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Activists Confirm Iraqi Hospital Bombed


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Activists confirm Iraqi hospital bombed

Charles J. Hanley

The American peace activists' account was the first confirmation of a report last week that a hospital in Rutbah was bombed

Bruised and bleeding, in need of medical care, the Americans stranded in Iraq's western desert approached the mud-brick town and found the hospital destroyed by bombs.

"Why? Why?" a doctor demanded of them. "Why did you Americans bomb our children's hospital?" Scores of Iraqi townspeople crowded around.

The American peace activists' account was the first confirmation of a report last week that a hospital in Rutbah was bombed Wednesday, with dead and injured. The travelers said they saw no significant Iraqi military presence near the hospital or elsewhere in Rutbah. The doctor did not discuss casualties, the Americans said.

U.S. Central Command said Sunday it had no knowledge of a hospital bombing in Rutbah. The U.S. military has said it is doing its best to avoid civilian casualties in its campaign to oust Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

For the battered band of peace activists, recounting their nerve-jarring exit from Iraq on Sunday, it was one of the worst moments in 10 days of war.

That exit had begun at 9:15 a.m. Saturday, when a dozen foreigners - eight American and one Irish member of the Iraq Peace Team, and three unaffiliated Japanese and South Korean activists - set out from Baghdad on the 300-mile trek to the western border with Jordan, through a nation at war.

Members of the antiwar group have shuttled in and out of the Iraqi capital for months to take part in vigils, small demonstrations and other activities to protest U.S. war plans. Since March 20, they have borne witness and compiled reports on the U.S. bombing of Baghdad.

Some who left Saturday had been ordered out by jittery Iraqi bureaucrats for a minor infraction - taking snapshots in Baghdad without an official escort. Others said they left to get out the story of the Baghdad bombing.

The journey was a straight shot through the gritty western desert, the Badiyat ash-Sham, over a divided superhighway eerily empty of traffic. American special forces and warplanes have been staging raids and air attacks on isolated targets across the west.

"I'd say we passed up to 20 bombed-out, burned-out vehicles along the way," said Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, 22, a student from Devon, Pa. Four were Iraqi tanks and other military vehicles, he said, but the others appeared to be civilian, including a bus and an ambulance.

"We had to detour around a bombed-out bridge, dodge lightpoles down across the road," said Shane Claiborne, 27, a community organizer from Philadelphia.

Three times the group - in a big white GMC Suburban and two yellow taxis - spotted bomb explosions nearby. The last, in early afternoon, occurred near the far-western town of Rutbah. Their Iraqi drivers' nerves were fraying as they sped toward Jordan at 80 mph.

"He kept going faster, faster," Betty Scholten, 69, of Mount Rainier, Md., said of her driver.

Suddenly the lagging taxi, pushing to catch up, blew a tire. It careened, spun out of control and plunged down a ditch, landing on its side. "It was a heavy hit," Claiborne said. All five men inside were hurt. "We pulled each other up through the side doors."

A passing car eventually braked to a halt. The Iraqis inside got out, helped the injured into their vehicle and drove back toward Rutbah and a hospital. Along the way, Claiborne said, he spotted the contrails of a jet streaking toward the car. The Iraqis frantically waved a white sheet out a window, and the plane veered off, he said.

In poor, remote Rutbah, a burned-out oil tanker truck sat in the road, and the customs building and communications center had been wrecked by bombing. When they reached the hospital, they saw it, too, had been bombed, its roof caved in.

Claiborne said an English-speaking Iraqi doctor took them to a small nearby clinic, and 100 or so townspeople then gathered around the building. The men were worried, but the doctor told them, "We'll take care of you. Muslim, Christian, whatever, we are all brothers and sisters,'" Claiborne recalled.

The staff tended to them, stitching up a scalp laceration for group leader Cliff Kindy, 53, of North Manchester, Ind., and doing their best for the worst hurt, Weldon Nisly, 57, of Seattle, who suffered cracked ribs and similar injuries.

The two other carloads, missing the third, eventually doubled back and found the men in Rutbah. All then ventured onward the final 80 miles to the Jordan border, and then Amman, where Nisly was admitted to a hospital early Sunday.

As they left Rutbah, said Wilson-Hartgrove's wife, Leah, 22, the villagers "said to us, `Please tell them about the hospital.'"

