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Islam Teaches Hate

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As a religion, i respect it.

but as a concrete spiritual foundation, it's too open to violent interpretation, IMO.

All you need is someone with a grudge against their jewish neighbor, to take a few questionable passages to heart, and you've got violence on your hands.

Christianity contains similar provocative passages in the bible, but the overall theme is that of service to one another, and that tends to mitigate radical acts somewhat, IMO.

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straight from the Quran:

5.69] Surely those who believe and those who are Jews and the Sabians and the Christians whoever believes in Allah and the last day and does good-- they shall have no fear nor shall they grieve.

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Originally posted by djxeno

straight from the Quran:

5.69] Surely those who believe and those who are Jews and the Sabians and the Christians whoever believes in Allah and the last day and does good-- they shall have no fear nor shall they grieve.

you're preaching to the choir man tell that to the muslims that hate us infidels

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Originally posted by djxeno

straight from the Quran:

5.69] Surely those who believe and those who are Jews and the Sabians and the Christians whoever believes in Allah and the last day and does good-- they shall have no fear nor shall they grieve.

OK. So the Quran is Kool. What is wrong with the Schools?

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Originally posted by siceone

you're preaching to the choir man tell that to the muslims that hate us infidels

There are uneducated, ingorant people in every religion. However I just find it funny how the media puts labels on muslims as "militants," "terrorists," and islamists.

When a muslim commits a crime, he's automatically a "terrorist," however when a non-muslim commits a crime, he is just a criminal.

Funny. :finger:

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Originally posted by djxeno

There are uneducated, ingorant people in every religion. However I just find it funny how the media puts labels on muslims as "militants," "terrorists," and islamists.

When a muslim commits a crime, he's automatically a "terrorist," however when a non-muslim commits a crime, he is just a criminal.

Funny. :finger:

thats not true. I'll just leave it at that.

here is a secret buddy not every one is out to get you. Most of us don't even care

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Originally posted by guyman1966

OK. So the Quran is Kool. What is wrong with the Schools?

There are passages in the Quran that tell how the Jews were ignorant to Allah.

That is only giving the history of what happened. As for as the schools, they are probably using books that contain these passages and are interpreting them in an incorrect manner.

5.70] Certainly We made a covenant with the children of Israel and We sent to them apostles; whenever there came to them an apostle with what that their souls did not desire, some (of them) did they call liars and some they slew.

[5.71] And they thought that there would be no affliction, so they became blind and deaf; then Allah turned to them mercifully, but many of them became blind and deaf; and Allah is well seeing what they do.

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Originally posted by siceone

thats not true. I'll just leave it at that.

here is a secret buddy not every one is out to get you. Most of us don't even care

I know that. but the media is very biased against muslims.

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Originally posted by djxeno

I know that. but the media is very biased against muslims.

see the thing is and I happen to agree is that when someone muslim does do something and it is terrorism the american public expects out cry from the muslim community and we just don't see that. I think the Bias stems from that we just don't have enough muslims trying to separate religion from the perportrators

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Originally posted by siceone

see the thing is and I happen to agree is that when someone muslim does do something and it is terrorism the american public expects out cry from the muslim community and we just don't see that. I think the Bias stems from that we just don't have enough muslims trying to separate religion from the perportrators

Ok, but why does Islam have to distinguish itself from the fundamentalists. You never see Christians or Jews doing that, and everybody is cool with that.

For some reason, ppl assume if there is no Muslim outcry, that all Muslims think that way, and they don't condemn the crime.

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Originally posted by djxeno

Ok, but why does Islam have to distinguish itself from the fundamentalists. You never see Christians or Jews doing that, and everybody is cool with that.

Can you produce a mainstream Jewish or Christian text book that teaches hate? This article went undercover in Mainstream Islamic schools in NYC. FYI - Similar text books are found in Saudi Arabia and the West Bank.

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Originally posted by guyman1966

Can you produce a mainstream Jewish or Christian text book that teaches hate? This article went undercover in Mainstream Islamic schools in NYC. FYI - Similar text books are found in Saudi Arabia and the West Bank.

No, but the Quran doesn't teach hate either, why are you blaming me for a select ignorant few?

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Originally posted by djxeno

No, but the Quran doesn't teach hate either, why are you blaming me for a select ignorant few?

I don't blame you... It just seems like MANY are learning this bullshit. However, it is up to you to correct you're peers.

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Originally posted by djxeno

Ok, but why does Islam have to distinguish itself from the fundamentalists. You never see Christians or Jews doing that, and everybody is cool with that.

For some reason, ppl assume if there is no Muslim outcry, that all Muslims think that way, and they don't condemn the crime.

Yes that may be true but why hasn't more Imam's publically condemn the terrorist attcks or the homicide bombing in Palestine??? In Iraq when that Imam publicallycalled for a Fatwa to not rise against the coalition many villagers dropped there weapons... this troubles me that these religousw figures have some much influence but fail to act for the benefit of the religon...

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Yes that may be true but why hasn't more Imam's publically condemn the terrorist attcks or the homicide bombing in Palestine??? In Iraq when that Imam publicallycalled for a Fatwa to not rise against the coalition many villagers dropped there weapons... this troubles me that these religousw figures have some much influence but fail to act for the benefit of the religon...

as i see it, there are a lot of mullahs and other religious leaders who are actually CALLING for violence and aggression, instead of promoting peace and tolerance.

that, coupled with the islamic community's unwillingness to condemn other muslims, is what leads people to believe that it is a violent religion.

If you look at a lot of politics in the middle east these days, you'll see that when a country does something questionable or a leader acts in a way that is morally unjust, other nations still refuse to directly address it or speak out about it because it would be blaming "a fellow muslim."

so kind of like burying their head in the sand wil make the problem go away?

Kuwait spoke up about Iraqi actions and recommended that Saddam step down, and what was the first reaction they recieved?

the whole "you are a tool of the infidel, you are not sticking by your arab brothers" argument.

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