80....(.01) away from the high....I got short 2 minutes later on the Up Tick @ 25.76.....I am taking this for at least $.50....Short Covering Rallys...are a no brainer....we are going to trade side ways until war...

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you gotta love yesterdays one day rally/short covering.......talk about a one day cock tease.........just go to war already so we can drive this market to zero and let the bottom feeders make a killing ha ha ha...........dow will be at 7000 and nas comp at 1000 in no time.......i never really got into the Qs, diamonds, and spyders......starting to dabble a little though......holla back

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Don...good work..stop trading the spread and trade the momentum! I think you are allowed to Swing Trade? Right? one technique that worked wel for me was to Short Financials like JPM and Go Long the SPY...play the spread that way....get out of the loser and ride the winner.....I am out of the currency market...Beta is out of control on the US $....vs. Anything.

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Originally posted by njstacked2

Don...good work..stop trading the spread and trade the momentum! I think you are allowed to Swing Trade? Right? one technique that worked wel for me was to Short Financials like JPM and Go Long the SPY...play the spread that way....get out of the loser and ride the winner.....I am out of the currency market...Beta is out of control on the US $....vs. Anything.

tough to play upside momentum nowadays........im still a nonbeleiver........i have been trading for about 1 1/2 years now and i have yet to be is a bull market (if that will ever exist again).......all i hear are stories about the good ol' days and how all these old timers rocked the late 97-2001.....fawken scumbags would buy anything, pay huge spreads, and still make a killing.....no talent though....they are the same fawkers that have no clue how to trade in this shitty market.......ha ha ha

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Diezel...I just covered my short....QQQ @25.48....+.28 on 5,000 shares....Not a Bad fucking Day....I decided to cover and break my strategy because I never go short through the weekend and market did not break like I though it would...I will now spend time finding another perfect play...I will PM you when I find it...usually i can piece together something from Barrons every weekend.....Also...this was all done in my Margin account...

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I see tons of support....what market are you talking about...Fixed Income Market, Equity market, Options Market, Currency market, Futures Market...I was taught Technical Analysis by Steve Nison...the guy who invented Candle Sticks...I spoke with him a week ago and went through tons of charts on different sectors...I was able to locate some serious opportunities.....I can find sup/res.. anywhere...

pip..the market is moving sideways....Top Analysts are recommending 100% Equities....Realize that once Interest Rates rise, bond prices get crushed....people need to stop thinking fixed income and take their 3 trillion dollars...which is how much is on the sidelines...and start making equity investments.....

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