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Should you control your temper?

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If someone keeps purposely pushing you’re buttons should you beat the living shit out of them or should you be the bigger person and ignore them... I always kind of believed that saying "let Pride Go before a fall†But then again isn’t pride about sticking up for yourself and teaching people a lesson?

Just curios what everyone’s opinion is on this topic.

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Well, from past experience when i was letting certain Tools and guys push my buttons i waited it out,, some people just dont know how to stop so they asked for it,, Some paint remover on their cars,smashed windows on a rainy day, a nice ass beaten, and having some people hook up with their significant others def made me feel better BUT !! i had to pay some heavy penalties from the law,,*shit*

So now i approach the prob as its happening,( builds up less tention) and try to work it out without lowering myself to their level and having to express my feelings from violence,,It just adds more problems and it will go on and on and on and on, until someone gets in too much trouble or seriously hurt..


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I had this problem where it was like two years of crap. Constant pushing and one day I lost it. This girl would constantly sneak and hit my good friend who would never hurt a fly and isn't a fighter (she's 4'10 - 95 pounds), one night she had it she went up to the girl and said look what's your problem, the girl hit her. I walked over after I realized what was going on and I told her that this piece of crap wasn't worth it, then I got hit and forget all that - I beat her DOWN.......... I was upset like I should have been the biggger person and the adult but you can only take so much and I dont think she will be even looking my way of hes again.

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Originally posted by stiffler

Anthony, its better to be the bigger person. Fighting isnt worth shit and doesn't prove anything. People get seriously hurt and for what?????? Its not worth it ever, believe me!!!!

I thought the same way, I guess I was tired of being bullied

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Guest beatjunkie

I used to get angry & vengeful but I came to realize it's a waste of energy. I would have pure evil thoughts about shit I would like to do or see happen to that person. But I realized it's a drain on you. If a person is a shitbag--it's going to come back on them in one way or another. It's the cosmic rule. Now hardley anyone/anything gets under my skin, they are just not worth getting upset over. Chances are if you do kick the shit of the person it's going to come back to you either legally, financially or both. Which means that you've just wasted more time on someone who wasn't worth your time to begin with.

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I think you should stick up for yourself when necessary. When someone acts physically violent towards you then you should defend yourself....BUT if it's over words, rumors, immaturity, or some guy/girl then it's not worth it.

I would protect my family and very close friends under any circumstance but anyone else I don't get involved. I mind my business. :D :D :D

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Originally posted by neena16

I think you should stick up for yourself when necessary. When someone acts physically violent towards you then you should defend yourself....BUT if it's over words, rumors, immaturity, or some guy/girl then it's not worth it.

I would protect my family and very close friends under any circumstance but anyone else I don't get involved. I mind my business. :D :D :D

Wise words :)

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Originally posted by notallthere

Wise words :)

Thanks. ;)

I have a really cute pic of us at that sushi place in SOBE.

I will post it one of these days. We all look fresh and alive...I think it was the first time I was eating in 2 days. :grin:

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Originally posted by neena16

yeah I know you fight with me every night for the remote control. ;):D

piro to neena: "Neena, I don't want to watch porn for the 5th day in a row, give me the F'in remote, I want to watch something educational." :D

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Originally posted by neena16

Thanks. ;)

I have a really cute pic of us at that sushi place in SOBE.

I will post it one of these days. We all look fresh and alive...I think it was the first time I was eating in 2 days. :grin:

post that shit or il ..uhmm beat you up :idea:

Lol I think that was the last time I saw you guys... I can’t keep up with your crew you party maniacs


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Originally posted by notallthere

post that shit or il ..uhmm beat you up :idea:

Lol I think that was the last time I saw you guys... I can’t keep up with your crew you party maniacs


yeah we were such animals....we looked so malnourished and in shambles the whole time. After the second day we just didn't care we didn't iron clothes...didn't dry our hair...no makeup..just give us a few more days we probably wouldn't of showered.j/k:D

You have to see the rest of the pics....SCARY!!!!! I will never show anyone. :laugh:

I promise to post that one nice pic sometime next week. :D

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Originally posted by neena16

yeah we were such animals....we looked so malnourished and in shambles the whole time. After the second day we just didn't care we didn't iron clothes...didn't dry our hair...no makeup..just give us a few more days we probably wouldn't of showered.j/k:D

You have to see the rest of the pics....SCARY!!!!! I will never show anyone. :laugh:

I promise to post that one nice pic sometime next week. :D

oh shit...i was waiting fo ryou to blame me for the maniacness...like "Rose made us act like animals" :laugh:

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