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What's your beef with Capitalism?

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the problem is that there is not"free excersice" anymore. its more like a few giant companies own everything in a certain field and use their money to corrupt the govt. if govt is truly hands off business thats good, but today we have president bush riding the enron helicopter to a baseball game right b4 enron dies and takes everyones pensions. meanwhile the ceo's all kept their millions of dollars and even if they were prosecuted george dubya would probably pardon them

capitalism is good, but it is neccessary to maintain a social safety net of some sorts relating to poverty, education and health care. if we are capitalist then we should at least support more private schools and competition in the education system. competition made american products great and the lack of competition led to a decline in american education.

wealth of nation-adam smith def. should read that book if ur intersted in econonmics and the like.

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I capitalism and free enterprise is the best system because human beings are selfish creatures.

given the fact that human beings in this country are driven by self gain the best policy to grow the wealth of the whole would be to allow each individual to amass as much as they feel they need.

the reason there are a few giant companies is because that's the way to best serve the consumer. certian industries have Huge economies of scale that by thier nature produce high barriers of entry.. such as pharmecuiticals and the Auto industry.. but it still isn't impossible there has been a great change in the business landscape in the past 4 years. you act like the companies at the top have a monopoly which they don't they are constantly being threatened with competition from other firms which force a change for survival.. 2 great examples would be IBM and GE both of which not to long ago were on the verge of bankruptcy because of competition from smaller firms. just because the company is big doesn't mean they aren't the best choice for the consumer, in fact they usually are the best choice.

now social policy is a different story and really has nothing to do with capitalism per se. of course there is one system that is incompatible with capitalism which is socialism. so weather the form of Gov't be a monarchy, republic, democracy, parlimentary, capitalism can and has worked. now whether you are a lazzie faire captialist or a beuracratic captialist is a diferent story. personally I feel that the best place would be as little gov't invovlement at possible while protecting the weak.

Now where social programs are concerned Im a conservative and I think people should do what they want with the money they earn except in special cases where projects need a collective effort such as infrastructure and defense personally I don't think we should need a federal education system because I think parents should want to educate thier children.. but sadly alot of parents don't have the foresight of care about the importance of edcaution in thier childrens lives. given that Education of our children must be a priority...

as far as welfare goes it has proven it self to not work

and other social programs have become pits for tax payer money..

social security IMO should be privatized so that people have a choice where thier moeny goes. information is more readily available these days and I think that most people are at a level at which they can make decisions and take responsibilty for them..

Im more of a student of Keynesian economics than classical economics anyway but that's a whole other droll conversation.

and that enron argument is not only baseless its wrong no one really knew the type of accounting improprieties that were going on. Everyone lost money in that.. and 5 other large companies fell in the span of that summer for the same exact reason Enron Fell.

by the way those CEO paid millions in fines and are being prosceuted as we speak. those people have lost everything for thier crimes.

I mean do you have a problem with just GW or with presidents involved in business.. I mean be fair what about the mark rich pardon.. to date I don't think GW has pardoned anyone ( correct me if Im wrong).

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Originally posted by siceone

I mean do you have a problem with just GW or with presidents involved in business.. I mean be fair what about the mark rich pardon.. to date I don't think GW has pardoned anyone ( correct me if Im wrong).

if that was the ONLY pardon "Bubba" did in his last days...he released terrorists/cop killers:rolleyes: ...his brother i will give it to him, family is family...:tongue:

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

if that was the ONLY pardon "Bubba" did in his last days...he released terrorists/cop killers:rolleyes: ...his brother i will give it to him, family is family...:tongue:

Very true... but lets stick to the topic Capitalism I want a debate of economic policy not the shortcomings of presidents past and present

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Originally posted by siceone

I capitalism and free enterprise is the best system because human beings are selfish creatures.

given the fact that human beings in this country are driven by self gain the best policy to grow the wealth of the whole would be to allow each individual to amass as much as they feel they need.

the reason there are a few giant companies is because that's the way to best serve the consumer. certian industries have Huge economies of scale that by thier nature produce high barriers of entry.. such as pharmecuiticals and the Auto industry.. but it still isn't impossible there has been a great change in the business landscape in the past 4 years. you act like the companies at the top have a monopoly which they don't they are constantly being threatened with competition from other firms which force a change for survival.. 2 great examples would be IBM and GE both of which not to long ago were on the verge of bankruptcy because of competition from smaller firms. just because the company is big doesn't mean they aren't the best choice for the consumer, in fact they usually are the best choice.

now social policy is a different story and really has nothing to do with capitalism per se. of course there is one system that is incompatible with capitalism which is socialism. so weather the form of Gov't be a monarchy, republic, democracy, parlimentary, capitalism can and has worked. now whether you are a lazzie faire captialist or a beuracratic captialist is a diferent story. personally I feel that the best place would be as little gov't invovlement at possible while protecting the weak.

Now where social programs are concerned Im a conservative and I think people should do what they want with the money they earn except in special cases where projects need a collective effort such as infrastructure and defense personally I don't think we should need a federal education system because I think parents should want to educate thier children.. but sadly alot of parents don't have the foresight of care about the importance of edcaution in thier childrens lives. given that Education of our children must be a priority...

as far as welfare goes it has proven it self to not work

and other social programs have become pits for tax payer money..

social security IMO should be privatized so that people have a choice where thier moeny goes. information is more readily available these days and I think that most people are at a level at which they can make decisions and take responsibilty for them..

Im more of a student of Keynesian economics than classical economics anyway but that's a whole other droll conversation.

and that enron argument is not only baseless its wrong no one really knew the type of accounting improprieties that were going on. Everyone lost money in that.. and 5 other large companies fell in the span of that summer for the same exact reason Enron Fell.

by the way those CEO paid millions in fines and are being prosceuted as we speak. those people have lost everything for thier crimes.

I mean do you have a problem with just GW or with presidents involved in business.. I mean be fair what about the mark rich pardon.. to date I don't think GW has pardoned anyone ( correct me if Im wrong).


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