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Why the hell did I ever leave?


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kevin: first off don't ever presume to tell someone you hardly know what they care for/know about! because honestly you have no clue what i care/know about. and how dare you infer that i am musicly trendy! i love the music and unlike you am very open minded toward it! my tastes very like the weather but i am by no means trandy!! just because i am eclectic in my music does not mean that i jump on bandwagons! i do not limit myself to any one style or sound of music because when you do that, things start to get boring. i keep an open mind and like to experience and learn about new styles/sounds of music...obviously you don't and i feel very sorry for you in that respect because you're missing out on alot, thanks to your single mindedness...

now back to the NYC dj's vs. the FL dj's...

you say that FL's dj's were/are not as important to the scene as NYC's dj's are/were...well, i got news for you mate... if it wasn't for FL promoters/dj's like jimmy van m., chris frotier, kimball collins, bevin o'neal, luis diaz, carmel ophir and john cowan, the likes of sasha, digweed, dave seaman, anthony pappa, nick warren etc...would never have made it as big as they did in the states!! if it wasn't for these people they would never have even made it to NYC and NYC would still have no clue as to who they were let alone have them as residants every month!! luis diaz, kimbill collins, jimmy van m., chris fortier, bruce wilcox, joe c. and boyd westerman are all founding fathers of the florida dance music scene! with out them there would be no florida dance music scene! so now you tell me these dj's haven't done much for the scene...you need to learn your history before you go slaging off important people like that mate.

as for your other comment about NYC being more musicly eclectic then FL...are you trying to say that FL dosn't have trance, D&B, house, hip hop and breakbeat??? what rock have you been hiding under??? maybe if you didn't walk around with your eyes closed and you head up your arse then you'd see that FL also has ALL of these forms of music...

i'm not saying house music is stale. what i am saying is that it hasn't evolved...MAW has been playing the same jazzy, latin influenced house since their nuyrican (sp.?) soul album back in 96/97 and maybe longer then that...erick morillo has been playing the same stlye/sound since he started subliminal!! i hardly call that evolution!! you want evolution/progression?? i'll give you a good example...go listen to sasha & digweed's reaissance vol.1 which came out in 94, then go listen to northern exposure vols. 1 & 2 which came out in 96 and 97 respecively, then go listen to digweeds bedrock mix and sasha & digweeds communicate which came out in 99 and 2000...do you see/hear the differences in the styles of music through out the years? renaissance was progressive house, the first 2 northern exposures were epic house/trance, bedrock was dark, sexy tribally house and communicate was very trancey...now thats evolution/progression in music!! all the major old school house dj's are playing the same style/sound that they've been playing for years!! they haven't evolved or changed at all...thus the sound is old.

i have about another pharagraph to type but i have to go to work so i'll type it when i get home...

[This message has been edited by marick (edited 12-11-2000).]

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I was trying to stay away from y'all's argument (hey, sorry I got the whole thing fired up, but decided to mention something: yes, music is important, but it's not all that.

I've had a great time partying at Crobar, Nikki's Beach, Sunday Skool, and few others where the DJ's didn't have national or international names, but we all enjoyed every minute of the parties. At the same time, I've been to Sasha and Digweed many times and you know what? Honestly, on some occasions they sucked. Same applies to PVD, Body&Soul, Jonathan Peters, et al. Hey, I am an equal opportunity offender, and if something/someone sucks, I'm saying it no matter how big the name.

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now that i'm back from work i'm going to finish that last post i started yesterday...

as i've said before, there are some really good trance artists/albums out there! have you ever listened to L.S.G.'s mix albums or any of the platipus albums or how about nigel dawsons renaissance presents vol.1 mix?? some how i doubt you have...because if you had, you'd know that L.S.G.'s mix albums have just as much melody as any house mix! but of course your to single minded to even think about experiencing L.S.G. because it's not house so that means it's got to be shit...you're sad...you're really sad!! you know, it's really in bad taste to go around telling others that the type of music they like is garbage just because YOU don't happen to like it...it shows you have very little, if any class...

as for being scizophrenic...i think you're the one that'd be scizophrenic!! as i said before, you generalize to much and this is a perfect example...you think because YOU can't handle more then one style of music at a time that no one else can either...you're full of shit mate!! it's obvious judging by my cd/tape collection and my knowlage about/interests in all the diffrent dj's that i CAN and DO handle more then one style of music at a time!! and i'm far from scizophrenic!!

