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Columbia professor wishes death to American troops.

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NEW YORK — The controversy over a Columbia University assistant professor who called for the bloody defeat of U.S. troops in Iraq refuses to die, with critics heaping scorn and supporters saying he has gone into hiding after receiving numerous death threats.

A graduate student told the Columbia Spectator that Nicholas De Genova and his wife were "fearing for their lives" after receiving some 1,000 threatening phone and e-mail messages. The threats led De Genova to nix his two classes on Tuesday, according to the student newspaper.

De Genova told a campus "teach-in" last Wednesday that he wanted to see the U.S. defeated in Iraq and suffer "a million Mogadishus" — a reference to the 1993 Somalia ambush that left 18 Americans dead.

"The only true heroes are those who find ways that help defeat the U.S. military," he said at an anti-war event attended by students and faculty.

A school senior whose father is an Army colonel serving in Kuwait was among those who slammed De Genova's remarks.

"A Columbia professor wished death upon the father of a Columbia University student and possibly [on the parents of] other students," William Pratt told the New York Post, adding he was "appalled and devastated" by De Genova’s harsh remarks.

"What really pushes me over the edge is when a professor basically wishes for the slaughter of U.S. military men and women who gave him the right to free speech and to make those disgusting comments," Pratt told the Post.

University President Lee C. Bollinger released a statement distancing himself and the school from De Genova, who was apparently a last-minute add-on to the teach-in lineup.

"I am shocked that someone would make such statements. Because of the university’s tradition of academic freedom, I normally don’t comment about statements made by faculty members. However, this one crosses the line and I really feel the need to say something. I am especially saddened for the families of those whose lives are at risk," Bollinger said in his Friday statement.

The university has not publicly said if De Genova’s job as an assistant professor is in jeopardy over the scandal. De Genova does not have tenure.

Though most university officials and trustees declined to comment on the controversy when contacted by Fox News, one said he supported Bollinger’s statement.

"My mind turns with admiration to the deaths and wounds and countless other sacrifices suffered by tens of thousands of brave U.S. military people to establish and protect American rights of free speech ... even free speech as outrageous, insensitive, thoughtless and offensive as that reportedly uttered by Professor De Genova," said attorney Stephen Case.

Some students defended the professor. About two dozen of his students took part in a silent protest on Tuesday, as they sat quietly outside in the rain to show their support of De Genova and their displeasure with the university’s handling of the matter.

"We feel that the university has failed to protect Nick," anthropology grad student Ayca Cubukcu told the Spectator.

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Originally posted by spragga25

Notice how all the pacifists on here won't even respond!

Typical :rolleyes:

Don't be stupid.................of course this is ridiculous.

I think the point of most of the people who are against the war, which is my sentiment also, is that we do not want further bloodshed.

Wishing death to American troops is furthest from mine and pretty much everyone's mind. The troops can't help what they are doing. They took an oath to this country to fight wherever the government tells them to.

I don't wish death to anyone, not even this nimrod from Columbia. I just want it all to stop basically.

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Originally posted by dnice35

I am pretty sure, by days end some moron will justify this imbeciles remarks.

that person wont be me. that guy is fucked up, sicko. he's entitled to his opinion whatever it might be and to express it, but i think he shouldve thought twice on what the fuck he was saying at the moment he was saying as he is also an employee of Columbia. having said those remarks, the language used in saying them, looks bad on the institution.

had he said those things say in a gathering in his house, or a meeting where he was not representing the university, then, even though i would still think the guy is a wacko, well it is his opinion.

i guess he wont be acheiving tenure anytime soon in Columbia.

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Originally posted by spragga25

Notice how all the pacifists on here won't even respond!

Typical :rolleyes:

no, this thread was just created. Gotta give it some time to age, man...

This guy is a poor excuse to represent a school like columbia.

Plus, he's just one professer. I hope not all of you pro-war people think us liberals think like this dorkus humongous

His comments are blatantly disrespectful and ridiculous

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1.) Freshmen and young college students who first go to college, often view a professor's word as the word of god.

