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So I got pulled over today...

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I didn't fully stop at a stop sign. But the stop sign was on private property at my school. And THERE WERE NO PEOPLE AROUND! I atleast acknowledged the sign by stopping alittle. The officer was in front of me and motioned me to the side. So I drove to the side and just kept going. He looked like a school security guard so I said fuck it. He gets in his car and chases me down.

This guy was all over my ass. He said I drove by 3 stop signs when he couldn't have even seen that. He was looking for anything that he had on me. Tints, seat belt and whatever.

I had my seat belt on the whole time and he said I didn't, got a ticket for that. Careless driving, failure to stop, failure to follow officers instructions and no registration on my front license plate.

I just went to school to register for classes and they were of course closed again. I was alittle pissed about that. And now I gotta deal with this bullshit. I wouldn't mind hearing about this cop getting run over or some shit. I don't give a fuck.

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fight it... however theres a series of things you must do before hand... as for a deposition, and delay it as long as possible at the last possible delay schedule a date then hire a lawyer... if you need somebody let me know, i have a sick legal team for the five boroughs thats been doing well for me and some what affordable considering the options...

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Originally posted by magilicuti

you ever get a ticket before? it always costs you a couple bucks, court costs and etc. this shit ain't cheap

plenty of tickets! From Ny and Nj. I have horrible luck with the cops.. I always got like an extra 30$ on top of whatever I had to pay off the cops with... The system is corrupt they only want your money! :blown:

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yeah, they're gonna give you a no-point ticket that costs more than your original ticket, PLUS "court fees"...

but let me tell you first hand, DO WHATEVER YOU HAVE TO, TO AVOID POINTS

i'm not even joking... not only does your insurance company reem you in the dumper, then the state sends you surcharges for no apparent reason... worst comes to worst, work it out with the prosecutor to get a ticket for "unsafe driving" which is no points the first time you get it... (oh, thats only in nj, btw...)

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