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Originally posted by mrmhs

The Iraqi channels are contolled by Sadam's son real reliable sources...

thats not true. Most Iraqis have access to BBC Arabic. According to the BBC's estimates, they have at least 15 million daily listeners in iraq

France operates a radio outfit in the middle east with an estimated 4 million listeners. The US has a network as well, but has not commented on their listener estimate

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For those who mentioned consequences of war...let me ask you this.....What do think will be the consequences if we DON'T go to war ?? This world will NEVER be at peace!! War or not War is an absolute MUST at this point in time....Sadaam sure as hell isn;t going to leave quietly....& A man such as himself should be removed agressively.........Time & time again this man has turned his back on peace

It is unfortunate that innocent people are going to die...But when it comes down to it.....HE IS THE ONE WHO BROUGHT THIS UPON HIS PEOPLE....He's been given a number chances to end this peacefully & quietly....He didn't, so now, he's going to get what is WELL DESERVED.....

For all those people who are against Bush & the actions he is taking.......He was put in the position by no one else but the voting population.....So if you want to hate on anyone.....hate on yoursleves for putting him into office......I personally support Bush at this point in time & his decision to go to war......This is something that was due in time....& Now is the time......Instead of PROTESTING & SPEAKING AGAINST WAR......Have some faith in your fucking country & the people who are protecting it!!!!!

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Originally posted by dnice35

maybe you should go to Iraq and watch their local stations if you are so disatisfied with our news.

you and mrmhs:laugh: :laugh: you 2 are really ignorant. I am just saying that our newschannels do suck, I would prefer watching BBC and euronews than some of the shit we have. . . CNN - I used to like em but the more I watch the more I see bullshit. Now I'm assuming you watch CNN, well do you ever see the commercials for Israel, pure bullshit. . . They are trying to compare Israel to america. Its not even like a tourist ad its for dumb americans to think hey Israel is great while completely ignoring the Palestinians

so both of you need to cut the ignorant comments like so are you but what am I crap . . . :rolleyes:

Thanx bigpoppa :tongue:

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Originally posted by sweetie029

For all those people who are against Bush & the actions he is taking.......He was put in the position by no one else but the voting population.....So if you want to hate on anyone.....hate on yoursleves for putting him into office......I personally support Bush at this point in time & his decision to go to war......This is something that was due in time....& Now is the time......Instead of PROTESTING & SPEAKING AGAINST WAR......Have some faith in your fucking country & the people who are protecting it!!!!!

ha do you truly believe he was put in the by the voting population :rolleyes::laugh: the whole voting thing was rigged. Hello his brother was what governor or some shit of Florida where the ballots some how got all fucked up.

Furthermore excuse me but New York wanted to Gore not this fucken retard

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Originally posted by fierydesire

you and mrmhs:laugh: :laugh: you 2 are really ignorant. I am just saying that our newschannels do suck, I would prefer watching BBC and euronews than some of the shit we have. . . CNN - I used to like em but the more I watch the more I see bullshit. Now I'm assuming you watch CNN, well do you ever see the commercials for Israel, pure bullshit. . . They are trying to compare Israel to america. Its not even like a tourist ad its for dumb americans to think hey Israel is great while completely ignoring the Palestinians

so both of you need to cut the ignorant comments like so are you but what am I crap . . . :rolleyes:

Thanx bigpoppa :tongue:

Ignorant?? Who is ignorant in beleiving that the wAr is against the Iraqi people.. You and you middle eatern families are ignorant for allowing the regimes of your native country opress it's people. Why did you come here?? because of democracy and a better way of life right?? Why don'ttthe Iraqi people deserve the same.. The campaign is going to accomplish a number of things.

1.Rid the country of a cruel dictaor who will stop at nothing to control ythe WHOLE middle east once he posses the right WMD..

2. Liberate Iraq creat a democracy which actually gives ashit about it's people Kuwait is a good example... Who is in a better position Kuwait or Iraq

3. Show the rest of the world that the U.S does not and will not accept threats made against America and it's citizens....

When this all over the world will be a better place...

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Originally posted by sweetie029

He was put in the position by no one else but the voting population.....So if you want to hate on anyone.....hate on yoursleves for putting him into office......I personally support Bush at this point in time & his decision to go to war......This is something that was due in time....& Now is the time......Instead of PROTESTING & SPEAKING AGAINST WAR......Have some faith in your fucking country & the people who are protecting it!!!!!

bush lost the popular vote.....only the second time in US history that a president lost the popular vote yet won the election

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

bush lost the popular vote.....only the second time in US history that a president lost the popular vote yet won the election

Truee...I forgot about that...... my mistake

BUT there is no use bitching about him at this point...We are at war & protesting, talking about how stupid Bush is isn;t going to make the situation any better....Whats done is done....So instead of people being so negative (b/c there's enough of that as is)...We should be supportive of our country & whats going on over there...

