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Originally posted by cintron

just so you don't mention this goddamn stupidity about depleted uranium anymore...

the A-10's GAU8/A cannon fires these "depleted uranium" shells you so frantically address. There isn't a connection between this or ANY health risk associated with our soldiers.

the uranium oxide that is associated with the danger of uranium, does NOT exist around depleted uranium. Uranium Oxide is a highly toxic and corrosive gas, most often seen in scientific labs and centrifuges, NOT in a weapons stockpile.

These shells are NOT radioactive, nor are do they pose a health hazard any greater than any other cannon shell. they DO kill tanks nice and quickly, though.

as for the rest, our military is trained to fight alone. we don't need anyone to hold our hands.

and as with most of your comments, the rest is speculation and opinon.


oh really?...

please you big genius, you explain us, and the whole scientific community how depleted uranium is not radioactive...


we're all waiting...

seriously...and then you tell me i'm speculating...

dude you're straight talking out of your ass about something you know nothing about...

depleted uranium is not radioactive...seriously...

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Originally posted by frenchbread


oh really?...

please you big genius, you explain us, and the whole scientific community how depleted uranium is not radioactive...


we're all waiting...

seriously...and then you tell me i'm speculating...

dude you're straight talking out of your ass about something you know nothing about...

depleted uranium is not radioactive...seriously...

have you worked around A-10's before?

do you know the loading procedure for API rounds for the GAU 8/A cannon?

Do you know the handling procedures and environmental impact for the 30mm shells employed?

know what you're talking about before you open your mouth.

and for further reference, here, have some reports on the 30mm shells in question. straight from the Air Force.



but then again i suppose we should just throw cotton balls at tanks, because they're soft and stay fresh longer...

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Originally posted by cintron

depleted uranium emits alpha particles, which is about the same as what your office copier emits. you can curl up with a shell in bed for a lifetime and not have any adverse effects.

I doubt gulf war veterans have it in their urine to this day. show me facts, not bullshit.

and as to your other comment. weak.

I will be joining the military upon graduation.

you however, will still be trying to win your little petty internet arguments.

small victories for small people.

hold on what graduation are we talking about here?...please don't tell me highschool...please don't tell me you're 15y.o. too like that other bright light dnice35...

see you're off again...

doctors and soldiers have testified to the effects of du...

and i like it how you guys are first saying "no way, there's no proof that we have/are using du"...

meanwhile the u.s. gov admitted to it...

so then...change of tactic..."it's harmless...it's not radioactive..."

that's sad and funny...

why didn't you say that in the first place...i mean if it's harmless, why not just saying "we're using it so what?"...no instead...you guys deny deny deny...

and then when you can't deny anymore, you say" it doesn't matter because..."...blablablabla...

and again...

i'm not trying to win an internet argument...

seriously...do you think that i do all this research and read to win an argument?...with you????...

i don't even know you?...wtf do i care to win an argument with you?...

i'm doing this because i feel our media are own by the gov't...the truth is hidden (and baddly at that) from u.s....

and i don't want to see my friends die, so that bush cheney and the rest came make money and feel important...

i'm sorry i don't spend my time on this board...i haven't posted here for months...

i'm trying to show people around me that there's another side to the story than what tony snow freakin' tells you on fox...(and yet another example...you don't who tony snow is)...

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Originally posted by frenchbread

i'm sorry i don't spend my time on this board...i haven't posted here for months...

i'm trying to show people around me that there's another side to the story than what tony snow freakin' tells you on fox...(and yet another example...you don't who tony snow is)...

kid, this board is clogged with your shit. you own half the threads here. please, who are you trying to fool.

and i'm just showing you the government's side, since you've so politely asked ;)

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Originally posted by cintron

have you worked around A-10's before?

do you know the loading procedure for API rounds for the GAU 8/A cannon?

