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Originally posted by girly

and just so you know my brother is fighting so that you are your family are not killed sometime in the near future.. get it fucking straight!

they are just fighting for me and my family? wow, what an honor...still don't buy your rhetoric though....and don't worry about my family being killed, they've been killed a lot already...
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Originally posted by dnice35

the US goverment? you fucking skank, dont ever say that again.... idiot!

i don't appreciate being put on the level of palestinian suicide bombers, the IDF, the russian mafia, or the US government.

i said it again...now what????

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Originally posted by sassa

they are just fighting for me and my family? wow, what an honor...still don't buy your rhetoric though....and don't worry about my family being killed, they've been killed a lot already...

you are a fucking ingreat. someone should beat some respect into you,

by the way I do not believe any woman should be mistreated, but Sassa you hardly classify as a human being!

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Originally posted by sassa

like i'm supposed to respect your opinion.....

so what if i live here? it doesn't mean i should like the gov't....

I could care less if you respect my opinion or not, i am obvisouly nto alone in the way i feel , you replied to me so fuck off..

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Originally posted by girly

I could care less if you respect my opinion or not, i am obvisouly nto alone in the way i feel , you replied to me so fuck off..

obviously, your words carry no weight since you have told me to fuck off a few times now...sad, you talk shit but you can't back up your words, if this was the jungle or the political world...believe me, "girly"... you'd be gone by now.

i respect your right to have your opinion, and i understand totally where you're coming from...i just don't agree with it. i would demand the same thing from you, but seeing as that is impossible at this point, i guess i am the stupid one because i still give you that.

oh well...back to the bs of this life...

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Originally posted by dnice35

you are a fucking ingreat. someone should beat some respect into you,

by the way I do not believe any woman should be mistreated, but Sassa you hardly classify as a human being!

i think this fucking retard doens't want to realize that if a plane hits a building shes in or a bomb of some sort is built to blow us up shes going down with the rest of us.

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Originally posted by sassa

obviously, your words carry no weight since you have told me to fuck off a few times now...sad, you talk shit but you can't back up your words, if this was the jungle or the political world...believe me, "girly"... you'd be gone by now.

i respect your right to have your opinion, and i understand totally where you're coming from...i just don't agree with it. i would demand the same thing from you, but seeing as that is impossible at this point, i guess i am the stupid one because i still give you that.

oh well...back to the bs of this life...

her brother is fighting for this country, have some respect bitch!

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You war mongers tell the families of those 2 kids that died in operation iraqi freedom how much the war was worth it. They died thousands of miles from home and will never see there families again.


War is terrible and we should only put american lives at risk if we are being attacked. There was NO weapons of mass destruction found by the inspectors. We are attacking a country based on a suspicion they have weapons of mass destruction :confused:.

I hate it when the bush administration starts mentioning 9/11 and insinuates Iraq had something to do with it. IMO that's disrespectful to the people that died in 9/11. HE SHOULD NEVER HAVE MENTIONED ANYTHING WITH 9/11 TO JUSTIFY HIS ATTACK ON IRAQ. They are NOT the same group. To me it's really obvious in all his speaches he's taking advantage of the emotions we all felt as americans when 9/11 happened to get us to support his administrations war in Iraq.

Now that the troops are there I sincerely hope not one more dies but I do NOT support our goverments foriegn policy in Iraq.

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Originally posted by girly

i think this fucking retard doens't want to realize that if a plane hits a building shes in or a bomb of some sort is built to blow us up shes going down with the rest of us.

I never tought Id say this but..... I hope a plane hit the building shes in.... *puts head down in shame*

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Originally posted by dnice35

you are a fucking ingreat. someone should beat some respect into you,

by the way I do not believe any woman should be mistreated, but Sassa you hardly classify as a human being!

just a point. i will NEVER NEVER respect a gov't who has allowed education to deteriorate in this country, who has allowed the assassinations of 8 foreign leaders because the CIA felt it was in their benefit for these men to be out of office. i don't respect a gov't who does NOT have the goodwill and security of their people in their agenda. i do not respect people in a gov't who lie, cheat, steal, embezzle, and kill to get the paper bills that are so important to them...

no, if anything i have great respect for this country. it makes me sad and sick to see the gov't doing this to the people....and they believe everything that these assholes say.

i understand why this is the way it is though...and wish it could be rectified...but people will take my words to mean dissent of the american way and that is wrong...take it how you will, i cannot stop you...but curse, taunt, and call me whatever you want...i will never respect this country's government.

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

You war mongers tell the families of those 2 kids that died in operation iraqi freedom how much the war was worth it. They died thousands of miles from home and will never see there families again.

that is their job son, thats what soilders sign up for, their families are held up with the highest steem and the brave men that die in this war will not be forgotten.

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Originally posted by sassa

obviously, your words carry no weight since you have told me to fuck off a few times now...sad, you talk shit but you can't back up your words, if this was the jungle or the political world...believe me, "girly"... you'd be gone by now.

i respect your right to have your opinion, and i understand totally where you're coming from...i just don't agree with it. i would demand the same thing from you, but seeing as that is impossible at this point, i guess i am the stupid one because i still give you that.

oh well...back to the bs of this life...

listen you fucking piece of shit, its really sad that you have to degrade others who don't believe what you believe and try to put yourself on some type of intellectual pedestal.. get off it! and you don't respect my opinion, thats why you choose to contine to try and degrade me. It just proves what a piece of shit you are.. I'm done with you , you fucking degenerate, you don't even deserve to be in this country.. go back to where you came from and fuck off..

