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A Picture Is Worth 1000 Words...

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

You war mongers tell the families of those 2 kids that died in operation iraqi freedom how much the war was worth it. They died thousands of miles from home and will never see there families again.

anyone whos family are soldiers are proud of what they are doing.. And if they die, they are still proud and know that what they did was courageous and that they served a purpose in this world, this country..

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

Was there Iraqi terrorists in those planes during 9/11?????

Newsflash, they weren't Iraqi's. Alqaeda and the Iraqi goverment are 2 different entities that don't even get along.

FYI - Saddam supports terrorists.

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Originally posted by sassa

girl, do you realize how ignorant you sound here???? let's see how far this type of argument would get you anywhere in the real world....this is a forum,so everyone talks shit....but i would be very interested to find out how people would react to your speech....:blown:

you need to open your eyes and your mind and see what is really going on...iraq never threatened anyone, the US is the one invading and instigating this war.....

Who said i was giving a speech? certainly not me.. I am giving my opinion... and I have talked this over with several others..I'm not trying to impress you.. this is how i feel..Iraq never threatend anyone.. for someone that posts so much about this, you are telling me that the US has no reason to feel threatened by Saddam Hussein? we are not going there to kill the people of iraq, we are going there to kill saddam hussein.. The people over there are happy as fuck also, which takes us back to the main reason of this thread, the picture...So yeah we are invading, but instigating? no i don't think so, maybe just fighting so our people over here and everywhere are safe..IMO this world is going to be a better and safer place when this is over... why is that so bad?

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

Was there Iraqi terrorists in those planes during 9/11?????

Newsflash, they weren't Iraqi's. Alqaeda and the Iraqi goverment are 2 different entities that don't even get along.

yeah i know this man, but guess what saddam hussein has fucking weapons, bombs whatever the fuck.. The US is threatened and 9-11 just brought attention to this. There is proof and a chance my family will be killed.. what the fuck don't you get? I don't believe in war, but I sure as hell believe in killing any motherfucker that might kill my family first..

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Originally posted by girly

anyone whos family are soldiers are proud of what they are doing.. And if they die, they are still proud and know that what they did was courageous and that they served a purpose in this world, this country..

Just like vietnam. When the goverment sticks it's foot in it's own ass your response is that your proud to have served with a purpose in this world.

BTW, I wish your brother the best.

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read this, girly, you need to...

another thing: i understand you're worried about your family, i would be scared for my brother too. but, take your mind off that for a second...these people have families too. they worry just like you do. they want freedom just like you. the only thing that's wrong with this situation is that the government is lying about its reasons to invade, it's not to stop terrorism....no way, they are the ones who fund these people in the first place.

it's about economics. and politics. bottom line. this is how the world operates and has operated for over two thousand years now.

believe me....the world will end one day when the human race decides to take things too far...and they are already pushing things as it is...

this might sound hypocritical but i don't care: i hope your brother comes back safely. i also hope he doesn't kill any innocent people.

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

Just like vietnam. When the goverment sticks it's foot in it's own ass your response is that your proud to have served with a purpose in this world.

BTW, I wish your brother the best.

well thats the way you look at it.. But i know the way it is, and the way these youngmen and youngwoman feel about what they are doing and how good their families feel about what they are doing..

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Originally posted by girly

yeah i know this man, but guess what saddam hussein has fucking weapons, bombs whatever the fuck.. The US is threatened and 9-11 just brought attention to this. There is proof and a chance my family will be killed.. what the fuck don't you get? I don't believe in war, but I sure as hell believe in killing any motherfucker that might kill my family first..

You know what boggles my mind... how do you know that he has these bombs? Shit, if we know that he does, then why can't we prove it? And why couldn't we tell inspectors where to find them...

I am not saying they definitely don't, it is in fact quite possible they do. But do you see my point?

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Originally posted by sassa


read this, girly, you need to...

another thing: i understand you're worried about your family, i would be scared for my brother too. but, take your mind off that for a second...these people have families too. they worry just like you do. they want freedom just like you. the only thing that's wrong with this situation is that the government is lying about its reasons to invade, it's not to stop terrorism....no way, they are the ones who fund these people in the first place.

it's about economics. and politics. bottom line. this is how the world operates and has operated for over two thousand years now.

believe me....the world will end one day when the human race decides to take things too far...and they are already pushing things as it is...

this might sound hypocritical but i don't care: i hope your brother comes back safely. i also hope he doesn't kill any innocent people.

I find it funny you send me a link to a thread that obiviously hasn't phased you in any way at all..I didn't do anything but voice my opinion on a subject just as anyone else here has and then you try to degrade while standing on your intellectual pedestal..I know these people have families too.. Listen I love all people, I am in no way racist against anyone but unfortunately these other countries are jealous by the way we live, they hate us, we hate them, its a disaster.. and its sad.. But, i am gonna side with my own country.. I know there are reasons why 9-11 happened.. I know that the 3000 people that were killed that day, 3000 people being killed elsewhere happens all the time and a point was trying to be proved.. but this is my country and I will stick up for the safety and freedom of it till the end because I live here, i make money here, i am getting an education here and I sit on my computer and type here and thats the way it is. I hope that the US soldiers don't kill any innocent people either.. its sad thats what it might take to protect the people here. Thats not what the point of this war is though.. the Iraqi people are just as happy that the us troops are there as much as we are or even more, because they want to rid of Saddam hussein also. He tortures and kills and rapes his own.. When this motherfucker is gone maybe we can all work to live a little more peacefully. even a little bit more would be good at this point.

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Originally posted by jimk29

You know what boggles my mind... how do you know that he has these bombs? Shit, if we know that he does, then why can't we prove it? And why couldn't we tell inspectors where to find them...

