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Any wine drinkers on this board ?


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Im just getting into drinking wine, and want to know how many of you drink wine on a regular basis?

How do you buy wines? And how do you know what is good and what is garbage..? What counties make the best wines?

What are good stores to get wines from, or will any alcohol or brand just do ? What wines go with what meals? When you open a bottle of wine how long is it good for? Have many more ???!

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trader joe's has some good wines.

french, spanish (roja), some italian merlots, and argentinian ones are really good...

california ones are ok...gallo is somewhat ok....

white zinfadel wine tastes the best with a pasta dinner...

chardonnay is a lighter red wine, but my favorite is merlot...it's very smooth, a bit dark, sometimes nutty in flavor...but good for when you have a date at night....

chablis is also good...good to have with a dinner that has red meat or chicken....

what type do you like....?

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Originally posted by sassa

trader joe's has some good wines.

french, spanish (roja), some italian merlots, and argentinian ones are really good...

california ones are ok...gallo is somewhat ok....

white zinfadel wine tastes the best with a pasta dinner...

chardonnay is a lighter red wine, but my favorite is merlot...it's very smooth, a bit dark, sometimes nutty in flavor...but good for when you have a date at night....

chablis is also good...good to have with a dinner that has red meat or chicken....

what type do you like....?

Even though France makes some good stuff... STAY AWAY... Don't support France. Those fuckers...

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Originally posted by elementx

Even though France makes some good stuff... STAY AWAY... Don't support France. Those fuckers...

funny, people are telling me to boycott american goods...:blank:

sorry, but all i care about is the taste and texture...and if french is better...sorry, but i gotta go with the french....

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...wine makes me feel sexy...i feel like fat bastard when i say that...

...you can pick up Wine For Dummies to start or research the web...there's too much to know...

...right now, imports are very well priced because of the trendy californian wines bumping up in price...

...australia and new zealand make great wine...esp chiraz (sp.)...

...there are some neat combos - i had a great cabernet/merlot mix the other day...as well as a pinot noir...mmmmmm...i love wine...

...santa margarita makes a great pinot grigio...

...you should study up and then find a local store that has helpful employees...most wine stores in my area will help you with information and selection...as in most cases, higher price does not mean higher quality...

...good luck...

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Originally posted by phatman

...wine makes me feel sexy...i feel like fat bastard when i say that...

...you can pick up Wine For Dummies to start or research the web...there's too much to know...

...right now, imports are very well priced because of the trendy californian wines bumping up in price...

...australia and new zealand make great wine...esp chiraz (sp.)...

...there are some neat combos - i had a great cabernet/merlot mix the other day...as well as a pinot noir...mmmmmm...i love wine...

...santa margarita makes a great pinot grigio...

...you should study up and then find a local store that has helpful employees...most wine stores in my area will help you with information and selection...as in most cases, higher price does not mean higher quality...

...good luck...

I might just do all that!

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wine is suuuuch a sexy thing! Here's a secret rdancer...when you have a glass of white whine...chardonnay, pinot, etc....get strawberries to go with it (( good looking ones )). They look really schnazzy in the glass, and taste so yummy when they're drenched in wine.

Do this when you gots your bitch around....not when your by yourself....lol...:tongue:

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This thread reminds me of a program I watched on TLC. It was called "Faking It". The concept is to take a person and train them to be someone completely different from who they are. For example, in one episode they took an ivy leaguer and transformed her into a cheerleader. Anyway, in one particular episode they had the captain of the US beer drinkers team trained to be a wine connoisseur. They schooled him on wine for about a week and then had him pose as a sommelier to a panel of experts. I actually learned some pretty useful stuff from watching. So, I suggest you catch this program if you want to sound chic by throwing around terms like cab (short for cabernet) and zin (zinfandel).

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...just make sure your date doesnt have the proper knowledge of wines...i think that's half-ass but throwing out catch phrases and pretending to know certain things could help initially...but eventually it could backfire...daddy always said if youre going to do something, do it right...

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Originally posted by phatman

...just make sure your date doesnt have the proper knowledge of wines...i think that's half-ass but throwing out catch phrases and pretending to know certain things could help initially...but eventually it could backfire...daddy always said if youre going to do something, do it right...

True, true. Nobody wants to come off as an ass. If you're really interested in learning about wine, there's always wine seminars. I think that in itself would make a nice date. I once went to beer school at Seaworld (owned by Anheuser-Busch), and it was a blast. Initially I went in looking to get drunk on the free samples and to escape the fiery hell that is Florida in August, but I came out with some knowledge of beer, a certificate, and a slight buzz. Oh yeah, and a free keychain. Also, you can find out when your local wine stores have tastings. They usually do this once a week.

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Originally posted by mala

True, true. Nobody wants to come off as an ass. If you're really interested in learning about wine, there's always wine seminars. I think that in itself would make a nice date. I once went to beer school at Seaworld (owned by Anheuser-Busch), and it was a blast. Initially I went in looking to get drunk on the free samples and to escape the fiery hell that is Florida in August, but I came out with some knowledge of beer, a certificate, and a slight buzz. Oh yeah, and a free keychain. Also, you can find out when your local wine stores have tastings. They usually do this once a week.

....ahahaha....i went the the beer school in seaworld in san diego a couple of months ago...i still have my keychain...and my little diploma...it was actually very informative...plus we got two free samples at the bar outside...i think we sneaked a couple more ontop of that...lol....

...i was told that there are some great vineyards in upstate new york...a day trip would not be a bad idea come springtime...nice scenic drive up...a day at the vineyard...etc. etc...

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Yeah, vineyards are great. I visited a few in Canada in February. Ended up buying and drinking 8 bottles of wine in a 3 day period. I definately would visit again in the summer when I could pick grapes. Or whenever it is that you pick grapes.

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Originally posted by mala

Yeah, vineyards are great. I visited a few in Canada in February. Ended up buying and drinking 8 bottles of wine in a 3 day period. I definately would visit again in the summer when I could pick grapes. Or whenever it is that you pick grapes.

We are currently working with a company called Aegean Harvest where we provide Wine and Food tours in Greece. Last year was the kick off tour - unfortunately, I missed it but my boss (cousin) went - 12 days travelling Greece - visiting its vineyards and having cullinary lessons from some of the top chefs in Greece - at one point, a chef took them first in the morning to a farmers market where they selected fresh food for that evening's meal - no plan, no preparation - things like that....I hope to go this year...

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Originally posted by rdancer

Has anyone been to like one of those wine valleys were you stay and drink wine all week and get it on romantically with your signifigant other ?;)

I did , but not with any significant other :tongue:

When i was in Germany , along the Mosel river 3 summers ago, there were vinyards all along the road , which serpentined along the river.

And at each town was a different variety of wine. Let's just say at $4 a bottle, i had my share :drunk:

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