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OMFG, NV is such a beautiful club!

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Whoever the promoters are, they bought more of a college white kid hip hop crowd than a draper crowd. The hip hop downstairs was slammin' and the upstairs was the typical exit draper crowd... even this had glowsticx on strings..wtf was thaat all about??

the club itself is beautiful..both floors! I loved it...i just wished there were more draper heads there to support tony! Everyone kinda gravitated towards the hip hop floor...even though they were all like little prissy white kids!

THen the bouncer had problems gettin us into the VIP lounge! OH well, it was pretty packed for what it was worth for a thursday party.

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Wtf u talkin abuot...a lot of my ppl felt TOny...i asked them why they were leaving at 230 and shit and they're like, we got school the next day or midterms and had to wake up early.

Whatever, we were extremely happy with the turnout. Thanx to those who came to support tony but it was DEFFINETLY a white boy hip hop crowd LOL

...Tony held it down on the main floor for those who came to hear him, I wanted to kick the idiot who came with glowsticks though...WTF was that all about? classy place like NV and u have a kid with glowsticks? Not to mention he hit me with the strings... he definitely had to go...gettin dragged by the neck was the result.

The hip hop downstairs was slammin'...A lot of WATERS were rung up upstairs...lol...which is going TO END! W\E, a lot of cute girls showed up too...but a few of them couldn't drink b\c they didn't have bracelets so they stayed BITCH.

BTW, FUCK U ho with the red tight pants...NO I WILL NOT get u a drink...no I will not comp u next week...beat it, burger.

Oh well, for what it's worth, my friends and I had a lot of fun...girls are free before 11 next week and open bar before 11 also so stop protesting the war and let's get the groove ounnnnnn...

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I enjoyed this party. There definitely was more of a hip-hop crowd than a house crowd, which is suprising. The hip-hop floor was full with white kids though and hot girls. The house floor had it's own following as always with Draper. The venue for those that haven't been to NV is amazing. I see this party growing into something historic that the city hasn't witnessed in a while.

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Granted Nv is a nice fucking Place,,

Calling a tony Draper PARTY a historic Happening is the most Re-tarted Thing i have heard in my life!


Historic party's/Venues of NY's past

Diamond> Pyramid

CBGB's> Reg

Xneon> Fri

Xneon> Sat



The Saint

The loft


privat eyes

Queen> Private eyes

Disco 2000> limelight

FutureShock> limelight

D-Tour> Tunnel

Robots > Tunnel

Jr> Tunnel

Arena> Palladium

Bed> PXL

Twilo> Jr

Twilo> Friday's

Now, do any of these party's come anywhere close to EXIT, or TONY DRAPER, or a venue called NV?

i ask?



Educating not Humilitating!

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I went to NV and had a great time! I thought the crowd was very good looking & nicely mixed.I had seen a lot of people supporting Tony, but Im kinda out of the "house" scene bc thats ALL ive been listening to while clubbing for the past 6 years..I needed a change yet with the same crowd that Ive always been surrounded by, & now HipHop hits the spot nicely:D It doesnt only go for NV w/ "little prissy white kids" ;) that may feel HipHop more than house-but not many clubs offer a variety so you'r kinda stuck w/ mainly house even if you would like to listen to both ..

As for the bouncer kicking everyone out of the VIP lounge, if every Mike,John & Harry were allowed in, then it wouldn't be considered "ViP" anymore..It was basically if your DJ was spinning than your a VIP, if not, than u were asked to leave..I didn't find that arrangement unfair.

As in regards to leaving early, I had to be up very early this morning so unfortunately had to leave @ around 2:30. But overall I had an awesome time, & will definitely be going back next week :)

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Originally posted by jaysea

Granted Nv is a nice fucking Place,,

Calling a tony Draper PARTY a historic Happening is the most Re-tarted Thing i have heard in my life!


