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WHIP ITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


similar to when NORMAL kids talk about when the played TAG and MANHUNT around the neighborhood..............

TOOK A TRIP TO THE CITY ONE DAY TO BUY BOX A CARTIRDGES AND BALLOONS W/ MY BEST FRIEND.......................the whole way home we decided to do a WHIP IT at EVERY traffice light!!!!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA, WE HAD TRAFFIC BACKED FROM ROUTE 4 IN NJ TO UP AND DOWN THE WEST SIDE HIGHWAY.............OH THOSE WERE THE DAZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


digga headed to stop and shop during his lunch break to buy me a dozen bottles of WHIP CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!

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NOOOOOOOOOOOO, dont be teasin a brotha like that............

i just called stop and shop, should i cancel my order?????

WHIPITS and LEGS, does FLEX MAG recommend that???????, just like they said BLASTS and ARMS are good!!!!!!!!

eh if anyone asks, why im wobelin ill blame it on the HACK SQUAT MACHINE!!!!!!!!


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we could have a field day in that store, it could keep us BI-POLAR kids busy for dayzzzzzzzzz

you gotta a toys section and an arts and paint section over there, we need four bottles of elmers, a box of black sharpee markers, and a box a blow pops............

me and the bus wanna have a scrabblethon..................we need some prescription meds too though, we wanna see how good we could spell after we pop 2 AMBIENS, and suck in a WHIPIT after every word spelled correctly...............

PM the bus when your done w/ our list!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by roddigga


we could have a field day in that store, it could keep us BI-POLAR kids busy for dayzzzzzzzzz

you gotta a toys section and an arts and paint section over there, we need four bottles of elmers, a box of black sharpee markers, and a box a blow pops............

me and the bus wanna have a scrabblethon..................we need some prescription meds too though, we wanna see how good we could spell after we pop 2 AMBIENS, and suck in a WHIPIT after every word spelled correctly...............

PM the bus when your done w/ our list!!!!!!!!!!!!

I realize that some of you may not be too keen on the wonders of baby oil, so mr.boop has plenty more surprises in store for all you CVS lovers out there. Prescrip meds straight from our mexican branch are shipped bi-monthly Mr.Digga so I will inform you of the next batch set for the East Coast in the near future!

Our toy section is notorious for blast-from-the-past items such as 6-shooter guncaps, exploding gunpowder balls, yo-yo's, mr.doodle, scratch n sniff stickers (brought to you by yayo enterprises ;)) and Mad magazine (April is our Bruce Springsteen - Porn in the USA edition btw).

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THANKS DOC.............................jesus, (excuse me, allergy season)

but if digga wanted a full run down on your inventory i would have asked!!!!!, but thanks.............., i was only asking for scrabble, glue, markers and a box of blow pops!!!!!!!!!!..........

and bi-monthly on presc. drugs????? does paxol need a prescription, maybe that'll take the edge off!!!!!

eh fu*k it, ill just stick to non chemical things to calm me down, like LOAD music, THE CHALES MANSON BIOGRAPHY that i've been reading, and watching POLTERGEIST while eating chips on my QUIDJA board..........................

so like i said just PM the BUS when all the meds come in.........

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Holy techno, you'd think I'm doin ya a favor here smuggling goods from Tijuana but if all you want is scrabble, I'll dig it up from under all the baby oil boxes I got here. I'll start you off with two letters J&J, k?

I've got a surplus of paxil leftover from my previous life but since I've reached this alter-state of enlightenment in the last few weeks, I've grown to enjoy a calmer state of being without the use of pharmacologic agents. You should try skipping stones on a lake while listening to Airport and matching beats to the number of skips. For added fun, grab 6 boomboxes playing 6 different cd's at the same time and try to test your track ID skills against your favorite local mp3 partner. Instant cure for ADD, but I never seem to do well in that department anyway :tongue:

P.S. hi

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LOL,............... i like the skipping rocks to airport and matching the beat thing.................HA HA HA HA LOL


IM LEAVING THIS ONE ALONE..........my rides here for stop and shop, they are waiting for me to get in to pick up my box of whip cream, ITS WHIPIT THURSDAY.........1/2 price at stop and shop...........

see ya soon and careful skippin them rocks, you may kill a GOOSE...........

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deee i know exactly what your saying.......................i did the same thing, walked right into the mirror at the bar on my 21st birthday...............

oh those jeeps, dont you just love how you can take the top off of them during the summer..............


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Originally posted by roddigga

LOL,............... i like the skipping rocks to airport and matching the beat thing.................HA HA HA HA LOL


IM LEAVING THIS ONE ALONE..........my rides here for stop and shop, they are waiting for me to get in to pick up my box of whip cream, ITS WHIPIT THURSDAY.........1/2 price at stop and shop...........

see ya soon and careful skippin them rocks, you may kill a GOOSE...........

