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Iraqi-Americans Want to Fight Saddam

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DEARBORN, Mich. — An initiative to recruit Iraqi exiles in the United States to help topple Saddam Hussein has been gaining support in Dearborn, Mich.

The Iraqi National Congress — a London-based umbrella group of various organizations opposing the Baghdad regime — is spearheading a project to assemble a pool of Iraqis to help coalition forces gain the trust of the country's people.

Emad Alkased of the Iraqi Youth Reunion — an educational group that wants to rebuild a post-Saddam Iraq — has been leading a recruiting drive in Dearborn, which has the largest ethnic Iraqi community of any U.S. city.

The drive is part of an all-out appeal to Iraqi-Americans who want to return to their homeland to help the U.S.-led coalition topple the dictatorship.

"I don't want American people to die for my country — I want me to be the first one," Alkased said. "I appreciate what American people are doing for my country, but I don't want them to spend their blood. I am ready to spend blood for my country."

Meetings are being held in Dearborn, where potential recruits fill out applications and give their address, date of birth, Social Security number and the name of the nearest airport.

Other Iraqi exiles are ready to shed their blood, too.

The Department of Defense has asked the Iraqi National Congress to find 250 volunteers who are willing to return to Iraq on 48 hours' notice.

U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz recently traveled to Dearborn to meet with hundreds of members of the city's Iraqi-American community.

"I heard one wrenching story after another about Saddam's systematic brutality," Wolfowitz said during a Friday press briefing at the State Department's Foreign Press Center.

The Pentagon has been training thousands of Saddam's opponents, including former Iraqi military officials, since last fall. President Bush gave the Pentagon $92 million for the program.

Dave Alwatan needs no convincing.

"As an American Iraqi, all our people here want to go in the front of the American military to fight Saddam's regime," he said.

Alwatan's nephew has brain damage and facial scars after Iraqi soldiers kicked him in the face when he was a year old in order to get information during the first Gulf War. Alwatan said the military was searching for him and his brother.

"I want to fight Saddam's regime, not our people," he said. "Saddam will never, ever go away without fighting. We know that. Saddam, he must go very soon."

Another Iraqi-American, Thea Alemari, said there's no doubt it's time for the dictator to go.

"You can't breathe. If you need to breathe, you have to have approval from government to say something," he said. "If you say something about the government, you be in jail or you'll be killed."

"We can speak to the people of Iraq, we have connection with the people of Iraq," Alemari added. "They feel not safe right now, but when we talk to them, I think we have large support inside Iraq."

Alemari said many Iraqis were afraid to speak out or aid coalition forces because they feared the current regime would survive this war, as it did the first Gulf War.

Exiles said they had not yet been briefed on when or where they might be needed in Iraq. Some of them are former Iraqi soldiers and want to head to the front lines.

At the very least, they said, they could be used as translators to help negotiate the surrender of Saddam's Fedayeen militia and Baath party members.

"It's my backyard. It is my city. It is my village. It is my people," said Casey Mahuba of the Iraqi Youth Union. "I know who is Fedayeen, who is Baath and who is honest people."

She said many people in Dearborn were willing to fight.

About 75 Iraqi-Americans who trained with U.S. forces at a military base in Hungary are now on the ground with coalition troops in Iraq. They're called the Free Iraqi Forces and primarily supporting humanitarian operations.

It was unclear whether the Dearborn exiles would be joining those forces. But they emphasized they were ready to do whatever was necessary to bring peace to Iraq.

"We will liberate our country. We will free Iraq no matter which it is going to cost us," Alkased said. "This is the last choice for us and this is what we are going to do."

Mahuba said fighting for her country would be worth her life.

"For me it is the freedom. It is my country. I want to sacrifice myself there," she said. "I want to die there if that is what it is going to cost. The price is the freedom."

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Its incredible the love and support these Iraqis are showing, In their countrIES time of need they stand behind both of them,

maybe some of you so called "Americans", those opposing the war to be exact, could learn a thing or two from these gentlemen.

