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History vs. Public policy and the dumbing down of....


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over the past 10 years or so there has been a shift in the public school systems from teaching History to teaching Social studies or public policy which is basically current events..

while I feel current events is important I feel it's even more important to know the past to understand what's going on right now. The shift from history to public policy I feel is responsible for the Dumbing down of america. for example 40% of people polled back in september couldn't find the United states on a globe and 70% couldn't find Iraq, They couldn't even come close. State capitals, notable notables and famous people. The american public all Failed when asked about these things...

What do you think? and how would you change the educational system to make it better

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spend more on education. that would enable to get more and better teachers. there is a $200 million deficit in the education system as it is. more cutbacks are expected. inner city and rural schools suffer the most.

build 1 less air fighter and the deficit is erased. built 2 less, or 3 or 4 less and you can make the education system way better. by being able to provide competitive salaries to people who want to teach, you will attract better candidates with that desire and that will have its effects on students.

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Originally posted by vicman

spend more on education. that would enable to get more and better teachers. there is a $200 million deficit in the education system as it is. more cutbacks are expected. inner city and rural schools suffer the most.

build 1 less air fighter and the deficit is erased. built 2 less, or 3 or 4 less and you can make the education system way better. by being able to provide competitive salaries to people who want to teach, you will attract better candidates with that desire and that will have its effects on students.

why woudl you cut defense who not cut ailing social programs..

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Originally posted by vicman

spend more on education. that would enable to get more and better teachers. there is a $200 million deficit in the education system as it is. more cutbacks are expected. inner city and rural schools suffer the most.

build 1 less air fighter and the deficit is erased. built 2 less, or 3 or 4 less and you can make the education system way better. by being able to provide competitive salaries to people who want to teach, you will attract better candidates with that desire and that will have its effects on students.

The promblem with educations starts at the home. Teachers can make an excess of 70k in the city if they have the degrees and tenure.. Todays kids are failing in motivation either from home or role models.. To say a child in america who is poor can't receive an ample education is incorrect a person can be what ever they want in life but the desire has to be there...

Children today have to decide either to play XBOX or a text book.

I know what I will choose sometimes technology has it's cons

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Originally posted by mr mahs

The promblem with educations starts at the home. Teachers can make an excess of 70k in the city if they have the degrees and tenure.. Todays kids are failing in motivation either from home or role models.. To say a child in america who is poor can't receive an ample education is incorrect a person can be what ever they want in life but the desire has to be there...

Children today have to decide either to play XBOX or a text book.

I know what I will choose sometimes technology has it's cons

70k? a grade school teacher. a high scholl teacher?

those are the teachers that i am talking about, not about a college profesor. hell, you better be prepared to pay a good tecaher a good amount of $$ if you want him to go out to the middle of a cornfield in Iowa to teach.

a teacher is a role model, a different type of a role model than a parent, but he still is. a good teacher can inspire you in ways unimaginable, open the doors and make you see what else is out there beyond TV, X-Box, etc.

the guy at 7-eleven probably makes more than a grade school teacher. and then there is the issue of infastructure. those of you that live in NY, go up to Motts Haven and see their schools there. Go to Bed./Sty. in Brooklyn and tell me what you see there. that is what the kids there see. they dont see beyond that. the drugs, the murders, the violence, a good teacher can show them that there is life beyond that.

yes, there are means to be succesful and get a good education if you want to, BUT YOU HAVE TO WANT IT, YOU HAVE TO KNOW THAT IT IS OUT THERE. a good teacher will do that.

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Originally posted by vicman

like AIDS prevention? like housing? like medical services for people living with AIDS?

like welfare for one like all the pork spending cmon man.. if you're gonna try and demonize me lay a better trap

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Originally posted by siceone

like welfare for one like all the pork spending cmon man.. if you're gonna try and demonize me lay a better trap


money is out there, a $5000 aluminum fold up chair for the military isnt necesarry, they should shop at walmart. save the tax payer a few extra $$$ and distribute the rest among needed programs.

social security will become a HUGE problem.

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it's also not about spending more money, it's about correcting the system. i find it incredibly hard to believe that we are not the first or even one of the top 20 or 30 in education in the world. we are supposedly the most wealthiest state right now, how is this not possible...because the administrations of the past since roosevelt have cut down or not contributed enough to certain programs to keep education a top priority in this country...

the teachers aren't learning the right tools they need to change the cycle of low education in schools. all public/private/elementary/middle/high schools should change their curriculum to match that of good education systems in other countries. that way, you'd have kids learning calculus in the 8th grade and outbeating a lot of people in terms of intelligence.

not sure if what i said makes sense...but my main point is that they need to seriously revamp what is being taught in schools and how...making it easier for kids to do shit, skip school, slack off, etc is not going to make then better people to continue things for the next generations to come...