so what if house music was here first!?!? disco was here before house and blues before disco and classical before blues...what does that mean, that each of these is better then the one that came after simply because it came first?? are you THAT naive?? who are you to say what is crap and what isn't crap?

your def. not in any position to make judgements like that!!

i didn't say that the house scene was stale...if you'd read what i DID say you'd know that i said the house SOUND was stale...and if you took the time to read my whole post, which apparently you didn't, you'd see that i said the same about the prog/trance SOUND as well...so as you see i am very open minded in my judgements...or why would i have just said that about my supposed favorite scene...think about it mate...

ps...resident, although i love music more then a little and i do tend to think that it is "all that", i agree with your second paragraph 100% mate!

[This message has been edited by marick (edited 12-11-2000).]

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Originally posted by resident:

Whoa, time-out. You've never seen JP play, you've only "been told", and you take it upon yourself to do the bashing? Oh please. A) Isn't it kind of wrong to bash something you've not experienced yourself? B) Whoever told you this is talking about a different Jonathan Peters than I know. Peters plays afterhours at Sound Factory Saturdays - about as hard as house music gets anywhere. I'm saying this even though I'm not a true follower of his, but I sure have been to SF on Sunday mornings, and he rocks the roof off the place.

Rachel knows what I'm talking about. Right?

I second this...


genie.gif This genie grants 3 wishes... Hey I'm not sharing! He's all MINE!

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Marick> Think you need to chill, bro... recommendation: make 4:20 your favorite time of day. Once again, you comment on DJs I really don't care much for: Sasha, Digweed, Seaman, etc. I could give a fuck who or what made them popular. You know little about house and it shows; so don't comment about it! Did you know that Subliminal is starting to create sub-labels w/ different types of sounds? And you don't know shit about the Masters at Work, so don't even start here... I'm not even getting into this. And have you heard recents sets from the "old school NY house" DJs? I think not, or else you'd quickly correct your comment... for example, just last weekend I witnessed Todd Terry play a wonderful blend of old and new. Check out an internet mixshow from Tony Humphries and you'll see he still mixes old and new with finesse. And I never said FL didn't have drum 'n' bass, hip-hop, etc. - I said NYC offers more in this department. I guarantee I know more about these genres than you do as well. Also, I never said the "Renaissance" sound hasn't evolved; I simply stated that I didn't care too much for it... as simple as that. And I think I have the right to an opinion! Certainly you do... In addition, if you want to go saying that I have no class (which I guarantee I have a lot more than you), then please say it to my face next time I see you. Harsh words on the internet are weak... I'm ending this here as I need not to waste any more time on this! Peace.


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

"Not everyone understands house music... it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing."

[This message has been edited by arrakis (edited 12-11-2000).]

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first off todd terry isn't an "old school NYC house dj" he's from chicogo, so that right there shows me you don't know as much as you think you do...so that example you gave in your last post about his recent set is erelavent (sp?) because we're not talking about chicogo dj's here. i never said you had to care about sasha & digweed and what made them popular...but i think you should lean to acknowlage and respect them. they are a huge part of dance music in all it's styles and forms!! you don't have to like them just give them credit where credit is due. i don't think it shows alot of class when you go around slagging off other peoples choice in music simply because YOU don't like it!! and trust me, you need not like it if you choose not to but don't disrespect others because of that choice! if this attatude of yours is all i have to go on then i'd say you have nowhere near the class that i and most of the others on this board have.

and your right, i don't know alot about MAW and tony humphries but i have heard recent sets by MAW on the internet and on cd, and as i said before...their sound hasn't changed. just listen to the new house nation cd feat. erick morillo & lil'louie. that cd just came out and it sounds just like all there old stuff...i never said these guys weren't great dj's...you seem to be really good at misconscrewing what people say...all i said was their sound hasn't evolved. as for subliminal, i read something in mixmag about this new sub-lable thing but i haven't seen any evidance of it happening as yet...therefore my comment about erick still holds true...