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Originally posted by dnice35

Its incredible the love and support these Iraqis are showing, In their countrIES time of need they stand behind both of them,

maybe some of you so called "Americans", those opposing the war to be exact, could learn a thing or two from these gentlemen.

i find it ironic, and incredibly hyppocritical, that you of all people are making this comment.

you are the one who is quick to label all muslims and middle easterners as "towelheads". you are the one who was insistent on making comments, unfair and racist ones at that, of the character of iraqis and other people from this region.

you are such a two-faced bigot, even on a common message board, it shines right through...i feel sorry for you. it cannot be easy being this way.

and on the same token, why don't you pick up a weapon and go help your "fellow" americans? if you're sooo patriotic....:rolleyes::blown:

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Originally posted by sassa

i find it ironic, and incredibly hyppocritical, that you of all people are making this comment.

you are the one who is quick to label all muslims and middle easterners as "towelheads". you are the one who was insistent on making comments, unfair and racist ones at that, of the character of iraqis and other people from this region.

you are such a two-faced bigot, even on a common message board, it shines right through...i feel sorry for you. it cannot be easy being this way.

and on the same token, why don't you pick up a weapon and go help your "fellow" americans? if you're sooo patriotic....:rolleyes::blown:

ok first of all if you look back thru all my post, I never said anything bad about the civilian population, my beef is with the Iraqi millitary, the Paletine people ... excuse me, I meant to say monekys, and the muslim extremist. ok ok you are right I might have made a racist and unfair remark about muslims in the past, so I will go ahead and appologize for them......

by the way if I could bare arms next to my American brothers I would, but like I said in the past, I cant....... not at this point in time.

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Originally posted by dnice35

ok first of all if you look back thru all my post, I never said anything bad about the civilian population, my beef is with the Iraqi millitary, the Paletine people ... excuse me, I meant to say monekys, and the muslim extremist. ok ok you are right I might have made a racist and unfair remark about muslims in the past, so I will go ahead and appologize for them......

by the way if I could bare arms next to my American brothers I would, but like I said in the past, I cant....... not at this point in time.

:rolleyes: you do it again...you're hopeless.
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Originally posted by sassa

:rolleyes: you do it again...you're hopeless.

you never comment on the issue

what do you have to say about the american iraqis volunteering for military service

and Dnice when you use racial slurs you debase the power of your argument

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Originally posted by siceone

you never comment on the issue

what do you have to say about the american iraqis volunteering for military service

and Dnice when you use racial slurs you debase the power of your argument

i say, cheers, if that's what they want to do, who am i to say otherwise...

since it's also their country that they're going to be fighting in, i guess they would give the americans an advantage with certain outlooks and info that an american could not give them.


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Originally posted by sassa

and on the same token, why don't you pick up a weapon and go help your "fellow" americans? if you're sooo patriotic....:rolleyes::blown:

LOL.. you have nerve to say this to others.. on the same token, why don't you get out of america if you hate the american way, and are so against what this country stands for?:rolleyes::blown:

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Originally posted by girly

LOL.. you have nerve to say this to others.. on the same token, why don't you get out of america if you hate the american way, and are so against what this country stands for?:rolleyes::blown:

oh please. :rolleyes:

i have every right to stay in this country and criticize the gov't. it's my given right as an american. i don't have to support the gov't, no matter what way you look at it, they are not doing the right thing by sending in young men and women to fight the war of the old politicians in washington. :rolleyes:


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Originally posted by sassa

oh please. :rolleyes:

i have every right to stay in this country and criticize the gov't. it's my given right as an american.

You said it sister. "GIVEN RIGHT" you know who gave you those right? all those soldiers who perished defending this country and the flag for which it stands for. so it would be nice if you showed a little courtesy to our troops.

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Originally posted by dnice35

You said it sister. "GIVEN RIGHT" you know who gave you those right? all those soldiers who perished defending this country and the flag for which it stands for. so it would be nice if you showed a little courtesy to our troops.


