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a while ago i posted this and

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it was just stricking me again today that i posted this image some time ago


funny how in a few hours from me posting this

it actually had REAL meaning -

cause last time there were a few ppl that got bent for me posting it-

and now...with the presidants actions on our door step- i wonder...what is to become of us this time around?

we are still living our lives normally thank go-

no more starring at the skies in anxiety like just after the 9 - 11 tragedy.

no longer - HEY YOU - EITHER LOVE MY FLAG OR LEAVE MY CONTRY- from simple folk

this time we are fighting what seems to be (to me) the most split decision war our counrty has faced

there are so many of us against the war

and others with their extremely valid points for having it-

IMO this is all about a power move

this has NOTHING to do with terrorism- unless im missing something-

having been stuck @ home(for the most part) for the past 5 months - i have had time to actually see what is forthcomming ,newswise, and see the effects this has had on our society.

I think theres a part of me that is alittle worried-

yes - yes there is

and this is only because this war has YET to really start in the physical sence of military-

thus far we have only making moves to be in the right locations for strike and defence

also worries because this has not yet started

so theres really no telling

what REACTIONS may come of it from the other side-

then from us-

and also there is no way of knowing

---how long it will last----

midnight thoughts of LIQID

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No matter what happens I will always support those in the armed forces for risking thier lives for our safety and well being..

I am not a big fan of war.... but I have no love for people who do not support those risking thier lives for our safety.....

My only suggestion... for those of you who think our government is so bad and corrupt....

Move to a communist country and live there for a long period of time... I would bet my right arm things wouldnt seem so bad in America after you see what other people in this world live through on a daily basis....

We have it better than most countries in this world....

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One more point to you Liquid...

I am sure the raw fuel supply has something to do with this whole movement...

But there is something else you may not be thinking of...

If we do not retaliate or make take some kind of action against those responsible for or those who harbor them for what happend on 9-11... what will stop this from happenening in the future????

If someone walks into my home and causes any kind of harm on my family or loved ones... you can bet your life I will be burning thier home to the ground with them in it....

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

No matter what happens support those in the armed forces for risking thier lives for our safety and well being..

-suggestion... for those who think our government is so bad

-Move to a communist country and live there

-things wouldnt seem so bad in America after you see what other people in this world live through on a daily basis....

-We have it better than most countries in this world....

i just wanted to highlight the important things so that the next person cant say ---duhh i got lost- and these are important to me as well----good words--(insert thumbs up here___)

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

If someone walks into my home and causes any kind of harm on my family or loved ones... you can bet your life I will be burning thier home to the ground with them in it....

i wouldnt have it anyother way

ill get the matches

you get the gas

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I am a bit tired this morning... and thought for a second this was an anti government post...

For anyone who thinks the raw fuel supply doesnt play a role in all this... get your heads checked... but its only part of it....

They have done some research and without this fuel supply we will be running on short supply on raw fuel in the future...

Besides... the fuel from these countries not only is a major source, but its also a heck of a lot cheaper to manufacture and break down into usable fuel....

I dont really want to be paying $5.00 a gallon for gas as they do in Europe for such reasons....

Nor would I like to ride a battery powered GSXR...

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

No matter what happens I will always support those in the armed forces for risking thier lives for our safety and well being..

I am not a big fan of war.... but I have no love for people who do not support those risking thier lives for our safety.....


Nobody is a fan of war but people need to come to terms and realize when it's neccessary, these fuckers are not listening and something drastic needs to happen

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