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Poll: Do you support the war on Iraq?

Do you support the war on Iraq?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you support the war on Iraq?

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Guest hotshit

Can anyone tell me why they support or don't support the war? A little information to back up their choices?

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The rest of the modern world is against it, that should tell you something.

I found reason to support the troops in trying to track down Bin Laden. But it seems like they have failed with that and Bush needs to draw the attention elsewhere.

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Originally posted by hotshit

Can anyone tell me why they support or don't support the war? A little information to back up their choices?

Saddam is a sick mofo who needs to be stopped - Is that enough info for you or do you need the details on how his followers rape woman and torture people -MORON!!!!!!!!!!!???

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Guest hotshit
Originally posted by ninadd

Saddam is a sick mofo who needs to be stopped - Is that enough info for you or do you need the details on how his followers rape woman and torture people -MORON!!!!!!!!!!!???

Why dont you relax, I asked a question, i didnt make a statement. And Korea- Kim Jong Il doesn't torture their people, Fidel Castro never tortured anyone, Charles Taylor- Liberia, Than Shwe-Burma, Qaddafi-Libya, their nobodies right. What do you know anyway, Moron. None of these dictators have nuclear missles and chemocal warfare either no their perfectly innoncent and Saddam is the only threat, sure keep believing the television.

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I am all for the war, every time I turn on the news I get sick to my stomach. Innocent people are going to die, thats a fact but remember the 3000+ innocent people that were murdered by terrorists who flew commercial jets into the heart of America. Fuck them, their water supplies and their civilians. In a country where you are tortured for watching anything other than Iraqi television, more than half of the Iraqi people are afraid of Saddam. This is the same family that tortures its athletes if they do not win medals. What the fuck is that? The same fucking family that drops chemical weapons on their own country, killing thousands of people.

Saddam needs to be stopped now before he reigns terror over the world, storing nuclear and biological weapons. Once North Korea gets the reactor running, its going to be like a nuclear flea market down there. Anyone with enough money will be able to get their hands on nuclear weapons. These people need to be stopped now before a nuclear bomb is dropped on New York City. Thus killing millions and millions of people in what would be the largest mass murder in the history of the world. If you think its not possible, think again. Its a harsh reality.

At the Oscars, Michael Moore was absolutely disgusting. "We are against this war, Mr. Bush. Shame on you, Mr. Bush. Shame on you," Moore shouted. If you dont like it, maybe you should relocate to Iraq where you cannot express your opinion if it is not the opinion of the government.

Once captured, Osama Bin Laden and Saddam should be hung in Central Park like pinatas where Americans can beat them to death with sticks!

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Originally posted by njdionysus

I am all for the war, every time I turn on the news I get sick to my stomach. Innocent people are going to die, thats a fact but remember the 3000+ innocent people that were murdered by terrorists who flew commercial jets into the heart of America. Fuck them, their water supplies and their civilians. In a country where you are tortured for watching anything other than Iraqi television, more than half of the Iraqi people are afraid of Saddam. This is the same family that tortures its athletes if they do not win medals. What the fuck is that? The same fucking family that drops chemical weapons on their own country, killing thousands of people.

Saddam needs to be stopped now before he reigns terror over the world, storing nuclear and biological weapons. Once North Korea gets the reactor running, its going to be like a nuclear flea market down there. Anyone with enough money will be able to get their hands on nuclear weapons. These people need to be stopped now before a nuclear bomb is dropped on New York City. Thus killing millions and millions of people in what would be the largest mass murder in the history of the world. If you think its not possible, think again. Its a harsh reality.

At the Oscars, Michael Moore was absolutely disgusting. "We are against this war, Mr. Bush. Shame on you, Mr. Bush. Shame on you," Moore shouted. If you dont like it, maybe you should relocate to Iraq where you cannot express your opinion if it is not the opinion of the government.

Once captured, Osama Bin Laden and Saddam should be hung in Central Park like pinatas where Americans can beat them to death with sticks!

I have to disagree with you on this njdionsys. GA2 made a good point in another post, this is what he said, which makes alot of sense:

"There was NO weapons of mass destruction found by the inspectors. We are attacking a country based on a suspicion they have weapons of mass destruction .