Do you know the handling procedures and environmental impact for the 30mm shells employed?

know what you're talking about before you open your mouth.

and for further reference, here, have some reports on the 30mm shells in question. straight from the Air Force.



and again typical...

changing the subject...

i don't care about the loading procedure of freakin munitions...it's sad that you do...

however what matters is that there is d.u. in the shell and that the d.u. is dispersed in the air when fired and can therefore be inhaled...

and of course the airforce is going to tell you it's all fine and dandy...what else did you expect?...

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Originally posted by cintron

kid, this board is clogged with your shit. you own half the threads here. please, who are you trying to fool.

and i'm just showing you the government's side, since you've so politely asked ;)

and again more bs...

i don't own one thread on the board...

so stop bs'ing...

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Originally posted by cintron

so the last 17 pages in this thread don't exist?

i said HERE. You do know what "Here" means, right?

man you need to learn how to speak:

you said "you own half the threads here"...

i don't own any thread on this board (that's the whole cp board) not any in past year anyway...

i think what you are trying to say is that i own half the posts on this thread, and not half the threads on this board...


who cares...

you're right...

you're always right...

and how old are you again?...how much experience do you have?...did you finish highschool yet?...

yet you know everything...even how to load the munitions in the a-10...

do yourself a favor, stop playing the ps2, and try to read something...

and i love it how you guys never answer the stuff that bothers you...

like the fact that the uk, like france, support a u.n. reconstruction of irak?...

oh and your great wmd's found in iraq today...

i got news for you: it's PESTICIDE!!!!...


but of course you guys will have nothing constructive to answer to that...most probably insults...as usual...

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Originally posted by frenchbread

i love it how you guys never answer the stuff that bothers you...

like the fact that the uk, like france, support a u.n. reconstruction of irak?...

oh and your great wmd's found in iraq today...

i got news for you: it's PESTICIDE!!!!...


but of course you guys will have nothing constructive to answer to that...most probably insults...as usual...

read the Reuters report. It's in the "pesticide" thread. It's not pesticide. THey said it could be either/or and until tests are conclusive, we don't know. so you don't know anything either.

as for the rest:


who cares... I do

you're right... yup

you're always right... now you're getting the idea

and how old are you again? 23

...how much experience do you have? In? I'm not french so I'm an amateur at cocksucking and backstabbing

...did you finish highschool yet? with a question like that, i'd wonder more whether or not you did.

yet you know everything... Talk to Sassa about that.

even how to load the munitions in the a-10... actually, yes. Visit Fort Drum in upstate NY for two weeks and have a couple of members in the air force: one an active duty A-10 pilot and the other an armorer. It helps...

do yourself a favor, stop playing the ps2 Why? Grand Theft Auto is horrendously addictive

try to read something... I often do. reading is a favorite past time of mine. Your tenuous grip on the English language suggests you may need to brush up on some reading yourself.

Have a Nice Day, and always remember to pick the warm French Breads from the top of the pile. They're the freshest.:aright:

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who cares... I do

...yea you seem to...

you're right... yup

...of course you are...

you're always right... now you're getting the idea

...see you're not delusional...

and how old are you again? 23

...woa...so you do know everything...haven't finished undergrad yet have we...

...how much experience do you have? In? I'm not french so I'm an amateur at cocksucking and backstabbing

...and again great proof of your character...

...did you finish highschool yet? with a question like that, i'd wonder more whether or not you did.

...lol...i did buddy...and i'm now doing masters/phd studies...but of course before that i worked in the real world...

yet you know everything... Talk to Sassa about that.

i won't waste my time i'm sure you know everything...come on, you're cintron...

even how to load the munitions in the a-10... actually, yes. Visit Fort Drum in upstate NY for two weeks and have a couple of members in the air force: one an active duty A-10 pilot and the other an armorer. It helps...