Digga, speaking of geese.

You ever wonder how they know its time to fly back north when they are south. I mean, if its warm down there, how do they know its getting warmer? My thoughts are as follows.

As the cold season approaches, all of the geese meet up and elect one Mascot Goose 1 and his best friend Friend Duck 2 to stay behind to 'weather watch' Now you wonder what poor goose and friend would want to stay behind and freeze their feathered behind off? well they get rewarded.. whatever mascot goose 1 stays behind gets to be the leader in the V of the Super Geese flying pattern.. You know what I mean right? when all the geese fly somewhere on a sunday they are in a V well in case you ever wondered how they decide who to put in the front, thats how..

are you with me? ok..

So this mascot goose 1 and Goose friend 2 stay behind while the rest of their family and friends fly to Ft LauderDale..and they wait till it gets warm to make a journey farrrrrrrrrrr south to let the rest of the quackin community know its safe and warm and time to make their way back up home. As this mascot Goose 1 makes this trip alone, the Goose friend 2 stays and anxiously awaits the return settin up a huge extravaganza...sort of like a welcome back party.. he also stays behind for securitly purposes.. Imagine something happens to Mascot Duck 1 and he never makes it to Florida...then the entire Goose community will be stuck there thinking it never got warm up here.. So if Mascot Goose1 and Friends dont make it back in 2 weeks.. (yes these mothers fly fast) then Friend Goose 2 makes the journy alone, and electing the nearest squirrel or possum to hold down the lake. Please dont ask me what if something happens to Friend Duck 2.. That poor squirrel would take decades to get to FL.

So if you are ever laying in your bed in the middle of January late at night and hear a LONELY quaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack, Dont be alarmed.. its just the Mascot Goose 1 saying out loud...GAHDAMN I'M DUMB.

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Originally posted by deeelite1

Digga, speaking of geese.

You ever wonder how they know its time to fly back north when they are south. I mean, if its warm down there, how do they know its getting warmer? My thoughts are as follows.

As the cold season approaches, all of the geese meet up and elect one Mascot Goose 1 and his best friend Friend Duck 2 to stay behind to 'weather watch' Now you wonder what poor goose and friend would want to stay behind and freeze their feathered behind off? well they get rewarded.. whatever mascot goose 1 stays behind gets to be the leader in the V of the Super Geese flying pattern.. You know what I mean right? when all the geese fly somewhere on a sunday they are in a V well in case you ever wondered how they decide who to put in the front, thats how..

are you with me? ok..

So this mascot goose 1 and Goose friend 2 stay behind while the rest of their family and friends fly to Ft LauderDale..and they wait till it gets warm to make a journey farrrrrrrrrrr south to let the rest of the quackin community know its safe and warm and time to make their way back up home. As this mascot Goose 1 makes this trip alone, the Goose friend 2 stays and anxiously awaits the return settin up a huge extravaganza...sort of like a welcome back party.. he also stays behind for securitly purposes.. Imagine something happens to Mascot Duck 1 and he never makes it to Florida...then the entire Goose community will be stuck there thinking it never got warm up here.. So if Mascot Goose1 and Friends dont make it back in 2 weeks.. (yes these mothers fly fast) then Friend Goose 2 makes the journy alone, and electing the nearest squirrel or possum to hold down the lake. Please dont ask me what if something happens to Friend Duck 2.. That poor squirrel would take decades to get to FL.

So if you are ever laying in your bed in the middle of January late at night and hear a LONELY quaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack, Dont be alarmed.. its just the Mascot Goose 1 saying out loud...GAHDAMN I'M DUMB.


danielle.....i may sit outside all day with a shotgun and blow the fucken headz off of every bird that flys overhead......howboutthemfuckenapples!!!!!! kthxbye~~~

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danielle, thanks to you and that last post, i am done reading CP and posting..........

i have already destroyed too many brain cells today with all the whipits ive been doing, and that story just topped it all off...........

i have to go...............


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imagine you blow the head off of Mascot Goose #1 on his journey back from the south after suffering the cold brutal winter , stepping on sleet ice then salt with nothing but his bare nakel lil webbed foots?

it would have all been in vain.

Play nice now..


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HEY DON..............................

did i ever tell you the time i told the "BIRD LADY" about how i blew the head off of a bird with my AIR PUMP HIGH POWERED BEE BEE GUN...............

you should have seen the face............(shell see this HI HON!!!!!)

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Originally posted by roddigga

HEY DON..............................

did i ever tell you the time i told the "BIRD LADY" about how i blew the head off of a bird with my AIR PUMP HIGH POWERED BEE BEE GUN...............

you should have seen the face............(shell see this HI HON!!!!!)

rodrigo.......back in highschool i got point black range with an air rifle and blew the fucken head off of a robin.....it was a pretty bird......until little "petey's head fell off"......ha ha ha

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