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Originally posted by sassa

oh please. :rolleyes:

i have every right to stay in this country and criticize the gov't. it's my given right as an american. i don't have to support the gov't, no matter what way you look at it, they are not doing the right thing by sending in young men and women to fight the war of the old politicians in washington. :rolleyes:


whether you suppport the government or not, these people who are your neighbors, your friends, your fellow americans are risking their lives for you.. These people took this job wanting to do that for you.. and you are so fucking ungreatful its sickening..

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Originally posted by girly

whether you suppport the government or not, these people who are your neighbors, your friends, your fellow americans are risking their lives for you.. These people took this job wanting to do that for you.. and you are so fucking ungreatful its sickening..


this coming from someone who has never met me...

don't be so quick to make personal jabs....can't you ever argue or debate about something without resorting to third grade jeering...


i have my reasons for taking the position i do...and i bet i probably could tell you a lot of things that would make you think twice about "your" country...:rolleyes: since when did i have to keep my mouth shut and support something i know in my heart is wrong, all in the name of patriotism and "justice"....? that isn't true...and i think most of you know that as well, but you just choose to believe in whatever is easier for you to have....life is more than just this country...we have to consider the world in everything...and that is what is wrong with the american mentality in international politics....they just don't give a damn...i'm not saying give away everything we have here...but don't be stingy and be a little compassionate, this is not our world, this is everyone's world...

but politics is a very dirty game...and that will never change...because the system is set up that way...everyone turns their heads when their congressmen and senators accept bribes from random organizations and individuals whose interests lie in how political history is played out...they manipulate things...like this war...can't you see that it is nothing but a show...an elaborate plan....these people are fucking smart that is for sure....they've managed to pull the wool over the majority of people's eyes...and the sad part is, you can't reach them because they are so engrossed in it....

this might be wrong, but i really wish you pro-war people would see things from a more universal, open approach...no one wants to die, no one wants war....our governments are fucking us all over....everyone in the world should revolt and create a system that is open and acceptable to everyone....evenly dividing the wealth so that we can all benefit from it...

but that is a pipe dream, i realize...

we are doomed to follow this destructive path that humanity has been treading down on since it became stronger and more intelligent than the rules of nature can withstand...

we are slowly destroying ourselves, other creatures on this earth, and the world itself....

it's all downhill from here....

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Originally posted by sassa


this coming from someone who has never met me...

don't be so quick to make personal jabs....can't you ever argue or debate about something without resorting to third grade jeering...


i have my reasons for taking the position i do...and i bet i probably could tell you a lot of things that would make you think twice about "your" country...:rolleyes: since when did i have to keep my mouth shut and support something i know in my heart is wrong, all in the name of patriotism and "justice"....? that isn't true...and i think most of you know that as well, but you just choose to believe in whatever is easier for you to have....life is more than just this country...we have to consider the world in everything...and that is what is wrong with the american mentality in international politics....they just don't give a damn...i'm not saying give away everything we have here...but don't be stingy and be a little compassionate, this is not our world, this is everyone's world...

but politics is a very dirty game...and that will never change...because the system is set up that way...everyone turns their heads when their congressmen and senators accept bribes from random organizations and individuals whose interests lie in how political history is played out...they manipulate things...like this war...can't you see that it is nothing but a show...an elaborate plan....these people are fucking smart that is for sure....they've managed to pull the wool over the majority of people's eyes...and the sad part is, you can't reach them because they are so engrossed in it....

this might be wrong, but i really wish you pro-war people would see things from a more universal, open approach...no one wants to die, no one wants war....our governments are fucking us all over....everyone in the world should revolt and create a system that is open and acceptable to everyone....evenly dividing the wealth so that we can all benefit from it...

but that is a pipe dream, i realize...

we are doomed to follow this destructive path that humanity has been treading down on since it became stronger and more intelligent than the rules of nature can withstand...

we are slowly destroying ourselves, other creatures on this earth, and the world itself....

it's all downhill from here....


you almost made me cry....