I am not saying they definitely don't, it is in fact quite possible they do. But do you see my point?

we have known for years that he has had certain kinds of weapons.. and if he was getting rid of it, we would have seen it going on..How does that boggle your mind? that is very obvious..And how would we know where to find them?? they are not gonna tell us where their shit is located and they didn't comply with the inspectors.. so yes there is a chance they don't have stuff, which this saddam hussein we are talking, or there is a chance they do have this stuff and are playing games by not complying.. Now I would rather we do something about the situation then not and something as big as 9-11 or worse happens here again.. So thank god we are doing something about it.. And i am pretty sure or maybe convinced or maybe even brainwashed as some of you might consider it that when this is all over, that the US will find these things..

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2


War is terrible and we should only put american lives at risk if we are being attacked. There was NO weapons of mass destruction found by the inspectors. We are attacking a country based on a suspicion they have weapons of mass destruction :confused:.

if he had WMD...dont ya think he would have used them by now?

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Originally posted by girly

I find it funny you send me a link to a thread that obiviously hasn't phased you in any way at all..I didn't do anything but voice my opinion on a subject just as anyone else here has and then you try to degrade while standing on your intellectual pedestal..I know these people have families too.. Listen I love all people, I am in no way racist against anyone but unfortunately these other countries are jealous by the way we live, they hate us, we hate them, its a disaster.. and its sad.. But, i am gonna side with my own country.. I know there are reasons why 9-11 happened.. I know that the 3000 people that were killed that day, 3000 people being killed elsewhere happens all the time and a point was trying to be proved.. but this is my country and I will stick up for the safety and freedom of it till the end because I live here, i make money here, i am getting an education here and I sit on my computer and type here and thats the way it is. I hope that the US soldiers don't kill any innocent people either.. its sad thats what it might take to protect the people here. Thats not what the point of this war is though.. the Iraqi people are just as happy that the us troops are there as much as we are or even more, because they want to rid of Saddam hussein also. He tortures and kills and rapes his own.. When this motherfucker is gone maybe we can all work to live a little more peacefully. even a little bit more would be good at this point.

...........i am going to kick myself in the ass several times now because i tried to be nice....sorry....ignore my words....they're not going to impact you anyways....

i give up.

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Originally posted by sassa

...........i am going to kick myself in the ass several times now because i tried to be nice....sorry....ignore my words....they're not going to impact you anyways....

i give up.

I see you are trying to be nice.. thats good you should be nice, thats very important.. i am not ignoring your words, i read everything that you have typed on here, I see your points, you educate me a little (cause after all i am really, really stupid), but i believe what i believe and you believe what you believe and thats the wonderfullness of life.. Now don't give up, we are friends;) I really love how this became my thread after saying the phrase "anti-war assholes" :rolleyes: Now back to my point of this picture just being a reminder of why our troops are there..

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Originally posted by dnice35

I never tought Id say this but..... I hope a plane hit the building shes in.... *puts head down in shame*

how can you say something like that? so many new yorkers saw the planes hit and watched hundreds of people die. how can you take that so lightly and hope that happens to anyone in america? shows how much you love this country

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

how can you say something like that? so many new yorkers saw the planes hit and watched hundreds of people die. how can you take that so lightly and hope that happens to anyone in america? shows how much you love this country

I take it you haven't read this thread completely..

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

You war mongers tell the families of those 2 kids that died in operation iraqi freedom how much the war was worth it. They died thousands of miles from home and will never see there families again.

The Marine Officer Oath of Office

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

These people are sacrificing themselves for something greater then any one person. They are true warriors.

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

if he had WMD...dont ya think he would have used them by now?


The 7 Scud missles are in violation of the UN resolution....He did not declare those....What makes you think he is going to tell the truth about WMD's....

Not to mention he has ZERO control of his communication with his field commanders.....They did not even know that we were in control of southern Iraq.....

Saddams regime is over....

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Originally posted by sassa

you need to open your eyes and your mind and see what is really going on...iraq never threatened anyone, the US is the one invading and instigating this war.....

Peace only came about in the event that Iraq would immediately and fully disarm after the Gulf war. That did not happen. This is the result. Funny how people never focus on the fact that Saddam brought this upon himself. Whats going to be even more funny is seeing Iraqis dancing in the streets with open arms. How are you going to feel when you were fighting tooth and nail to let them remain under a repressive leader? A leader that has brought 2 wars in 2 decades. A leader that has killed more muslims then any other person in history. Your beliefs are twisted and tiresome.

Liberation and getting rid of WMD's is a just and worth cause....

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Originally posted by underwater

Peace only came about in the event that Iraq would immediately and fully disarm after the Gulf war. That did not happen. This is the result. Funny how people never focus on the fact that Saddam brought this upon himself. Whats going to be even more funny is seeing Iraqis dancing in the streets with open arms. How are you going to feel when you were fighting tooth and nail to let them remain under a repressive leader? A leader that has brought 2 wars in 2 decades. A leader that has killed more muslims then any other person in history. Your beliefs are twisted and tiresome.

Liberation and getting rid of WMD's is a just and worth cause....

your are twisting my words around...:rolleyes:

i am all for saddam being taken out...i'm not for the reasoning the gov't gives us to enter iraq....:blank:

don't assume....

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Originally posted by sassa

your are twisting my words around...:rolleyes:

i am all for saddam being taken out...i'm not for the reasoning the gov't gives us to enter iraq....:blank:

don't assume....

I thought the reasoning the gov't gave us to enter Iraq was to take out saddam and his peers? Wow i must be really stupid:rolleyes:

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