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Originally posted by sd

i did not meet my gf at a club, in fact i didn't even know what a club was when i met my gf. it was way back in 1983, 1st grade Mrs. Wiley's class. we've been dating almost a year and a half now.

its amazing, you search all over the place, and then you discover that what you've been looking for has been right there your whole life.

That's pretty crazy. My Mom is now engaged to someone she grew up down the street from! They hadn't seen each other in over ten years, and re-met at their high school reunion in July '02. They're getting married in September. :heart:

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Originally posted by tastyt

That's pretty crazy. My Mom is now engaged to someone she grew up down the street from! They hadn't seen each other in over ten years, and re-met at their high school reunion in July '02. They're getting married in September. :heart:

its fascinating how things work out. your mother and her fiance were probably just never at the same place in there lives where they were compatible, and now it sounds like they find themselves in a relationship they're both thrilled about.

i clearly remember reading your posts about the last guy you dated (and the breakup), having read a few of your posts there's no doubt that you are an amazing person and deserved much more than he could give you. glad to hear that your new bf is terrific, and that he reciprocates what you put into the relationship.

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Originally posted by sd

its fascinating how things work out. your mother and her fiance were probably just never at the same place in there lives where they were compatible, and now it sounds like they find themselves in a relationship they're both thrilled about.


Originally posted by sd

i clearly remember reading your posts about the last guy you dated (and the breakup), having read a few of your posts there's no doubt that you are an amazing person and deserved much more than he could give you. glad to hear that your new bf is terrific, and that he reciprocates what you put into the relationship.

:) I also remember you giving me advice on all that... damn, when I think back to those days all I can think is THANK GOD that's over! It feels like a different lifetime altogether. It's really unbelievable, the way meeting the right person can give you a new lease on life. :D :D

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