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Originally posted by sassa

just a point. i will NEVER NEVER respect a gov't who has allowed education to deteriorate in this country, who has allowed the assassinations of 8 foreign leaders because the CIA felt it was in their benefit for these men to be out of office. i don't respect a gov't who does NOT have the goodwill and security of their people in their agenda. i do not respect people in a gov't who lie, cheat, steal, embezzle, and kill to get the paper bills that are so important to them...

then leave and let us REAL AMERICANS live in peace, amongst those who do respect the goverment.

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Originally posted by dnice35

her brother is fighting for this country, have some respect bitch!

NO I WILL NOT RESPECT HIS ACTIONS NOR DO I RESPECT HER...girly, don't call me a fucking retard, that is something i definitely am not...

about your comment: i really don't care. i have seen people die in front of me. i am not afraid to die. in fact, i welcome it. just because you don't see it this way doesn't mean i'm a fucking retard. excuse me if i think about these issues more than the shit you do....

stop calling me names and give me reasons, facts, and logic to back up your words..otherwise, don't say anything because as i said before, your words carry no weight as long as you keep insulting me for my views.

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Originally posted by sassa

NO I WILL NOT RESPECT HIS ACTIONS NOR DO I RESPECT HER...girly, don't call me a fucking retard, that is something i definitely am not...

about your comment: i really don't care. i have seen people die in front of me. i am not afraid to die. in fact, i welcome it. just because you don't see it this way doesn't mean i'm a fucking retard. excuse me if i think about these issues more than the shit you do....

stop calling me names and give me reasons, facts, and logic to back up your words..otherwise, don't say anything because as i said before, your words carry no weight as long as you keep insulting me for my views.

you are a disrespectful BITCH!

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Originally posted by girly

listen you fucking piece of shit, its really sad that you have to degrade others who don't believe what you believe and try to put yourself on some type of intellectual pedestal.. get off it! and you don't respect my opinion, thats why you choose to contine to try and degrade me. It just proves what a piece of shit you are.. I'm done with you , you fucking degenerate, you don't even deserve to be in this country.. go back to where you came from and fuck off..

this doesn't even deserve a comment...i don't put myself on any pedestal, but you obviously do...

look, if you're going to continue to talk in this manner and not say anything intelligent...then please do me a favor and stop filling this thread with crap. there's enough of it on this board as it is.

how exactly am i going to "go back to where i came from" when i was born in this great country...

ha???? tell me that....miss america.

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Originally posted by girly

listen you fucking piece of shit, its really sad that you have to degrade others who don't believe what you believe and try to put yourself on some type of intellectual pedestal.. get off it! and you don't respect my opinion, thats why you choose to contine to try and degrade me. It just proves what a piece of shit you are.. I'm done with you , you fucking degenerate, you don't even deserve to be in this country.. go back to where you came from and fuck off..

You started all this shit in the beginning of this thread.

Originally posted by girly

What an awesome sight to see..Another fuck you to some of you retarded anti war assholes..

Don't act like such an ass and maybe people won't treat you like one.

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Originally posted by sassa

NO I WILL NOT RESPECT HIS ACTIONS NOR DO I RESPECT HER...girly, don't call me a fucking retard, that is something i definitely am not...

about your comment: i really don't care. i have seen people die in front of me. i am not afraid to die. in fact, i welcome it. just because you don't see it this way doesn't mean i'm a fucking retard. excuse me if i think about these issues more than the shit you do....

stop calling me names and give me reasons, facts, and logic to back up your words..otherwise, don't say anything because as i said before, your words carry no weight as long as you keep insulting me for my views.

listen sweetheart, I have given reasons and facts of why i believe what i believe about this situation.. I am american, and when my people are being threatened then i don't give a fuck about all bs logic and all the other facts that arise from the situation, I want the motherfuckers dead before they kill my family.. theres my logics and facts.. if you don't like it shut the fuck up and go away..This world is gonna be a better place for all people when this is over with and thats what i believe regardless of how many newspaper articles you post on here claiming otherwise.

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

You started all this shit in the beginning of this thread.

Don't act like such an ass and maybe people won't treat you like one.

listen fucker, i didn't put someones name in there, now i will.. and i don't care if you and other idiots on here think you are "treating" me like an ass..its clubplanet and i am simply explaining the way i feel..

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Originally posted by girly

listen sweetheart, I have given reasons and facts of why i believe what i believe about this situation.. I am american, and when my people are being threatened then i don't give a fuck about all bs logic and all the other facts that arise from the situation, I want the motherfuckers dead before they kill my family.. theres my logics and facts.. if you don't like it shut the fuck up and go away..This world is gonna be a better place for all people when this is over with and thats what i believe regardless of how many newspaper articles you post on here claiming otherwise.

girl, do you realize how ignorant you sound here???? let's see how far this type of argument would get you anywhere in the real world....this is a forum,so everyone talks shit....but i would be very interested to find out how people would react to your speech....:blown:

you need to open your eyes and your mind and see what is really going on...iraq never threatened anyone, the US is the one invading and instigating this war.....

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Originally posted by girly

i think this fucking retard doens't want to realize that if a plane hits a building shes in or a bomb of some sort is built to blow us up shes going down with the rest of us.

Was there Iraqi terrorists in those planes during 9/11?????

Newsflash, they weren't Iraqi's. Alqaeda and the Iraqi goverment are 2 different entities that don't even get along.

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