Source: The Associated Press

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Originally posted by sassa

U.S. Central Command said Sunday it had no knowledge of a hospital bombing in Rutbah. The U.S. military has said it is doing its best to avoid civilian casualties in its campaign to oust Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. Press

The fact that a peace activist's account is the basis for this claim and that the military hasn't confirmed it makes it sound like more anti-war, pro-goddamn hippie propaganda to me. It's a war - innocent lives are going to be taken and accidents are going to happen. Look at all the incidents of friendly fire so far.

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Originally posted by sassa

so, tell me...how exactly "precise" are these precise bombs that we have.....

bullshit :blown:


This military campaign is the revolutionary way war will be fought going forward. If we did bomb the hosp which I highly doubt, it is alot better then the parking lot Iraq could have been 14 days ago and you know it.

The bombing in bahgdad were a market place was hit last week was proven to be anti- aircraft ordinance that fell back to earth. Centcom always discloses when a mistake is made just like when the service men shot at the van that crossed the check point killing 7 people. It was later confirmed by a SHITE Iman that the Iraqi republican guard were forcing people drive past the checkpoint or they will kill their families..

Sadam is commiting attrocities against his own people every day but not you or any other ant-war liberal on this board says one word why??

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Originally posted by mr mahs


This military campaign is the revolutionary way war will be fought going forward. If we did bomb the hosp which I highly doubt, it is alot better then the parking lot Iraq could have been 14 days ago and you know it.

The bombing in bahgdad were a market place was hit last week was proven to be anti- aircraft ordinance that fell back to earth. Centcom always discloses when a mistake is made just like when the service men shot at the van that crossed the check point killing 7 people. It was later confirmed by a SHITE Iman that the Iraqi republican guard were forcing people drive past the checkpoint or they will kill their families..

Sadam is commiting attrocities against his own people every day but not you or any other ant-war liberal on this board says one word why??

and what makes you think atrocities don't occur here? granted, the gov't does not gas people, but it definitely doesn't do a lot that it should for minorities, women, etc...psychological torture...there is an article i posted in here that refers to this...

saddam is a bad man...and many people in here have said this...but this still does not make this war legal.

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Originally posted by sassa

saddam is a bad man...and many people in here have said this...but this still does not make this war legal.

shit...i wish America would start an illegal war in Cuba...so i could actually visit the "motherland" without that DIC-tator in power:rolleyes: (trust me i am sure many Iraqis feel this way too)

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Originally posted by sassa

and what makes you think atrocities don't occur here? granted, the gov't does not gas people, but it definitely doesn't do a lot that it should for minorities, women, etc...psychological torture...there is an article i posted in here that refers to this...

saddam is a bad man...and many people in here have said this...but this still does not make this war legal.

Are you fucking kidding me???

Doesn't do alot for woman and minorities?? You are sick I swear!!!

The gov't sets aside billions in grants and loans for single mom's and minorities. A college will give you a free education if you are a poor minority. I can't fucking beleive IT, seriously how you can compare the 2 socities I felt like putting my head threw the monitor when I read that... COMPLETE HORSE SHIT....

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Originally posted by sassa

and what makes you think atrocities don't occur here? granted, the gov't does not gas people, but it definitely doesn't do a lot that it should for minorities, women, etc...psychological torture...there is an article i posted in here that refers to this...

saddam is a bad man...and many people in here have said this...but this still does not make this war legal.

The only torture that I am aware of in this country, is done to the poor souls who read your posts.

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So what should we do for minorities and women??? Give them welfare. done. give them college. done. give them more welfare? done. give them healthcare? done.

why do I have to pay for my healthcare, college, food. Because I have a job??? So I have to pay for it, while poor people can sit on there ass and get it for free???

There is not one thing you can't have in this country. But you have to get it yourself. I'm not just going to give it to you!!!

Is this what you consider torture? a free ride?

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Originally posted by dnice35

The only torture that I am aware of in this country, is done to the poor souls who read your posts.

there's an easy solution to that...IGNORE ME. :rolleyes:

no one is forcing you to read what i write...so don't assume you're being tied to a chair and forced to...:blown:

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Are you fucking kidding me???

Doesn't do alot for woman and minorities?? You are sick I swear!!!