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[but politics is a very dirty game...and that will never change...because the system is set up that way...everyone turns their heads when their congressmen and senators accept bribes from random organizations and individuals whose interests lie in how political history is played out...they manipulate things...like this war...can't you see that it is nothing but a show...an elaborate plan....these people are fucking smart that is for sure....they've managed to pull the wool over the majority of people's eyes...and the sad part is, you can't reach them because they are so engrossed in it....

Another conspiratis theory so stale....

this might be wrong, but i really wish you pro-war people would see things from a more universal, open approach...no one wants to die, no one wants war....our governments are fucking us all over....everyone in the world should revolt and create a system that is open and acceptable to everyone....evenly dividing the wealth so that we can all benefit from it...

Socialism and Communism does not work look at Russia and some european countries. You are the only one responsible for your future no one else..

Is the world in a better situation especially post 911??? How is removing the regime and electing a gov't that actually gives a shit about's it's people a bad thing seriously... I really wish the antiwar people see Sadam has killed more of his own people in the last 25 years then 10 Gulf wars put together..

-The United states does not intentionally kill civilians..

-The United States doesn't torture or EXECUTE it's POW'S

-The United states doesn't use it's own people as human sheilds..

-The U.S will make sure the revenue from the oil for food program will go directly to the Iraqi people. Once the gov't is operational and I am sure we will be repaid for the liberation but is that really bad??

Let's say the oil wells rebuild the country and repay america directly or indirectly isn't Iraq and the people who live there in a better position???

I just can't fathom how anybody in their right mind can be against this operation ...

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Originally posted by sassa


this coming from someone who has never met me...

don't be so quick to make personal jabs....can't you ever argue or debate about something without resorting to third grade jeering...


i have my reasons for taking the position i do...and i bet i probably could tell you a lot of things that would make you think twice about "your" country...:rolleyes: since when did i have to keep my mouth shut and support something i know in my heart is wrong, all in the name of patriotism and "justice"....? that isn't true...and i think most of you know that as well, but you just choose to believe in whatever is easier for you to have....life is more than just this country...we have to consider the world in everything...and that is what is wrong with the american mentality in international politics....they just don't give a damn...i'm not saying give away everything we have here...but don't be stingy and be a little compassionate, this is not our world, this is everyone's world...

but politics is a very dirty game...and that will never change...because the system is set up that way...everyone turns their heads when their congressmen and senators accept bribes from random organizations and individuals whose interests lie in how political history is played out...they manipulate things...like this war...can't you see that it is nothing but a show...an elaborate plan....these people are fucking smart that is for sure....they've managed to pull the wool over the majority of people's eyes...and the sad part is, you can't reach them because they are so engrossed in it....

this might be wrong, but i really wish you pro-war people would see things from a more universal, open approach...no one wants to die, no one wants war....our governments are fucking us all over....everyone in the world should revolt and create a system that is open and acceptable to everyone....evenly dividing the wealth so that we can all benefit from it...

but that is a pipe dream, i realize...

we are doomed to follow this destructive path that humanity has been treading down on since it became stronger and more intelligent than the rules of nature can withstand...

we are slowly destroying ourselves, other creatures on this earth, and the world itself....

it's all downhill from here....

Socialism and Communism does not work look at Russia and some european countries. You are the only one responsible for your wealth & future no one else..

Is the world in a better situation especially post 911??? How is removing the regime and electing a gov't that actually gives a shit about's it's people a bad thing seriously... I really wish the antiwar people see Sadam has killed more of his own people in the last 25 years then 10 Gulf wars put together..

-The United states does not intentionally kill civilians..

-The United States doesn't torture or EXECUTE it's POW'S

-The United states doesn't use it's own people as human sheilds..

-The U.S will make sure the revenue from the oil for food program will go directly to the Iraqi people. Once the gov't is operational and I am sure we will be repaid for the liberation but is that really bad??

Let's say the oil wells rebuild the country and repay america directly or indirectly isn't Iraq and the people who live there in a better position???

I just can't fathom how anybody in their right mind can be against this operation ...

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