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Originally posted by sassa

it's also not about spending more money, it's about correcting the system. i find it incredibly hard to believe that we are not the first or even one of the top 20 or 30 in education in the world. we are supposedly the most wealthiest state right now, how is this not possible...because the administrations of the past since roosevelt have cut down or not contributed enough to certain programs to keep education a top priority in this country...

the teachers aren't learning the right tools they need to change the cycle of low education in schools. all public/private/elementary/middle/high schools should change their curriculum to match that of good education systems in other countries. that way, you'd have kids learning calculus in the 8th grade and outbeating a lot of people in terms of intelligence.

not sure if what i said makes sense...but my main point is that they need to seriously revamp what is being taught in schools and how...making it easier for kids to do shit, skip school, slack off, etc is not going to make then better people to continue things for the next generations to come...

I LOVE YOU !!!! Finally someone got it right money isn't the answer to everything

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this is what i have been saying the whole time...

the u.s. gov't has historically relied on a very large majority of the population being uneducated with respect to the world (outside u.s. borders), history and politics...


because that is a tremendous power...a nation that can be convinced of anything, because it doesn't know any better...

how to change it?...

seems impossible...there's too much at stake, namely an easily controlable people...

like sassa said, you need to change the system...from the inside...

but who's inside?...the ones profiting from the miseducation of the people...

going along with your poll, i had said something similar to dnice35 when he told me that i couldn't be educted since i was french...

i had told him that the average u.s. highschool graduate can't place the u.s. on a globe...

his answer: "there you go degrading americans, you fucking euro trash make me sick, you swear your shit dont stink......

please go back to your croissants and hairy women....."

see a mass population like that is very easy to control...

all you need is a self-righteous looking leader preaching all the right words: "God...Freedom...We will prevail...USA #1..."

("God"...and this is supposed to be a democracy...:rolleyes: )

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Originally posted by frenchbread

this is what i have been saying the whole time...

the u.s. gov't has historically relied on a very large majority of the population being uneducated with respect to the world (outside u.s. borders), history and politics...


because that is a tremendous power...a nation that can be convinced of anything, because it doesn't know any better...

how to change it?...

seems impossible...there's too much at stake, namely an easily controlable people...

like sassa said, you need to change the system...from the inside...

but who's inside?...the ones profiting from the miseducation of the people...

going along with your poll, i had said something similar to dnice35 when he told me that i couldn't be educted since i was french...

i had told him that the average u.s. highschool graduate can't place the u.s. on a globe...

his answer: "there you go degrading americans, you fucking euro trash make me sick, you swear your shit dont stink......

please go back to your croissants and hairy women....."

see a mass population like that is very easy to control...

all you need is a self-righteous looking leader preaching all the right words: "God...Freedom...We will prevail...USA #1..."

("God"...and this is supposed to be a democracy...:rolleyes:)

There you go again with the conspiracy thinking...;)

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Originally posted by mr mahs

There you go again with the conspiracy thinking...;)


where is the conspiracy?...

these are facts, and i'm just pick up what siceone has thrown down...

but if it comes out of me it's a conspiracy theory?...

there's no conspiracy theory...

if the average population can't place their own country on the wolrd globe, how can they possibly think for themselves on foreign policy issues?...

they can't...

so the gov't does it for them...

and at the same time, the gov't controls the education system...

do you see?...

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Originally posted by frenchbread


where is the conspiracy?...

these are facts, and i'm just pick up what siceone has thrown down...

but if it comes out of me it's a conspiracy theory?...

there's no conspiracy theory...

if the average population can't place their own country on the wolrd globe, how can they possibly think for themselves on foreign policy issues?...

they can't...

so the gov't does it for them...

and at the same time, the gov't controls the education system...

do you see?...

It was joke bro chill...

But to answer your theory Ted..

Me and many of freinds can place the U.S. on a globe are we controlled by the government? I can also decide my own political views does this mean that somehow I averted the evil plan of the govt to brainwash me that this war was just

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charles your right the gov't has fail in educating the people but just because the Gov't failed in that doens't give anyone the excuse not to learn there are many other ways to learn and many other ways to educate children.. Just because a Gov't or a Governing body doesn't or won't do the right thing doesn't mean it's thier resposnisbility.. the Gov't is not responsible fo your or anyone elses education.

responsibility for ones own actions is democracy

having the gov't responsible for you is socialism

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Originally posted by frenchbread

this is what i have been saying the whole time...

the u.s. gov't has historically relied on a very large majority of the population being uneducated with respect to the world (outside u.s. borders), history and politics...


because that is a tremendous power...a nation that can be convinced of anything, because it doesn't know any better...

how to change it?...

seems impossible...there's too much at stake, namely an easily controlable people...

like sassa said, you need to change the system...from the inside...

but who's inside?...the ones profiting from the miseducation of the people...

going along with your poll, i had said something similar to dnice35 when he told me that i couldn't be educted since i was french...

i had told him that the average u.s. highschool graduate can't place the u.s. on a globe...

his answer: "there you go degrading americans, you fucking euro trash make me sick, you swear your shit dont stink......

please go back to your croissants and hairy women....."

see a mass population like that is very easy to control...

all you need is a self-righteous looking leader preaching all the right words: "God...Freedom...We will prevail...USA #1..."

