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help me make a decision

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There's that big ass gabba party at Amazura next Friday that I'd really like to go to, but I'm DJing at Shelter that night. Either way, Neophyte is performing who is a producer I really respect, and I'd really like to personally give him a couple of my original hardcore tracks to see if he'd be interested in them. So should I try to find a replacement for me at Shelter and go, or should I just go DJ since I really need the money anyway? I can get comped into the Amazura party, so it wouldn't cost me anything, but then who's to say I'd be able to get in contact with Neophyte anyway and pass my cds along to him? I've got two tracks I think he'd really be interested in, but who's to say?

So pros:

I wouldn't have to pay to get into the party

And I might be able to meet Neophyte and pass him my cds


I'd be making money if I just went to DJ at Shelter

I might not be able to meet Neophyte anyway

What should I do? I know I'll probably be able to come up with the answer myself sometime later today since I DJ'd last night and still haven't slept yet, so I'm assuming that my brain isn't functioning at its best right now anyway. But since I can't sleep and I'm still fucked up, I figured posting this shit would be a good way to kill some time and maybe get some feedback that I might actually listen to.

As far as the tracks I've got that I think he might be interested in, one of them is a track around 160bpm where I did a hardcore version of "Ave Satani" from the Omen soundtrack. Kind of evil choral shit like O Fortuna, but I've never heard anyone mess with Ave Satani before, so I thought it might be something cool and different.

The other track, I sampled the pipe organ solo from the intro of King Diamond's "The Candle" and then based the track around that. Hardcore around 150bpm with alot of interesting sound design for the kick, and a couple of Hellraiser samples thrown in around the main stab lead, along with some samples of marching war drum snares that fill out the ominous feel to the beat.

Anyway, I've probably typed way too much, but I'm too wired right now to realize it, so I guess I'll just post this shit and try to shut the hell up.

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Smokey, you still up?

I didn't think about that. Anyone know the age limit for the Amazura show? I tend to get evil when I'm surround by mindless wannabe teen ravers. It probably wouldn't look too good if I try handing Neophyte my cds if I've got candy raver guts on the bottom of my paratrooper boots.

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Yo whatup man?

how you been?

Run into Adam or my ol' roomie

lately? lol..

I think u should go to Shelter.

it's my experience in the past

that if you really wanna meet someone

you will...Stalk the booth door all

night long until he steps out to take a piss

or someone leaves the door ajar.

You'll be DJing other nights

to come but you might only

get this one shot to meet

a producer you admire.

just my two cents.


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It's not the fact that I'm playing at Shelter since I've been playing there every Friday night for a few months now. It's just that I could use the money if I went to spin that night.

Ok, I just re-read your reply and it doesn't make sense. Neophyte is gonna be at Amazura performing, and that's the party I'm thinking about going to to give him my shit. Shelter is the bullshit party I do every week.

Adam came by a couple times. It's a nice space at Shelter on the third floor with a bigger dancefloor than what we had, better lights, Phazon system. I think it's too big, though, for us since alot of our crowd quit coming since the same night we do our party, there's a hip-hop party downstairs. And the ghetto thugs from their shit haven't been all that polite to some of the freaks that come to our shit out on the sidewalk. Hopefully it'll get better.

Haven't seen Dan in awhile. Maybe he doesn't want to deal with the hip-hop thugs either.

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Originally posted by heretic909

Ok, I just re-read your reply and it doesn't make sense. Neophyte is gonna be at Amazura performing, and that's the party I'm thinking about going to to give him my shit. Shelter is the bullshit party I do every week..

oh my bad..

Got it backwards..

Yea it's a shame about Shelter..

I almost hada deal with them

to get the bottom floor for a

breaks-electro night..

Woulda been cool to

be a few floors below your

party. Tell Adam I say hey.

(Dan's sulking right now..

that's why he dosen't go out


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Jesus, Mugwump. I want to apologize to heretic on behalf of Mugz who obvioulsy either didn't pay piss all attention to poor heretic or just can't speakie de english.

Anyway, for what's it worth I think you should see how badly you need the cash. Like--how bad is your habit right now (tunnelbandit--that 'clean your nose' comment was really unneccesary) (LOL or if you'll get a chance to meet this dude again.

That being said--get a replacement for your gig on Friday and chase your dreams instead of the dragon.

Good Luck, man!!


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GO! Like Mugwump said, it could be the chance of a lifetime..you'd never know if you don't go...and yeah I understand the money thing....but eat ramen for a week if you have to...maybe it will be worth it ;):)

good luck, heretic..

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