...oh that explains a lot...lol...

do yourself a favor, stop playing the ps2 Why? Grand Theft Auto is horrendously addictive

... no comment...

try to read something... I often do. reading is a favorite past time of mine. Your tenuous grip on the English language suggests you may need to brush up on some reading yourself.

english is not my native tongue so considering, i think you can back off...talking about languages, how many do you speak?...

please my grip on the english language is definitely tighter than yours:

i remember this incident:

i think what you are trying to say is that i own half the posts on this thread, and not half the threads on this board......hum.hum...

read the Reuters report. It's in the "pesticide" thread. It's not pesticide. THey said it could be either/or and until tests are conclusive, we don't know. so you don't know anything either.

you need to go read it...

but in case you don't here it is...


NEAR NAJAF, Iraq (AFP) - A facility near Baghdad that a US officer had said might finally be "smoking gun" evidence of Iraqi chemical weapons production turned out to contain pesticide, not sarin gas as feared.

A military intelligence officer for the US 101st Airborne Division's aviation brigade, Captain Adam Mastrianni, told AFP that comprehensive tests determined the presence of the pesticide compounds.

Initial tests had reportedly detected traces of sarin -- a powerful toxin that quickly affects the nervous system -- after US soldiers guarding the facility near Hindiyah, 100 kilometres (60 miles) south of Baghdad, fell ill.

Mastrianni said: "They thought it was a nerve agent. That's what it tested. But it is pesticide."

He said a "theatre-level chemical testing team" made up of biologists and chemists had finally disproved the preliminary field tests results and established that pesticide was the substance involved.

Mastrianni added that sick soldiers, who had become nauseous, dizzy and developed skin blotches, had all recovered.

The turnaround was an embarrassment for the US forces in the region, which had been quick to say that they thought they had finally found the proof they have been actively looking for that Iraq (news - web sites) was hiding weapons of mass destruction.

A spokesman for the US army's 3rd Infantry Division, Major Ross Coffman, had told journalists at Baghdad's airport that the site "could be a smoking gun".

"We are talking about finding a site of possible weapons of mass destruction," he added.

The fact that the coalition forces have come up with no clear evidence of WMD after capturing much of Iraq in 19 days of fighting has raised questions over the war's justification.

so the tests are conclusive, they do know, so do i...but it seems you don't...

how is that possible...i thought the great cintron was always right?...


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Originally posted by frenchbread

and again typical...

changing the subject...

i don't care about the loading procedure of freakin munitions...it's sad that you do...

however what matters is that there is d.u. in the shell and that the d.u. is dispersed in the air when fired and can therefore be inhaled...

and of course the airforce is going to tell you it's all fine and dandy...what else did you expect?...

Why didn't you answer the question?

If the ammunition is toxic and the troops have been training with live ammunition since 91 then how come everyone who has been in the armed forces isn't sick??

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Originally posted by frenchbread

so the tests are conclusive, they do know, so do i...but it seems you don't...

how is that possible...i thought the great cintron was always right?...


I am.



and the only thing your masters/phd has shown to me, is that it's given you a petty sense of righteousness.

don't you have a job or something? or do you hang out and spend all day being an armchair intellectual.

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Originally posted by cintron

I am.



and the only thing your masters/phd has shown to me, is that it's given you a petty sense of righteousness.

don't you have a job or something? or do you hang out and spend all day being an armchair intellectual.

i have a petty sense of righteousness?...this from the guy that's always right, and that replies with insults...

yea ok...


but i forget...as usual you are right...

and btw, the article you link to is not the one i linked you too...

but nevermind that, the article tells you that the boxes full of white powder do not contain chemical weapon...yet i'm sure you were telling everybody "see...they found chemical weapons"...

at least, what i'm telling you is funded...it's an article from afp citing a military intelligence officer stating that today's find was just pesticide...

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Why didn't you answer the question?

If the ammunition is toxic and the troops have been training with live ammunition since 91 then how come everyone who has been in the armed forces isn't sick??

damn...why haven't i answered the question...

because i've been answering other...

but don't even try to tell me that i purposely avoid the question...

i have asked you pro-war guys many questions repeatedly, yet no answer...

if anyone here is trying to selectively answer questions it's you guys...

and now, it's finally my turn...

i will answer just like you guys have been doing:

that's speculation...show me proof...

i don't believe you...that's just your opinion...you have no proof...

