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Columbia professor wishes death to American troops.

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Originally posted by mr mahs

1-President Bush was born on July 6, 1946, in New Haven, Connecticut, and he grew up in Midland and Houston, Texas. He received a bachelor's degree from Yale University in 1968, then served as an F-102 fighter pilot in the Texas Air National Guard. President Bush received a Master of Business Administration from Harvard Business School in 1975.=

He was in college during Vietnam...

2-Mr. Cheney was born in Lincoln, Nebraska, on January 30, 1941 and grew up in Casper, Wyoming. He earned his bachelor's and master's of arts degrees from the University of Wyoming. His career in public service began in 1969 when he joined the Nixon Administration, serving in a number of positions at the Cost of Living Council, at the Office of Economic Opportunity, and within the White House.

When Gerald Ford assumed the Presidency in August 1974, Mr. Cheney served on the transition team and later as Deputy Assistant to the President. In November 1975, he was named Assistant to the President and White House Chief of Staff, a position he held throughout the remainder of the Ford Administration.

He was in gov't..

3-WOW I have met several veterans from the First war and they did'nt have SEVERE DISABILITIES. Going by your numbers sounds like an epidemic bro where is the CDC?? And if your rebutal is the CDC is govt ran entity then why haven't other countries involved in the first gulf war reached out for answers... In todays world were Geraldo Rivera can report what underware the troops are wearing, the depleted uranium promblem would def surface just doesn't jive with me....

you're funny...

i don't care where they were born...

i don't care that you can learn their biographies by heart..who cares?!?!?...

their biography doesn't make it so...

and you obviously don't know squat about george w. bush...

why don't you read the black box in my sig...

military records show that

February 1968:

Bush takes an Air Force officers test. Scores in 25th percentile in the pilot aptitude portion. Declares that he does not wish to serve overseas.

May 27, 1968:

Bush enlists in Texas Air National Guard. Aided by Texas House Speaker Ben Barnes, he jumps over waiting list. He pledges two years of active duty and four years of reserve duty.

June 9, 1968:

Bush's student deferment expires.

September 1968:

After basic training, Bush pulls inactive duty to act as gopher on Florida Senator Edward J. Gurney's campaign.

November 1968:

After Gurney wins, Bush is reactivated and transferred to Georgia.

November 1969:

Bush is flown to the White House by President Nixon for a date with daughter Tricia.

December 1969:

Bush transfers to Houston and moves into Chateaux Dijon complex. Laura lives there too, but they don't meet till later.

March 1970:

Bush gets his wings.

June 1970:

Joins the Guard's "Champagne Unit," where he flies with sons of Texas' elite.

November 3, 1970:

George Bush Sr. loses Senate election to Lloyd Bentsen, whose son is also in the "Champagne Unit."

November 7, 1970:

Promoted to first lieutenant. Rejected by University of Texas School of Law.

January 1971:

The Guard begins testing for drugs during physicals.

Spring 1971:

Hired by Texas agricultural importer, Bush uses F-102 to shuttle tropical plants from Florida.

May 26, 1972:

Transfers to Alabama Guard unit so he can work on Senator William Blount's reelection campaign. According to his commanding officer, Bush never shows up for duty while in Alabama, nor can anyone confirm he ever serves in the Guard again.

August 1972:

Bush is grounded for missing a mandatory physical.

November 1972:

Bush returns to Houston, but never reports for Guard duty.

December 1972:

In D.C. for the holidays, Bush takes 16-year-old brother Marvin drinking and driving. Confronted by father, Bush suggests they settle it "mano a mano."

October 1, 1973:

The Air National Guard relieves Bush from commitment eight months early, allowing him to attend Harvard Business School.

so what were you saying?...


he voluntarily enrolled in the air national guard...

yet he never served...


as far as dick cheney, he got 5 deferements...one of the reasons he cited: "...more important things to do..."

so stop reading biographies, and start getting the real facts...

mmmhmm what am i going to believe, an alcoholic, ex-coke user's biography or official military records...:rolleyes:

oh and about "my numbers", you better check your facts again buddy, because these are not my numbers, these are the official numbers...

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Originally posted by frenchbread

[cited: "...more important things to do..."

so stop reading biographies, and start getting the real facts...

mmmhmm what am i going to believe, an alcoholic, ex-coke user's biography or official military records...:rolleyes:

oh and about "my numbers", you better check your facts again buddy, because these are not my numbers, these are the official numbers...

Stop reading conspiracy books if were true the liberal media outlets would stop at nothing to destroy the credibilty of the adminstration... Show me something that says 450k troops who served in persian gulf war. I have read about gulf war syndrome but to say 450k are severly disabled?? I don't know about that...

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Stop reading conspiracy books if were true the liberal media outlets would stop at nothing to destroy the credibilty of the adminstration... Show me something that says 450k troops who served in persian gulf war. I have read about gulf war syndrome but to say 450k are severly disabled?? I don't know about that...

what liberal media outlets?...the ones you don't listen to?...

yea they've been saying that for a while now...

but nothing on the mass media that's for sure..that's because there is no liberal mass media...that's because 6 people own 90% of the mass media in the u.s.a....

man look at the censorship...

even daschle had to reverse his political position with respect to the war, because of the "media" pressure...that was unpatriotic...

if the leader of the opposition can't even voice his oppinion, how sad a country have we become...

i dare you to find a mass media outlet that will have a firm anti-war position...

there's none...because they make the mass believe it's "unpatriotic" to show any dissent in times of war...

and result is if any mass media were to have an anti-war view, they would most probably be boycotted and loose advertisement(which they can't afford)...

it would probably be the end of that media...

and why is that?...

simple because they have equated pro-war with pro-troops...

that's pure bs...

i'm pro-troops...much more than any of you who support bush (when he doesn't mind using depleated uranium), because i care for their safety!...

i want them back here!


well how sad is that?...that means that in this "free" country, you still can't voice your opinion, otherwise people will litterally try to put you out of business...

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