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What motivates you?


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what makes you go to work? what makes you go to school? what are your goals? what is it that you are striving to achieve?

is it beliefs or ideals? monetary gains or the objects they bring? is it a passion for something?

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ice cream! *clap clap*

ahem. actually, what motivates me is the hope that i'll figure out something intellectually exciting and creative to do with myself that might happen to make me enough money to be able to live in a metropolitan area and travel occasionally. haven't figured it out yet, and some days i am more hopeful than others... but i still believe there is a possibility for happiness and balance.

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Though this topic has NOTHING to do with Sex and makes the sex board go limp and dry....i will say what motivates me is realizing that i do not wanna do what i am doing now for the rest of life.

Time is on my side but not for long.

It is on yer side as well..but not for long.

Money is definitely a motivating factor...but it takes money to make money....meaning even if u gotta shell out money for schooling...it will pay off in the end with a good paying job.

But u don't get somethin for nothing. There are many people who go and have gone to school and have degrees and dont even have jackshit....but....u can't just sit there and be a lush.

Motivation comes from within...but sometimes people feel it comes from an outside source.

Perhaps it does indirectly...but in the long run wheather its that BMW u dream of or that $100k salary u dream of.... the drive still has to come from within to set up an internal plan on ways to reach yer goals.

Just remember...goals are set..and dreams are what u make of them.

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what do you do with the money?? whats the end result? why are you earning it?

mike: I posted it here for 2 reasons, 1) sex/love drives a lot of people... 2) I tend to get better responses to serious questions in the dungeon...

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Originally posted by joeg

what do you do with the money?? whats the end result? why are you earning it?

mike: I posted it here for 2 reasons, 1) sex/love drives a lot of people... 2) I tend to get better responses to serious questions in the dungeon...

well yer either a banker or a spender.

Me? i tend to be a banker..but i sometimes get into my "spender" moods especially on a clubbing night.

The end result is security...the reason u are earning it is because of security....security as in this life-cycle we live that involves paying bills.....it is a capitalistic society afterall and once again...it takes money to make money.

If we all were rich..life would be pretty boring because yer set for life...but day by day u need to find stuff to do and there will eventually come a point when u ask yerself "shit....WHAT IS THE POINT OF LIVING IF I HAVE ALL THIS FUCKING MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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Originally posted by atomicapples

poor... dont drive you at all...


mike: yeah, i kinda get that...

and yeah, i kinda figured the bills and stuff are a given, i'm looking for more of the elective reasons... if someone's goal was just to pay the rent and go to sleep every night, i would think it would be a pretty defeating cycle...

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Originally posted by joeg

what makes you go to work? what makes you go to school? what are your goals? what is it that you are striving to achieve?

is it beliefs or ideals? monetary gains or the objects they bring? is it a passion for something? [/quote

I love going to work, and that has and always will be my goal.

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Originally posted by marcid21

cock...the hopes that one big fat mother of a cock is gonna get rammed up my pussy.

well I knew there had to be a reason I keep you around... :tongue:

starving artist: seriously??? what do you do? (if you're actually an artist than that makes sense...)

I enjoyed what i was doing for the first year or 2 i was working, but then it just got too repetative and i wasn't really learning as much new stuff as when i started... plus due to REALLY poor management, a lot of the extremely knowledgable people either left or were fired... so it really stopped being fun and/or rewarding...

so comon... lets get some more answers... what drives you?

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Well, there was a day when we were all partying and having a good time. Now it's just AIDS, WAR, SARS, 911, ANTHRAX, ENRON basically anything you have to capitalize in order for it to be important in print is my driving force. I want to tell my kids (or at least my nephews in case I never get around to having kids) that I lived and survived through the most uncomfortable decade ever recorded. Never has any generation been so stretched.

If you were a parent today would you be sending your kids to College if you knew that there will be 1 job for every 400 applicants when they graduate?

Would you be spending money on stupid stuff like MP-3 Players, digital cameras, and other cool technology toys if you knew that there is absolutly no job security and your paycheck could end tomorrow?

Would you be out every night of the week spending money on drugs, pubs, pills and parties, if you knew that it was only a temporary relief from the reality that is our generation?

My motivation is simple, do my best to stay with my girl, get stoned every minute I'm awake and not working and make sure I put some money away for my retirement. God knows my parents never did and know they want money.


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Well, right now I'm working towards my five-year plan... which is to pay off all my debts, then start putting money away towards retirement, and start saving for something big- a wedding, buying an apartment, world travel. Once I've hit the five year mark, it's pretty much more of the same. If I find some kind of self-actualizing work that I love, that's great, but if not, I just want financial security in order to have a stable and happy personal life.

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love motivates me... not neccessarily romantic love, but love of life and learning, love of being happy, love of friendship... money and financial success don't give me any drive if the other things aren't present. does that make sense?

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