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Originally posted by fierydesire

Furthermore excuse me but New York wanted to Gore not this fucken retard

if we had Gore, we would be in deeper shit than we are now.

Gore's not a leader, he's a follower and he doesn't have the balls to step up and do something that may be unpopular, yet follow through with it. We needed strong leadership after 9/11 and he didn't have it. If he was president today, the UN would have twisted him every which way like a piece of silly putty.

I agree with sweetie. protestors whine about the consequences of this war, but nobody mentions what happens if we don't do anything. the world WON"T be a peaceful place if we just leave things alone. The middle east has proven that to us already that it's a region incapable of peace unless there are active measures taken to stablize it.

i could care less what anybody thinks. if we pull out of Iraq tonight, we're walking away from the chance to prevent future tragedies from happening.

Most of what we're dealing with today is a result of us walking away during the early-mid 1980s.

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

thats not true. Most Iraqis have access to BBC Arabic. According to the BBC's estimates, they have at least 15 million daily listeners in iraq

France operates a radio outfit in the middle east with an estimated 4 million listeners. The US has a network as well, but has not commented on their listener estimate

Many of the Iraqi citizens do not even own televisions. We are talking about a third world country here. TV's are luxury items to them. Most can't afford one.

Sadam is a DICTATOR. TV is very limited there. The average citizen is not allowed to own a satalite dish. Hmm wonder why that is??

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Originally posted by fierydesire

ha do you truly believe he was put in the by the voting population :rolleyes::laugh: the whole voting thing was rigged. Hello his brother was what governor or some shit of Florida where the ballots some how got all fucked up.

Furthermore excuse me but New York wanted to Gore not this fucken retard

first let me star off by pointing out how self centered you are,

"Furthermore excuse me but New York wanted to Gore not this fucken retard "

NY wanted Gore.... well excuse me, lets get Bush out of power and put Gore in, b/c thats who NY wanted.... :rolleyes:

talk about self centered..... BRAT!


I wanted to point out that governor Bush had nothing to do with the balloting problem in Fl, actually if I am not mistaken it was the Democrats who set up the polling system in Fl. either way George is our president so deal with it!

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

bush lost the popular vote.....only the second time in US history that a president lost the popular vote yet won the election

personally I do not agree how our voting system is done, yet thats the law and we can not change it just because things didnt work out how the democrats wanted it to... I guess we are either gonna have to change our voting system or learn to deal with it, in case it happens again.

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Originally posted by cintron

if we had Gore, we would be in deeper shit than we are now.

Gore's not a leader, he's a follower and he doesn't have the balls to step up and do something that may be unpopular, yet follow through with it. We needed strong leadership after 9/11 and he didn't have it. If he was president today, the UN would have twisted him every which way like a piece of silly putty.

I agree with sweetie. protestors whine about the consequences of this war, but nobody mentions what happens if we don't do anything. the world WON"T be a peaceful place if we just leave things alone. The middle east has proven that to us already that it's a region incapable of peace unless there are active measures taken to stablize it.

i could care less what anybody thinks. if we pull out of Iraq tonight, we're walking away from the chance to prevent future tragedies from happening.

Most of what we're dealing with today is a result of us walking away during the early-mid 1980s.

I wasn't trying to say that Gore is better but he was my preferred choice

and dnice yeah Im soo self-centered:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by sweetie029

For those who mentioned consequences of war...let me ask you this.....What do think will be the consequences if we DON'T go to war ?? This world will NEVER be at peace!! War or not War is an absolute MUST at this point in time....Sadaam sure as hell isn;t going to leave quietly....& A man such as himself should be removed agressively.........Time & time again this man has turned his back on peace

It is unfortunate that innocent people are going to die...But when it comes down to it.....HE IS THE ONE WHO BROUGHT THIS UPON HIS PEOPLE....He's been given a number chances to end this peacefully & quietly....He didn't, so now, he's going to get what is WELL DESERVED.....

For all those people who are against Bush & the actions he is taking.......He was put in the position by no one else but the voting population.....So if you want to hate on anyone.....hate on yoursleves for putting him into office......I personally support Bush at this point in time & his decision to go to war......This is something that was due in time....& Now is the time......Instead of PROTESTING & SPEAKING AGAINST WAR......Have some faith in your fucking country & the people who are protecting it!!!!!

uh, hello, they didn't vote him up, he took power along with the ba'ath party, they have been tyrants and dictators to these people since the 1960's....if you even dare to speak out against him, you are either shamed ridiculously and publicly, killed...or worse....

i agree he needs to be taken care of, but it is not NECESSARY to make 400,000+ troops be in that region for the sole purpose of taking out one man, his party and his immediate kin. i agree with a lot of what sftunnel are others have said. i would write more right now, but i can't ...ciao.

