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es Mar. 21 - April 19

You like it when people are direct, but whatever their reasons might be, few are speaking their minds these days. Maybe it's some predetermined code of silence, or maybe there are just a lot of individuals who still haven't reached any decisions. As the hours pile up, it gets harder and harder to vent your feelings in quiet, reasonable tones. Don't start anything, and don't get anyone else started, either. Even when you simply go about your business, the going could be tough. It takes all your coping skills to deal with unpleasant distractions. You'll manage in the end.

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Taurus April 20 - May 20

All that you see is public information. Even if others don't beat you to the secret, you all stumble across it at the same time. You can't find much privacy, either, but it doesn't matter. The game is fun, and all the players are good at what they do. Everyone you know is starting to look like a celebrity, as if the Stars are taking all familiar elements and turning them glamorous. No matter what you think of the plot development in this strange movie, be real with your partner. That way, your day is sure to have a happy ending.

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Gemini May 21 - June 21

You wake up on the metaphysical side of the bed. As long as you're thinking strange thoughts about ordinary things, try this one on. William S. Burroughs said, 'Language is a virus from outer space.' If you ever tracked the use of jokes and buzzwords, you can see how this applies. The same holds true for ideas. Like pollen, memes and fads spread to touch many minds in a short time. Now that you're paying attention, it's easier to withhold judgment on the latest wonder of pop culture until you've had time to observe its effects and parse their meaning.

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Cancer June 22 - July 22

No one knows you better than your family. Sometimes this transparency embarrasses you, but now you realize just how valuable their insight can be. When relatives make light of a long-standing habit or quirk, you recognize that they're talking about an integral part of your cognitive or creative process. It's another piece in the endlessly fascinating puzzle of your self. Join a role-playing game to contrast all this with how it feels to be someone else for a while. Exercise feels strong and pleasant as you trace your timeline backward. Everything tastes especially good.

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Leo July 23 - Aug. 22

Angels score more points than devils. Sometimes you just have to be good for goodness' sake. So go ahead and act with honor, even if it means eating a big slice of humble pie. Those who know you well can see an immediate difference, and they're fools if they don't appreciate it. A relationship becomes stronger when you change your tune from pleasure-seeker to nurturer. The other person likes being taken care of for a change. Finding creative ways to explain a dilemma will move you that much closer to finding a solution.

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Virgo Aug. 23 - Sept. 22

There's no longer a gap between what feels good and what makes sense. Responsibility is a fun tool in your grip instead of just a pain in the neck. Your body and mind are part of the same machine instead of warring tribes with equal claims to your soul. The best part of being in such good shape is that you have the power to make others feel just as good about themselves. Offer free advice. Give coherent directions. Inspire friends and strangers alike to be the best they can be. Your eyes twinkle and your handshake is firm and reassuring.

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Libra Sept. 23 - Oct. 23

It's too easy to get obsessed about something. Your first efforts to break an old habit meet with resistance. Others notice this, and they may be a little uncomfortable. Generosity isn't so hard once you make it a habit. This is good for you. Call it quality time in a way that the term isn't often used. Call it tough love until it softens you up. From the moment you boost yourself to a higher level, it's easier to smile. Partners, friends and associates understand where you're coming from. If you'd asked earlier, they probably would have stood by you all the way.

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Scorpio Oct. 24 - Nov. 21

Friday couldn't come at a better moment. This is your day, your weekend and your life. If you want to work by yourself or on yourself, get started now. It's not nearly as important to impress others as it is to meet your own expectations. But you're too happy, positive and strong to be a true loner. The world is your playground, and everyone is your friend, or at least your servant. Naturally, you'll only use your powers for good!

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Sagittarius Nov. 22 - Dec. 21

You alternate between being a cell in some greater structure and a free agent with inscrutable purposes. Go online early in the day to see what's happening in your virtual community. Plug into the group mind, but know that you're likely to overload on big ideas. When you get enough food for thought to keep you chewing for a while, seek refuge in open spaces. Get out under the sky or near an expanse of water. If you need to halt a hyperactive brain, this is the place to do it. Optimism returns, just in case you missed it.

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Capricorn Dec. 22 - Jan. 19

Maintaining inventory comes naturally to you. Even if there's no immediate need, you're in there with your hands on the merchandise, rotating your stock. So what are your plans for all this stuff? Doing everything correctly makes more sense when you're doing it with other people. Now you're onto something. A barrier is broken when a group cooperates and shares ideas. Suddenly you like it where you are. If enough people appreciate this location, real estate values may increase. You're sitting pretty on this little gold mine of yours, ideally positioned for the next boom time when you feel like selling.

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Aquarius Jan. 20 - Feb. 18

For someone so big on the concept of brotherly and sisterly love, you're rather shy about meeting new people. Strangers seem so harmless when trust is in the air. Introductions should be effortless. Why is this so hard? Maybe you're just tired or overwhelmed by conditions that have nothing to do with it. A community event would lift you out of this mood. Sign onto someone else's plan, and gradually assume more responsibility as you become one with the message. Move from being the child to being the parent. There's an older person here that needs your support.

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Pisces Feb. 19 - Mar. 20

Community is based on a group of people who all tell and believe the same story. You would know, because you're in your element here. This is your time to participate in the mythic landscape that you've helped to create. Maybe you'll play by the established rules, or maybe you'll push those boundaries just a little farther. Your words and actions are being held up and judged against commonly held truths. You're confident that you'll pass this test. Leadership begins here, if that's what you have in mind for the immediate future. Just don't let the responsibility interfere with your enjoyment.

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Originally posted by dgmodel

Scorpio Oct. 24 - Nov. 21

Friday couldn't come at a better moment. This is your day, your weekend and your life. If you want to work by yourself or on yourself, get started now. It's not nearly as important to impress others as it is to meet your own expectations. But you're too happy, positive and strong to be a true loner. The world is your playground, and everyone is your friend, or at least your servant. Naturally, you'll only use your powers for good!

...sweet...pretty effin tru...i love self-fulfilling prophecies...

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