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Attn: JoeG

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Originally posted by smokesum

actually i never rate my own threads

so fuck off midget

i fucking HATE repeating myself...

Originally posted by marcid21 you should quit clogging the board up with your useless crap and think of something constructive to say
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Originally posted by smokesum

you dumb cunt, i'm telling the kid to get a job...thats constructive enough..i'll go out on a limb and be a little more constructive by telling you to shut the fuck up ! :D

don't bother going out on any limb. you just love talking out of your ass.

and...don't you EVER refer to me as a CUNT again.

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its 4:25pm... I just wokeup... I don't feel like making any witty comments... all I know, is as long as the government pays for me to go out at night, and sleep all day... jobs don't really look enticing...

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Originally posted by joeg

its 4:25pm... I just wokeup... I don't feel like making any witty comments... all I know, is as long as the government pays for me to go out at night, and sleep all day... jobs don't really look enticing...

1st of all...

who are you even trying to kid??????

You don't even fuckin get an unemployement check.

Who the fuck ever heard of getting an Unemployment check because they quit their job simply because they dont like it anymore?

If thats the case...i should be expecting an unemployment check from the past 3 jobs i had that i quit that i didn't like no???

Second of all.....Unemployment checks last about 6 months and its been well over 6 months since u quit (i remember the thread).

Third of all...how fuckin dumb could u be to quit a job yer father got u? God...why must u be such a let down of a son?

4th.....do u have any idea how hard it is to get an IT job nowadays no matter how smart you are??

Oh wait...u DO HAVE AN IDEA...because you don't have a job no more and either yer too lazy to look or realize that you shouldn't have quit cause Unemployment "if you supposedly even get it that is" eventually runs out.

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normally i ignore your stupidity...

but since i'm bored...

1) yes, i DO get an unemployment check...

2) yes it ends after 6 months, and then you get a 3month extension... which i'm currently on...

3) You're Stupid.

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oh, and try getting an office job someday instead of moving hazardous waste like a ziltch... then you can workout shit with your boss when you decide to leave so you get unemployment... :aright:

oh, and keep workin... you're payin for that unemployment with your tax dollars... ;)

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Originally posted by joeg

oh, and try getting an office job someday instead of moving hazardous waste like a ziltch... then you can workout shit with your boss when you decide to leave so you get unemployment... :aright:

:laugh: i don't move HazMat at this job..that was my old one and at both jobs i get paid VERY well.

Look...u know how i am with words....A lot of times i come across as very harsh and abrasive mistakenly forgetting how sensitive people's feelings really are at times, but its just the person i am. I wouldn't be Mike/Quoth if i was different.

Though im not gonna turn this into a song and dance with some big ass apology....i think we both know each of our downfalls..and i think we know them very well.

So if anything....you try to work on yours and i will try to work on mine.

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Originally posted by quoth

:laugh: i don't move HazMat at this job..that was my old one and at both jobs i get paid VERY well.

Look...u know how i am with words....A lot of times i come across as very harsh and abrasive mistakenly forgetting how sensitive people's feelings really are at times, but its just the person i am. I wouldn't be Mike/Quoth if i was different.

Though im not gonna turn this into a song and dance with some big ass apology....i think we both know each of our downfalls..and i think we know them very well.

So if anything....you try to work on yours and i will try to work on mine.

you're not harsh enough :D

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