as for knowing more about D&B/hip hop ...maybe you do maybe you don't...i grew up listening to old school hip hop so i know quite a bit about it. as for D&B i also know quite a bit about the artists/lables so don't go jumping to concluetions here either mate. however i do freely admit that these are not my styles of preference right now so it is very possible you DO know more then me but i doute it...

and of course your intitled to an opinion just like everyone else is...it's the way you express your opinion that counts. you seem not to know how to express your opinion with out riping on others and what they like...insted of saying "I don't like trance" you go and say "all trance is shit" will your's isn't the be all end all of opinions so you shouldn't go around acting like it is...how do you think the people that your slagging feel when you express your opinion like that?? bet you never really thought about it did you?? well maybe in the future you should...when you say "I don't like trance" people just think "ok, so he's not a trance head" if you insted say "all trance is shit" then people that like trance might take it as a personal attack on their opinions and they get offended ...something to think about. it's not very classy to look down on and go around judging what others like.

as for the harsh words, it wasn't ment to be an attack on you...i just think judging by what you wrote and how it was worded that you are very shallow and single minded as far as music goes...i also think you generalize & awsume to much an figure because you feel a certan way that must mean everyone else does to...hey, the truth hurts...trust me, i know that better then anyone!!

i think your a really cool kid! i have nothing agenst you personally. i just don't agree with some of your opinions and how you go about expressing them. i beleave we can learn alot from each other. i'm willing to learn more about house and open my mind to new sounds and i know you know alot about house so...but you really should do the same for trance/prog. it never hurts to know about other styles of music just in case you get into an argument over the internet...that way you'll have some knowlage of the other side...

i'm through with this

not hard feelings mate! it's all for the love of the music!!


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Marick> No hard feelings, of course - this is just a debate; that's all. But once again, you're utterly WRONG about Todd Terry! He's a native of Brooklyn (source = DJ mag Nov. '99); naturally he's spun many-a-time in Chi-town... so once again, PLEASE don't discuss what you don't know! And if you knew anything about house music, you'd realize that Lil' Louis's CD on "House Nation" contains many of the most recent quality tracks in the house genre (maybe in your eyes it hasn't progressed b/c there's no drumroll evry two minutes). Now it looks like YOU'RE the narrow-minded one who can't realize this! And to say this sounds like "all their old stuff" (I'm assuming you're referring to MAW), once again you're treading in territory you're quite clueless about! So please don't make yourself out to be more of an idiot... I stand behind my comments about trance; I simply don't like it. And if you and anyone else are too sensitive and take this as a personal attack, then it looks like you all need some psychotherapy. As anyone who knows me well can attest, I'm a very opinionated yet open-minded person. Anyways, I'm through with this for the moment... enough energy wasted. P.S. Are you British? What's with the "cheers" and "mate" shit? wink.gif


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

"Not everyone understands house music... it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing."

[This message has been edited by arrakis (edited 12-11-2000).]

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what ARE we debating here?

NYC vs London or Miami - oh that's soo 5 minutes ago - personally i want a house in all three cities...and a private jet with an all male crew - who dresses in those cute li'l suspenders....uh - nevermind...

Progressive vs house? - hello...everyone has their own individual tastes and preferences -knowing BOTH Marick and Kevin personally i'd say that you both have different perspectives and tastes when it comes to music - and neither one of you are going to give up so just give it up, do a big ol' slimy e-hug and call it a day.

Who's more boring house or progressive? - well that's easy - progressive trance is - see - i can answer ALL your questions...just send me that nice li'l private jet...

what else is this debate about??? i lost track after reading the 1,111,235 line of marick's post.


--"My loathings are simple; stupidity, oppression, crime, cruelty, soft music." V. Nabokov

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Originally posted by noira:

what ARE we debating here?

I had just gotten back to New York after partying really hard, and you know how it is - your serotonin is gone, you're kind of bummed, and everything is kind of like blah. So I was kind of bitchy, and wanted to hear opinions of people who have spent enough time in both cities (Miami and New York), of their respective pros and cons.

I did not intend to ignite a fiery debate about musical styles.

In any case: I happen to be one of these people who are cursed with a tendency to get bored with things - not giving credit to what they have and drooling over what they don't. "The grass is greener" - yep, that's me. Sucks, but at least I'm aware of it.

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