I hate it when the Bush administration starts mentioning 9/11 and insinuates Iraq had something to do with it. IMO that's disrespectful to the people that died in 9/11. HE SHOULD NEVER HAVE MENTIONED ANYTHING WITH 9/11 TO JUSTIFY HIS ATTACK ON IRAQ. They are NOT the same group. To me it's really obvious in all his speaches he's taking advantage of the emotions we all felt as americans when 9/11 happened to get us to support his administrations war in Iraq."

and it's true, Bush is using American's heated emotions of 9/11 to justify invading Iraq. The country didn't ask for our help in being "Liberated" as Bush is calling it. We're invading a country based on a presumption that they "may" have WMD. Meanwhile there's N. Korea that openly states they have nukes, and are basically telling the U.S. "Yeah we got nukes, so what are you gonna do about it?" I'll tell you what........nothing. The US will not set foot in N. Korea, and you can bet your ass they're alot more of a threat to us than Iraq is. N. Korea is much more capable of hitting us with something than Iraq ever will be.

Don't get me wrong, I think that the pricks responsible for 9/11 should get their just deserts, and if that's the case then why doesn't the US just finish the job it started in Afghanistan instead of directing the attention elsewhere since they've apparently dropped the ball in Afghanistan. It's all bullshit and Bush obviously has ulterior motives. I just wish that if he was going in there to portect his oil/overrun the country/or because he has a vendetta against Saddam that he'd just come out and say it instead of attacking under the guise of "Liberating Iraq" or "bringing the perpetrators of 9/11 to justice".

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Originally posted by ou812

I have to disagree with you on this njdionsys. GA2 made a good point in another post, this is what he said, which makes alot of sense:

"There was NO weapons of mass destruction found by the inspectors. We are attacking a country based on a suspicion they have weapons of mass destruction .

I hate it when the Bush administration starts mentioning 9/11 and insinuates Iraq had something to do with it. IMO that's disrespectful to the people that died in 9/11. HE SHOULD NEVER HAVE MENTIONED ANYTHING WITH 9/11 TO JUSTIFY HIS ATTACK ON IRAQ. They are NOT the same group. To me it's really obvious in all his speaches he's taking advantage of the emotions we all felt as americans when 9/11 happened to get us to support his administrations war in Iraq."

and it's true, Bush is using American's heated emotions of 9/11 to justify invading Iraq. The country didn't ask for our help in being "Liberated" as Bush is calling it. We're invading a country based on a presumption that they "may" have WMD. Meanwhile there's N. Korea that openly states they have nukes, and are basically telling the U.S. "Yeah we got nukes, so what are you gonna do about it?" I'll tell you what........nothing. The US will not set foot in N. Korea, and you can bet your ass they're alot more of a threat to us than Iraq is. N. Korea is much more capable of hitting us with something than Iraq ever will be.

Don't get me wrong, I think that the pricks responsible for 9/11 should get their just deserts, and if that's the case then why doesn't the US just finish the job it started in Afghanistan instead of directing the attention elsewhere since they've apparently dropped the ball in Afghanistan. It's all bullshit and Bush obviously has ulterior motives. I just wish that if he was going in there to portect his oil/overrun the country/or because he has a vendetta against Saddam that he'd just come out and say it instead of attacking under the guise of "Liberating Iraq" or "bringing the perpetrators of 9/11 to justice".

your absolutely right.. The attackers from 911 weren't from IRAQ.. they were actually from Saudi Arabia (one of our allies)..

So can someone please intelligently explain what we are actually doing in Iraq?

The war starts to hit home when they announced the P.O.W. that was captured is from Pennsauken, N.J... a few towns away from here..

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Yes I most defnitely agree with the war, however even if I didn't I'd always support our troops. You Know them, the men and women who have just barely gotten out of adolescence yet are willing to die protecting you and me.

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Guest hotshit
Originally posted by ou812

I have to disagree with you on this njdionsys. GA2 made a good point in another post, this is what he said, which makes alot of sense:

"There was NO weapons of mass destruction found by the inspectors. We are attacking a country based on a suspicion they have weapons of mass destruction .

I hate it when the Bush administration starts mentioning 9/11 and insinuates Iraq had something to do with it. IMO that's disrespectful to the people that died in 9/11. HE SHOULD NEVER HAVE MENTIONED ANYTHING WITH 9/11 TO JUSTIFY HIS ATTACK ON IRAQ. They are NOT the same group. To me it's really obvious in all his speaches he's taking advantage of the emotions we all felt as americans when 9/11 happened to get us to support his administrations war in Iraq."

and it's true, Bush is using American's heated emotions of 9/11 to justify invading Iraq. The country didn't ask for our help in being "Liberated" as Bush is calling it. We're invading a country based on a presumption that they "may" have WMD. Meanwhile there's N. Korea that openly states they have nukes, and are basically telling the U.S. "Yeah we got nukes, so what are you gonna do about it?" I'll tell you what........nothing. The US will not set foot in N. Korea, and you can bet your ass they're alot more of a threat to us than Iraq is. N. Korea is much more capable of hitting us with something than Iraq ever will be.