Historic party's/Venues of NY's past

Diamond> Pyramid

CBGB's> Reg

Xneon> Fri

Xneon> Sat



The Saint

The loft


privat eyes

Queen> Private eyes

Disco 2000> limelight

FutureShock> limelight

D-Tour> Tunnel

Robots > Tunnel

Jr> Tunnel

Arena> Palladium

Bed> PXL

Twilo> Jr

Twilo> Friday's

Now, do any of these party's come anywhere close to EXIT, or TONY DRAPER, or a venue called NV?

i ask?



Educating not Humilitating!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're trying to open up a new place...?

Destined for greatness, I'm sure.

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i dont even fucking know u buddy?

but im not speaking to your ass in General am i?, if i was i would,>

Ask to speak to all the 20 something kids who think they know Everything,

im very positive about my project,>> the way i talk on a message board does not Determin the outcome of a biss im gonna Run,

So if i wanted your little Prissy fucking commet i would ask,

if u have a problem with me, i suggest you take it up with me, and not make little BITCH remarks on a website, as i have said before, "i dont know why your so cunty to me"

or are u naturally an ass hole?

Wondering? LOL

on the other hand i know i come off annoying and Bitchy on a message board, but i have never in anyway tried to step on your Toes!> i dont get you negativity towards me?


anyway, Whats up zeek?

"This is me, being nice"


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1 more little thing!

in no way or form am i dissing what these kdis are doing, i tihnk its great that were using another Venue in Ny, and i tihnk its cool for "THAT CROWD" to have a few optiones on were to go, But Saying Drapper, is going to break HISTORIC Grounds in NYC, is a slap in the face to anyone who has workd in this biss and put there blood, Sweat and tears into it,

i just thought it was a fucking joke, But am not DISSINg this party,

it just aint my thing.



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Originally posted by lillizzy

i got tooooooooooo drunk last night :D

i had a great time...luis next time i will call you when i get there so i don't have to deal with 17 year old retards telling me that he doesn't know your name or myke's....whatever lmao

Seriously, no one cares. K?

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I didn't mean Tony Draper is historic at all. He only did the grand opening party. He is not the resident. I mean that this party will turn into something historic. This is because the venue is great, the crowd is beautiful, it's 18+, 2 floors of slamming music, the hip-hop floor will be packed with upscale white kids and the crowd liked hip-hop more than house (even with Tony there lol).

This party in no way is a Tony Draper party, infact he has nothing to do with the party, he just did the grand opening. It's actually a more hip-hop focused party than a house party, but it is equally distributed throughout the 2 floors.

I'm glad everybody that came had as a good a time as I did. See you next week!

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Originally posted by jaysea

i dont even fucking know u buddy?

but im not speaking to your ass in General am i?, if i was i would,>

Ask to speak to all the 20 something kids who think they know Everything,

im very positive about my project,>> the way i talk on a message board does not Determin the outcome of a biss im gonna Run,

So if i wanted your little Prissy fucking commet i would ask,

if u have a problem with me, i suggest you take it up with me, and not make little BITCH remarks on a website, as i have said before, "i dont know why your so cunty to me"

or are u naturally an ass hole?

Wondering? LOL

on the other hand i know i come off annoying and Bitchy on a message board, but i have never in anyway tried to step on your Toes!> i dont get you negativity towards me?


anyway, Whats up zeek?

"This is me, being nice"


Not 'dissing'? You said what he was saying was retarded.

I can accept your little drama queen posts. Yeah yeah, you've been in the scene forever, blah blah. We have all heard it before. yeah, I recognize that it was a joke, more or less, and sometimes funny they're funny too. But if you want to play that role on CP, be prepared for someone to say something back to you. Prissy, not quite son. The flamboyantly gay-bitch who knows-it-all act can get a little old. Just my opinion. This is a message board. And none of these kids claimed to be all knowing. The only thing they claim is that they had a good time at NV, while Draper was there. Or wherever else. Is that a crime, no. Who the fuck cares, let it go. But I think you kind of need that attention and really like pretending you know everything. Hey, thats fine with me, just expect me, or someone else who thinks your act is old to reply. I think I have said this before...this is 2003, not the 80's and 90's. You seem to think most parties are shit right now. Hey, maybe you're right. You're starting up a club. I just want to see how yours will fair, considering you think all these other clubs suck.

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