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Eat Shit Travis Tritt (Trashes The Dixie Chicks)

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Travis Tritt Responds to Fellow Celebrities' Anti-American Sentiments

Monday March 17, 5:04 pm ET

NASHVILLE, Tenn., March 17 /PRNewswire/ -- Country superstar Travis Tritt states, "As an entertainer I've never felt it was my place to get in the middle of any political debate waged by other celebrities. But with the recent comments made by some of my fellow entertainers I can hold my tongue no longer.

"First, let me state that no one wants to go to war, sometimes it's the only solution to some of the complex situations like we're faced with in today's world.

"I recently spent time with the troops and their families in Ft. Bragg in North Carolina and observed both their dedication and their vulnerability. Hearing negative comments from fellow Americans - especially those in the public eye - is destructive and damaging to the morale of our servicemen and women and to our country in general. Our military men and women are putting their lives on the line for each and every one of us and deserve nothing but our unfailing respect and support.

"Whether or not you agree 100% with the president's decision regarding the situation with Iraq, the fact remains our troops are doing their jobs. They are our fathers and brothers, mothers and sisters, sons and daughters and are fighting to defend our rights and freedoms. Harsh words and half-baked opinions by people in the spotlight helps no one and reflects poorly on us all.

"I am a champion of our First Amendment privileges established by our forefathers. I feel it is one of our God-given rights as Americans to speak our minds freely and honestly. The First Amendment is one of the things that makes our country great. However, in such a fragile time in the world with that privilege comes the need to be responsible and mindful of the repercussions.

"Celebrities have a public forum to voice their opinions, which makes folks think that they are representing the majority, when in fact they represent the minority. Fans ask me all the time what they can do to be heard and I tell them the best way to have an impact is to hit'em in their pocketbook. Don't spend your money on what they're selling, be it movies, magazines or music.

"Country music has a history of being a voice for the working man with a long-standing tradition of being a patriotic supporter of our nation and its military. Just listen to Merle Haggard's Vietnam era song, 'The Fightin' Side of Me.' What held true in 1970 holds true today - 'When they're running down my country; they're walkin' on the fightin' side of me.''

The Constitution of the United States of America

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Originally posted by jennifera

your sig is disgusting

makes me want to vomit

Is it the part where I have the constitution linked?


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.



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Originally posted by mrmhs

You hide behind the 1st amendment you coward...

Exactly. This fucking dickhead is a misfit, plain and simple.

No doubt he is not accepted in society, except in "internet land", where he can hide behind a keyboard.

What we need to do is just ignore him. He is a freak with zero value or significance.

I for one will never respond to his bullshit again, no matter what he says. No need to bring ourselves to his low levels, and certainly no need to artificially "acknowledge" his existence or views by offering a response to his bile.

I hope others will do the same. He is human failure.

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Originally posted by igloo

Exactly. This fucking dickhead is a misfit, plain and simple.

No doubt he is not accepted in society, except in "internet land", where he can hide behind a keyboard.

What we need to do is just ignore him. He is a freak with zero value or significance.

I for one will never respond to his bullshit again, no matter what he says. No need to bring ourselves to his low levels, and certainly no need to artificially "acknowledge" his existence or views by offering a response to his bile.

I hope others will do the same. He is human failure.

im with you....

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Originally posted by dnice35


was your father a hippie? serious question.

Let me put it this way dnice.

My dad was in the 82nd Airbourne unit in the European Campaign.

After the Nazi Germans surrendered he was on an US Army vessell heading to the South Pacific to join the US in the Japan Theatre.

When the announcement of the Japanese surrendering came over the loudspeakers on the vessel. He sighed in relief thanking God he never had to fight another war. I wouldn't blame him and from what I learned from him I gained every reason to be against war, like him.

And just because he is ALSO against this war does not mean he is a hippie.

You best watch what you say about my dad.

Don't fuck with me!

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Originally posted by mrmhs

You hide behind the 1st amendment you coward...

What's wrong with the first amendment???

Too rich for your blood to handle?

Would you rather have the constitution revoked?

Just imagine the riots that will happen here if that ever happened.

That Constitution protects OUR RIGHTS! Both mine and yours, that's why our forefathers wrote it!



Denial of free speech is unAmerican and UNPATRIOTIC....

Only a coward like you would hide behind the RAG in the name of racism, ignorance and hate!

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Who is denying you the right to speak? To use your argument how can you deny me the right to say you are nuts??

Who you calling a coward you fucking inbred... You should have been swallowed by your mother you waste of skin...

Fuck you and everything you stand for....

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Originally posted by mrmhs

Who is denying you the right to speak?


To use your argument how can you deny me the right to say you are nuts??

My feelings are mutual.

Who you calling a coward you fucking inbred...

YOU Because I have the Constitutional right to...... MORON!!

You should have been swallowed by your mother you waste of skin...

Too bad your mother never got killed before giving birth to a waste of sprem of the likes of morons such as yourself.

Fuck you and everything you stand for....

Thank you for being such a good kkkonservanazi moron.

Too bad that everything I stand for has a higher standard than the likes of yours.

Read the very bottom of my sig. If you don't like what I say...

Click on it.

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normal -

its a joke if you are claiming anyone is limiting you free speech or anyone else's....everyone is entitled to say what they will.....however.....people have the right to also tell you to STFU as a reaction to your beliefs......the dixie clits had all the right to state their case.....but they better be ready for the repercusions of their actions.....i don't see the case that anyone is revoking someone's right to speech....just disagreeing with what was said....

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Originally posted by underwater

normal -

its a joke if you are claiming anyone is limiting you free speech or anyone else's....everyone is entitled to say what they will.....however.....people have the right to also tell you to STFU as a reaction to your beliefs......the dixie clits had all the right to state their case.....but they better be ready for the repercusions of their actions.....i don't see the case that anyone is revoking someone's right to speech....just disagreeing with what was said....



Originally posted by mrmhs

You hide behind the 1st amendment you coward...


Save your line for him.

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