Don't get me wrong, I think that the pricks responsible for 9/11 should get their just deserts, and if that's the case then why doesn't the US just finish the job it started in Afghanistan instead of directing the attention elsewhere since they've apparently dropped the ball in Afghanistan. It's all bullshit and Bush obviously has ulterior motives. I just wish that if he was going in there to portect his oil/overrun the country/or because he has a vendetta against Saddam that he'd just come out and say it instead of attacking under the guise of "Liberating Iraq" or "bringing the perpetrators of 9/11 to justice".

Very true but there is so much more to this war than chemical weapons and "stopping a threat" because their are about 13 major threats in the World. Most people only know what they are fed through the television. The media is assisting the government in giving the american people a reason to believe in the war but many questions go unanswered by the goverment.

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Originally posted by ou812

and it's true, Bush is using American's heated emotions of 9/11 to justify invading Iraq. The country didn't ask for our help in being "Liberated" as Bush is calling it. We're invading a country based on a presumption that they "may" have WMD. ,

if that's the case then why doesn't the US just finish the job it started in Afghanistan instead of directing the attention elsewhere since they've apparently dropped the ball in Afghanistan.

OK, I told myself before a couple of times, that I was going to really try to stay away from discussing current events on this board anymore, DUE to the lack of informed sources making statements out of their asses.. Translation of that previous line.... DUmfucks speaking of shit that they have no real evidence about nor even really understand.

I can go on and on, and for the record the Dumfucks comment was spoken in general so no one get all offended and whine.

One, I think your maybe 10% right on the first issue you spoke of that I quoted...

The administration more or less talking about 9/11 and the iraq situation in the same address... and indirectly connecting the two...

Well, dude think about it...there is a connect..

Granted, he is not saying nor Implying that the Iraqi's bombed the world trade center... be careful with your words because your statement could be Implying as well the fact that the iraqi's were responsible.

He is merely generalizing. Let me sum it up..

What Bush should of said to make it simplier so that people would NOT take his speech out of context..

George Bush: "the people who attacked us on 9/11 ...are bad..

Saddam Hussein is Bad...

We (meaning the USA) are going to KIck the ASS of all bad people"

That would of saved many a debates.

But then again, people would of cried that he said ASss in a radio address..

There will always be critic waiting in line to argue anything and everything...

AS Far as the second part of your statement..

In a honest manner let me tell you this. You should read more of the news, or at least keep better tabs of whats going on in the world.

Here is a quote from the Washington Post..

"six Air Force personnel killed Sunday in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan"

Now, how could US soldiers die in Afghanistan if they weren't even there?

The ball was never dropped in the country, the spectrum of goals (militarily speaking) was just broadened, the reason why you probably do not hear much of Afghanistan is because the way the media works... Scavenges for the HOt hip, most interesting during the very minute topic and story to follow..

Ok, Ill stop before I type way too much more then I should..

If I offended anyone from my previous statement, Suck it...

Its my opinion and that is all...



Free All Chickens, they are being brutally raised just to be slaughtered and cannabalized by you humans...MURDERERS...:hat:

Thankyou and come again

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Originally posted by luvle02

Yes I most defnitely agree with the war, however even if I didn't I'd always support our troops. You Know them, the men and women who have just barely gotten out of adolescence yet are willing to die protecting you and me.

Cool picture in your Sig Luvle,

But you reminded me, as far as another statement to add to my previous mini-speech, to you guys of opposition..

Keep in mind, EVERYONE (meaning 99% of the freakin world) dislikes war and the idea of intentionally causing death...

We AMERicans are not for causing death, but rather the opposite, stopping murderers and dealing with them.

Here is a homework assignment for you guys and gals who think Saddam should be let alone... Do a little research on his life previous to his twenty some years of rule as well as look into what exactly he has Done, as far as killing and raping thousands and thousands...

It will change you mind, Im relatively religious, and definitely morally sound of a person, but the same time, Id be honored to put that bastard in the ground.

ANd in other news, what is done is done...

Do not whine about blah blah no war peace crap...

Realize what luvle chica stated...

REALIZE that these are freakin Kids that are putting themselves at risk daily if not moment by moment for your unappreciative ASS...

Thankyou, and this concludes my daily current events related statement...thus far....:tongue:

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hell yeah i support the war!!!

im a former marine who just got out 3 months ago and all my boys are down there fighting right now. my unit took 50 casualties, which 9 out of the 50 who were hit died. my prayers go out to them and to all the young men and women who are out there fighting ...















:tank: :tank: :tank: :tank: :tank: :tank:

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