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Originally posted by sassa

uh, hello, they didn't vote him up, he took power along with the ba'ath party, they have been tyrants and dictators to these people since the 1960's....if you even dare to speak out against him, you are either shamed ridiculously and publicly, killed...or worse....

I wasn;t talking about Saddam.....I was talking about Bush :confused:

I agree w/ what Cintron said.....If Gore was President.... We would be in serious trouble b/c he would have probably backed off leaving room for more terrorism.....Gore would have let all the bs thats happened go unpunished......Yea, so Bush comes off as a Bozo.....But he took the INITIATIVE when it comes to Saddam & Iraq......If Gore ran the show.....this shit will be going on w/ the Middle East for a long time to come leaving Saddam in total control....

As far as those who said it's bs that Bush wants to help Iraq....Why would that be bs ?? Those people over there (the ones that don;t support Saddam) live in fear & live like they are in jail......The whole purpose of this war isn;t to destroy Iraq & it's people but to DESTROY THE PROBLEM.....that problem being Saddam & his dictatorship....

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let's just all agree this war sucks. how can anyone want a war. it's happening, no one can do anything about it because we have differences about the gov't. whatever. it does suck that poor people have to die. it's not right as human beings, take away the politics and the mind games. no one would want the same thing to happen to their families. we are too lucky here in the western hemisphere and we don't realize how much when you see how others live...often at times not due to their own fault....just due to lack of just about everything essential for life...

just wish people would being a little selfless and think about pain and death that people deal with every day...true, everyone has their own lives and problems to deal with, but at what expense are we allowed this luxury?

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Originally posted by sassa

let's just all agree this war sucks. how can anyone want a war. it's happening, no one can do anything about it because we have differences about the gov't. whatever. it does suck that poor people have to die. it's not right as human beings, take away the politics and the mind games. no one would want the same thing to happen to their families. we are too lucky here in the western hemisphere and we don't realize how much when you see how others live...often at times not due to their own fault....just due to lack of just about everything essential for life...

just wish people would being a little selfless and think about pain and death that people deal with every day...true, everyone has their own lives and problems to deal with, but at what expense are we allowed this luxury?

this is not your usual leftist extreme coments that you usually make.... :confused:

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I am sick and tired about seeing these protesters, who are uneducated and under informed at Iraq on the news. It's time these people got on with their lives because they are not going to make a difference. Why is that we, the people do not hear anything about the people that are for the war except for 2 second sound bits. What about being equally covered? the biases that is being displayed sickens me. It's time everyone got behind the troops.I really do not care where they are or what they are doing because they really do not matter.

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

bush lost the popular vote.....only the second time in US history that a president lost the popular vote yet won the election

The voting system was never really designed to elect the president. In Fact the popular vote does not matter so what? It's the way the founder's wanted it, they put in place the electoral college and that the vote that counts and it's a good thing ( do not believe me? take a look at your american governemnt textbooks again)because we have a president that has some balls and puts on the shit kickers unlike that disgrace of president and vice president that were a mistake and drove the economy into the ground ( think I am wrong? Better go back to ECON 101) long before Bush took office.

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Originally posted by fearlesss

The voting system was never really designed to elect the president. In Fact the popular vote does not matter so what? It's the way the founder's wanted it, they put in place the electoral college and that the vote that counts and it's a good thing ( do not believe me? take a look at your american governemnt textbooks again)because we have a president that has some balls and puts on the shit kickers unlike that disgrace of president and vice president that were a mistake and drove the economy into the ground ( think I am wrong? Better go back to ECON 101) long before Bush took office.

and how is bush making it better?

oh wait, he's putting billions of dollars of our money into it...that's how...?

you are right about the electoral college, this is why this isn't a true democracy, it never said anything about having this type of institution in our gov'ts, nor did the constitution also say anything about having a democracy...

so who are we to tell people that democracy is the only way to go? it's obviously not, for it's not even one here...but in name only.

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<< he's putting billions of dollars of our money into it...that's how...?>>

Well, there is the tax breaks/cut (not going to get involved in that), creatation of government jobs and contracts

We all know that it's a slow decline into a recession and a slow rise out of one and then there has been unusual events( Some out of anyone's real control and others not some much aka Enron)that have slowed any recovery so you really can place blame on bushy for those.

What I am going to say is very, very generalized with EVERYTHING else held constant. We all know that government spending is good for the economy regardless of the type of spending because of it's creation of jobs and payment to those workers and the increased free capital of those workers causes

them to spend more for goods and services which gives more free capital to those that supply those said goods and services and so on.

Since war counts as govenment spending, yes, war can be good for the economy but it's positive effects may or may not seen in the near future.

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