The gov't sets aside billions in grants and loans for single mom's and minorities. A college will give you a free education if you are a poor minority. I can't fucking beleive IT, seriously how you can compare the 2 socities I felt like putting my head threw the monitor when I read that... COMPLETE HORSE SHIT....

my post went riiight over your head...

tell me, are you a minority? being a minority in this country sucks. yes, the gov't sets aside all this money to help people out...but consider the circumstances under which they had to do this...this is what i was referring to...:rolleyes:

think back, only 40 something years ago from this year the civil rights movement in this country was in full force...isn't it shameful that this country had to take that long to recognize blacks and other minorities as citizens of this country? the effects of the white majority dominating the political and economic scene in this country for so long has its effects.

like, in an article i posted today, one out of every 100 black men is in jail...

who do you most see living in poverty in this country usually? either white "trash" (as they are so referred to by so-called white elite groups), blacks, hispanics, immigrants, and women.

the effects their policies has had on these groups are tremedous...in terms of economic, political, psychological, and social problems.

being fucked with for so long hurts people....

a person that is being gassed and a person who is subjected to such injustice by their so-called representatives and leaders is the same crap....they are both being violated against.

:rolleyes: ok, mrmahs? does that make it more clear for you...


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Originally posted by sassa

who do you most see living in poverty in this country usually? either white "trash" (as they are so referred to by so-called white elite groups), blacks, hispanics, immigrants, and women.

so basically you are saying that..... some white people, blacks, hispanics, immigrants and women are in poverty?

thats pretty much everyone who lives in this country aint it?

by the way I am hispanic, I dont feel oppressed, I dont think I been discriminated against, but most important I refuse to hide behind this affermative action BS! my experience and knowledge are all I need to succeed.

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Originally posted by dnice35

so basically you are saying that..... some white people, blacks, hispanics, immigrants and women are in poverty?

thats pretty much everyone who lives in this country aint it?

by the way I am hispanic, I dont feel oppressed, I dont think I been discriminated against, but most important I refuse to hide behind this affermative action BS! my experience and knowledge are all I need to succeed.

:blank: you didn't get it, please don't respond...you have nothing obviously to contribute to this discussion...

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Originally posted by sassa

:blank: you didn't get it, please don't respond...you have nothing obviously to contribute to this discussion...

dont respond?

ohhh I get it, thats your answer when someone disagrees with you, hmmm maybe I'll just go back to insults and racist slurs.... :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by dnice35

dont respond?

ohhh I get it, thats your answer when someone disagrees with you, hmmm maybe I'll just go back to insults and racist slurs.... :rolleyes:

WRONG. that's my answer to someone who obviously had no clue what i meant to say in my post...:rolleyes:

no, you shouldn't use insults or derogatory, racial slurs..who the fuck do you think you are...

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So what about all the "white trash" as you call them.... Do they have the same chance as say a poor minority from the ghetto??? Let's say you're from south central and I'm from the foothills of West Virgina. Who do you think has a better chance to make it in this country?

As for the things the gov't gives minorites, would you need any of them if you had a job and were responsible... I don't care what job you have it can provide for you and your family. I knew people that worked at Mcdonald's had kids and still could provide a home, food and healthcare for their families without gov't assistance... What gives you the right to ask the gov' t for help??? Why should other people pay so you can have a free ride. You complain that the gov't treated minorities bad, but they changed and your'e still not satisfied. Maybe we should give them all reparations???

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Originally posted by pumavisor808

So what about all the "white trash" as you call them.... Do they have the same chance as say a poor minority from the ghetto??? Let's say you're from south central and I'm from the foothills of West Virgina. Who do you think has a better chance to make it in this country?

As for the things the gov't gives minorites, would you need any of them if you had a job and were responsible... I don't care what job you have it can provide for you and your family. I knew people that worked at Mcdonald's had kids and still could provide a home, food and healthcare for their families without gov't assistance... What gives you the right to ask the gov' t for help??? Why should other people pay so you can have a free ride. You complain that the gov't treated minorities bad, but they changed and your'e still not satisfied. Maybe we should give them all reparations???

:aright: Being free and able to improve your future is all anyone should give you...You have to decide if you want to run with it or not...

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Originally posted by pumavisor808

So what about all the "white trash" as you call them.... Do they have the same chance as say a poor minority from the ghetto??? Let's say you're from south central and I'm from the foothills of West Virgina. Who do you think has a better chance to make it in this country?

As for the things the gov't gives minorites, would you need any of them if you had a job and were responsible... I don't care what job you have it can provide for you and your family. I knew people that worked at Mcdonald's had kids and still could provide a home, food and healthcare for their families without gov't assistance... What gives you the right to ask the gov' t for help??? Why should other people pay so you can have a free ride. You complain that the gov't treated minorities bad, but they changed and your'e still not satisfied. Maybe we should give them all reparations???

In the interest of fairness I will let you knwo that 70% of the people on welfare are white.

and 40% of the peoplw helped by affirmative action are white qomen

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