2.) Most liberal and or extremist rhetoric tends to come from college professors.

3.) At our age, we should know enough to make up our minds about whether to agree or disagree with someone's remarks.

4.) Sometimes Ph.D means "Piled Higher and Deeper"

5.) I think he's an asshole for using a public forum such as that to spew violent liberal rhetoric. that's just my opinion. If i caught him on the street, i'd probably kill him if i could get away with it. Again, just my opinon.

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Originally posted by gmccookny

no, this thread was just created. Gotta give it some time to age, man...

This guy is a poor excuse to represent a school like columbia.

Plus, he's just one professer. I hope not all of you pro-war people think us liberals think like this dorkus humongous

His comments are blatantly disrespectful and ridiculous

I can only agree with smurfy here. I do not wish death to the troops at all. I'm actually rather shocked how many VERY young men and women are in the Armee. Like the POW they found now...I mean the girl is 19 years old. I thought you could only join the armee if you have reached 18...so she had 1 year of training and is now (even though she was at a maintenance unit and NOT in direct combat....so please, everyone wanting to comment on this... you can breath and relax) in such a situation. All I hope for is that this illegal war is ending soon and the troops can come back home to join their families and friends and receive the right psychological care the be able to carry the things they had to see and live with them through their life (but then again didn't the government just reduce veteran benefits?).

Anyway, the remark of the professor was radical and uncalled for...more bloodsheeding will not help anyone and it will definitely not bring us closer to peace.

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Originally posted by flying_high

I'm actually rather shocked how many VERY young men and women are in the Armee.

werent you the one to call me dumb and stupid in the other thread?

I guess you were right, my mentally hasnt reached the mid-teens yet, but at least my spelling is higher than a fourth grader.... mr. armee

for future reference its spelled ARMY.

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Originally posted by dnice35

werent you the one to call me dumb and stupid in the other thread?

I guess you were right, my mentally hasnt reached the mid-teens yet, but at least my spelling is higher than a fourth grader.... mr. armee

for future reference its spelled ARMY.

Hey at least I can use the 'Euro Trash' one as an excuse...what's yours for stupidity???

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Originally posted by raver_mania

spragga - some of us are not on here 24/7 closely monitoring each post they it goes up...give it time dude!

How could he wish death to the US troops??? That should border on treason, no matter what the context!

I see we are on the same page on this one.

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Originally posted by flying_high

I can only agree with smurfy here. I do not wish death to the troops at all. I'm actually rather shocked how many VERY young men and women are in the Armee. Like the POW they found now...I mean the girl is 19 years old. I thought you could only join the armee if you have reached 18...so she had 1 year of training and is now (even though she was at a maintenance unit and NOT in direct combat....so please, everyone wanting to comment on this... you can breath and relax) in such a situation

Ahh, 2 things

1st Learn how to spell. I mean it's an easy word. A r m y. I'll help you out with the other four N a v y, A i r Fo r c e , M a r i n e s, and C o a s t G u a r d.

2nd the military has been and will be always young. enlisted 18+ year olds,Officers 22+yr olds. It is a hard life. There'sa saying leave it for the young and the brave. They get more done by 7 or 8 am than 99% of us do by that time. And that year of training is about the same as you going to a tech school for 2-3 yrs for the same thing. Only better.

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i'll reply...

no problem...

and you guys are not very clever to assume and generalize...

you are:

1. assuming that the pacifists want the death of the soldiers (that is inherently against pacifism...so your assumption is completely wrong)

2. you would generalize to have all pacifists think the same (very dangerous way of thinking...generalization leads to racism...)

and i'll now tell you something, and i'll be waiting for your answers:

here's the prelude: I LOVE OUR TROOPS

now my questions to you:

1. how do you feel about the fact that g.w. bush and dick cheney were both AWOL during the vietnam war when our country called them?...

2. how do you feel about the fact that they were AWOL, but now have no problem shipping out troops overseas?...even more, they passed a law that will cut federal funding to any school that does not let recruiters in (and in case you don't see it, i implicitly targets schools servicing poor neighbourhoods)...

