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Originally posted by dondiezel26

shorehouse rule #2.........no male visitors!!!!!.......at all times we must have a 2 to 1 girl/guy ratio.........also kelly......you and the other chicas better practice your cooking cause myself, digga, and bus expect bacon, eggs, and cheese sandwiches when we wake up from your beds......ha ha ha

o u definately have to let me come over now u

said the magic word


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MOCHIE - i see you like the bus&digga combo eh, would ya like a small DON with that???? only .25 more.............

SPY - hey, good looks on the burfday, but i will not be celebrating this years burfday...............

DEEEE$$$$$$$$ - HOLLAAAA at me POLLO PEQUENO, i'm stoppin in def saturday, make the APPT................

DON - eat??? when, do we eat????????????

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You bafoon's....

Do I have to do everything...

I told provided you the list of rules... did you discard them already???

Here they are again so none of you ladies in the house forget...


Girls are not allowed to shit in the house..

Why- because girls dont shit in my world...


Bus is not allowed to go to bed without a blow job prior to hitting the hey....


The only alternate to a good blow job, will be a hand job....


If no blow job or hand jobs are to be done, then you are to take turns riding the Bus until I fall into deep deep sleep....


If I decide to bless you by eating your box, you WILL give me a blow job directly following your chant...

"You are the champ...."

Review ladies...

There will be a test...

an oral exam....

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

Sorry Dave....


After Bus is out cold with a sloppy grin...

Bake cookies with Dave... then spoon till the sun comes up....


After spooning with Dave till the sun came up...

Work on gettin Rods eye's un-crossed and pick him up off the floor before company stops in...


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i believe i have a few rules of my own!!!!!!!

directed to bus, digga, and diezelboy.............

1) no shitting in the house! i dont want to smell it

2) no bringing slutty girls in the house! i will kick their asses

3) i get a foot massage before bed every night...because i said so

4) if im cooking breakfast i expect an excellent dinner before i go out! im talking filet mignon or something

5) i can bring over whoever i want

6) no hitting on my girlfriends....you boyz are all mine :tongue:

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How can it be that if you run over a duck in your car and kill him, and they call it an accident...

But if you kill a duck in the heat of passion, its called murder???

I always wondered about that one...

**sounds of bubbling water, then a dark cloud fills the room as Bus exhales via his iron lung...


I am crying over hea... and this shit is not even funny!!!

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Oh yeah...


Who is it that will decide which girls will fall under the ""slutty" category, and will not be allowed in the house...

**Side note... Rod/Dave.. we need fucking tent for those layups and OH SO SLUTTY one's we meet at Happy Hour....

Tent is the free zone!!!

You rules dont apply there Kelly!!!

another side note...

kell, your rules suck!!!

Not once did you metion blow jobs to any of the steeds in the house....

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trust me riggs......the rules we make will be strictly obeyed and enforced......hurricane kelly will learn to adjust......sit kelly....sit.....good girl......speak kelly.....speak......good girl......go get naked with the other girls......good kelly.......see how easy it is!!!!!

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Originally posted by dondiezel26

trust me riggs......the rules we make will be strictly obeyed and enforced......hurricane kelly will learn to adjust......sit kelly....sit.....good girl......speak kelly.....speak......good girl......go get naked with the other girls......good kelly.......see how easy it is!!!!!

Looks like you are looking for an ass whooping......:eek:

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Originally posted by dondiezel26

trust me riggs......the rules we make will be strictly obeyed and enforced......hurricane kelly will learn to adjust......sit kelly....sit.....good girl......speak kelly.....speak......good girl......go get naked with the other girls......good kelly.......see how easy it is!!!!!

those are some big words

coming from someone

whose scared of being

kidnapped again:tongue:

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