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Dude I never dodged your questions..

Do you have an answer??

My freind spent 4 years over seas in the MARINES using LIVE ammunition and he is completely HEALTHY, oh and his newly born son? you geussed like an ox..

I give you 1 contradiction and you fold on the topic you have been fighting so hard to protect? You said the ammunition was harmful not ME....

If the ammunition was harmful in 91 don't you think the govt would change it???

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Dude I never dodged your questions..

Do you have an answer??

My freind spent 4 years over seas in the MARINES using LIVE ammunition and he is completely HEALTHY, oh and his newly born son? you geussed like an ox..

yes you have dodged questions:


why you wouldn't believe military evidence...


and you haven't prooved me anything...

give me proof that he used amunitions with d.u. in it...

the fact that he used live amunitions doesn't mean those amunitions had d.u. in it...please...

and i find it funny that before you were saying: "Show me the proof that we are using depleted uranium in the ordinance today not in 1991... "

and now you are arguing with me that's it's healthy not whether it's being used...funny...

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Originally posted by frenchbread

i have a petty sense of righteousness?...this from the guy that's always right, and that replies with insults...

yea ok...


but i forget...as usual you are right...

hypocrisy at its best.

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The evidence of GW Bush dodging the draft was given to me by some guy who cut and pasted it on a messaage board.. I just can't beleive with your Tom Daschles, Nany Pelosi and the grand momma of shadyness Hillary Cunton (no mis-spelling) out there would not let the republican party forget if Bush who single handily tore the control of government from the democratic parties hands dodged the draft...

Bro don't give me that horse shit you were convinced that the ammunition they are using is giving off radiation and you wan't proof he didn't? Ironic and interesting... So maybe they switched the bullets for his 4 years and now they returned them...

Look whether they used them or not the troops are safe from there own ammunition.

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Originally posted by cintron

hypocrisy at its best.

ok...do you know what hypocrisy means?...

if so, please tell me how i am being an hypocrite?...

it's not because you say it that it makes it so...

don't tell me i'm "righteous"...you had better look in the mirror...

i argue with you guys...

i keep it clean...

but you guys are slandering and insulting me every other post, and then you come with this "i have a sense of righteousness"...

and i'm the hypocrite...

yea sure whatever you say chief...

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The evidence of GW Bush dodging the draft was given to me by some guy who cut and pasted it on a messaage board.. I just can't beleive with your Tom Daschles, Nany Pelosi and the grand momma of shadyness Hillary Cunton (no mis-spelling) out there would not let the republican party forget if Bush who single handily tore the control of government from the democratic parties hands dodged the draft...

wether you like it or not...i could care less about hilary, bill clinton...

the fact is that there is solid evidence coming from military records that bush was AWOL...

that's it...now you can throw all the names you want...

doesn't change a thing...

military records show he was AWOL...

Bro don't give me that horse shit you were convinced that the ammunition they are using is giving off radiation and you wan't proof he didn't? Ironic and interesting... So maybe they switched the bullets for his 4 years and now they returned them...


i'm not giving you horse shit...you just need to go back and read what i said...

i'm am telling you that they use d.u. in ammunitions now in iraq (as well as in the first gulf war, in the balkans and in afghanistan)...i never told you that they used it in training...my point is that your friend isn't ill because he didn't use ammunitions with d.u....that's because i don't think they would use it in training...no reason...no real threat...

Look whether they used them or not the troops are safe from there own ammunition.

and wrong again...

it's not because it's their own ammunitions that they are safe from it...

when fired, the d.u. in the ammo is pulverised and dispersed in to air...it can then be breathed...d.u. dust...

now you didn't know that either, did you?...

and more over they are exposed to it when they inspect vehicles that have been assaulted with d.u. "enriched" ammunitions...

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Originally posted by frenchbread

i'm the child...

yea ok...you just proved that...

and i'm still waiting for your explanation as to why i'm a hypocrite...or can't you come up with anything...

or maybe i don't care enough to explain.

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