3. how do you feel about the fact that bush and cheney have authorized the use of depleated uranium (against the geneva convention) when it's know that it will affect not only iraqi soldiers, but iraqi civilians, and more over OUR TROOPS?...

4. how do you feel that bush and cheney know that the use of depleated uranium in the first gulf war (by bush senior...300 tons of it) resulted in more than 450,000 seriously disabled gulf war veterans?...

5. and how do you feel about the fact that on top of all that, bush cut the veterans' budget?...

and side note:

dnice35: please don't even try to knock somebody for one spelling mistake...you have mistakes all over this board...

fearless: how many languages do you speak and write perfectly?...

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Originally posted by fearlesss

Ahh, 2 things

1st Learn how to spell. I mean it's an easy word. A r m y. I'll help you out with the other four N a v y, A i r Fo r c e , M a r i n e s, and C o a s t G u a r d.

2nd the military has been and will be always young. enlisted 18+ year olds,Officers 22+yr olds. It is a hard life. There'sa saying leave it for the young and the brave. They get more done by 7 or 8 am than 99% of us do by that time. And that year of training is about the same as you going to a tech school for 2-3 yrs for the same thing. Only better.

lol....if you don't have something substantial to say...let's talk about grammar and spelling :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by frenchbread

i'll reply...

no problem...

and you guys are not very clever to assume and generalize...

you are:

1. assuming that the pacifists want the death of the soldiers (that is inherently against pacifism...so your assumption is completely wrong)

2. you would generalize to have all pacifists think the same (very dangerous way of thinking...generalization leads to racism...)

and i'll now tell you something, and i'll be waiting for your answers:

here's the prelude: I LOVE OUR TROOPS

now my questions to you:

1. how do you feel about the fact that g.w. bush and dick cheney were both AWOL during the vietnam war when our country called them?...

2. how do you feel about the fact that they were AWOL, but now have no problem shipping out troops overseas?...even more, they passed a law that will cut federal funding to any school that does not let recruiters in (and in case you don't see it, i implicitly targets schools servicing poor neighbourhoods)...

3. how do you feel about the fact that bush and cheney have authorized the use of depleated uranium (against the geneva convention) when it's know that it will affect not only iraqi soldiers, but iraqi civilians, and more over OUR TROOPS?...

4. how do you feel that bush and cheney know that the use of depleated uranium in the first gulf war (by bush senior...300 tons of it) resulted in more than 450,000 seriously disabled gulf war veterans?...

5. and how do you feel about the fact that on top of all that, bush cut the veterans' budget?...

and side note:

dnice35: please don't even try to knock somebody for one spelling mistake...you have mistakes all over this board...

fearless: how many languages do you speak and write perfectly?...

1-President Bush was born on July 6, 1946, in New Haven, Connecticut, and he grew up in Midland and Houston, Texas. He received a bachelor's degree from Yale University in 1968, then served as an F-102 fighter pilot in the Texas Air National Guard. President Bush received a Master of Business Administration from Harvard Business School in 1975.=

He was in college during Vietnam...

2-Mr. Cheney was born in Lincoln, Nebraska, on January 30, 1941 and grew up in Casper, Wyoming. He earned his bachelor's and master's of arts degrees from the University of Wyoming. His career in public service began in 1969 when he joined the Nixon Administration, serving in a number of positions at the Cost of Living Council, at the Office of Economic Opportunity, and within the White House.

When Gerald Ford assumed the Presidency in August 1974, Mr. Cheney served on the transition team and later as Deputy Assistant to the President. In November 1975, he was named Assistant to the President and White House Chief of Staff, a position he held throughout the remainder of the Ford Administration.

He was in gov't..

3-WOW I have met several veterans from the First war and they did'nt have SEVERE DISABILITIES. Going by your numbers sounds like an epidemic bro where is the CDC?? And if your rebutal is the CDC is govt ran entity then why haven't other countries involved in the first gulf war reached out for answers... In todays world were Geraldo Rivera can report what underware the troops are wearing, the depleted uranium promblem would def surface just doesn't jive with me....

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