("God"...and this is supposed to be a democracy...:rolleyes: )

i soooo agree with you! it is easier to control a population that is for the most part ignorant of the outer scene aka the world, who have not read many books nor know much about the world they live in...compared to a population that is well-educated verbally open about their ideas, and quick to challenge the gov't on any issue it makes....of course the first group is easier to endure...and perhaps that really is what the gov't has set out to do in the past 50 years or so....

you have to give them credit...they are pretty smart for putting all this together...

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Originally posted by sassa

i soooo agree with you! it is easier to control a population that is for the most part ignorant of the outer scene aka the world, who have not read many books nor know much about the world they live in...compared to a population that is well-educated verbally open about their ideas, and quick to challenge the gov't on any issue it makes....of course the first group is easier to endure...and perhaps that really is what the gov't has set out to do in the past 50 years or so....

you have to give them credit...they are pretty smart for putting all this together...

I love how you turn a thread on education in to a conspiracy theory... THE Gov't should not be responsible for education our children. end of story.

It's always the Governments fault for everything the people of this country can't take any responsibility for anything especially something as controlable as education. It boggles my mind when people think the Gov't should provide everything SINCE WHEN HAS THAT WORKED... That's the real brainwashing people convincing each other that it's not thier problem and it's not thier fault.

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Originally posted by siceone

I love how you turn a thread on education in to a conspiracy theory... THE Gov't should not be responsible for education our children. end of story.

It's always the Governments fault for everything the people of this country can't take any responsibility for anything especially something as controlable as education. It boggles my mind when people think the Gov't should provide everything SINCE WHEN HAS THAT WORKED... That's the real brainwashing people convincing each other that it's not thier problem and it's not thier fault.

Socialism works..


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Originally posted by siceone

I love how you turn a thread on education in to a conspiracy theory... THE Gov't should not be responsible for education our children. end of story.

It's always the Governments fault for everything the people of this country can't take any responsibility for anything especially something as controlable as education. It boggles my mind when people think the Gov't should provide everything SINCE WHEN HAS THAT WORKED... That's the real brainwashing people convincing each other that it's not thier problem and it's not thier fault.

how exactly did you interpret what i said to be a controversy theory....it is true. stupid people are easier to control than smart people.

if the gov't shouldn't be responsible for our children's education, then who should be? people?

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Originally posted by siceone

I love how you turn a thread on education in to a conspiracy theory... THE Gov't should not be responsible for education our children. end of story.

It's always the Governments fault for everything the people of this country can't take any responsibility for anything especially something as controlable as education. It boggles my mind when people think the Gov't should provide everything SINCE WHEN HAS THAT WORKED... That's the real brainwashing people convincing each other that it's not thier problem and it's not thier fault.

so we should give private companies the educational system all together? i think that is what is going on with the health system and i have yet to hear a good story on an HMO or PPO. :rolleyes:

not gooood.

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Originally posted by sassa

i soooo agree with you! it is easier to control a population that is for the most part ignorant of the outer scene aka the world, who have not read many books nor know much about the world they live in...compared to a population that is well-educated verbally open about their ideas, and quick to challenge the gov't on any issue it makes....of course the first group is easier to endure...and perhaps that really is what the gov't has set out to do in the past 50 years or so....

you have to give them credit...they are pretty smart for putting all this together...

LOL apparently this is known outside the US but still remains a "mystery" here.

although, for the record, a lot of communist countries practiced (and still do) this as a way to remain in power. its also widely seen in lots of third world countries.

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Originally posted by sassa

how exactly did you interpret what i said to be a controversy theory....it is true. stupid people are easier to control than smart people.

if the gov't shouldn't be responsible for our children's education, then who should be? people?

god forbid people take responsibility for them selves right?

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Originally posted by mr mahs

It was joke bro chill...

But to answer your theory Ted..

Me and many of freinds can place the U.S. on a globe are we controlled by the government? I can also decide my own political views does this mean that somehow I averted the evil plan of the govt to brainwash me that this war was just

hey what's up mahs...

i wasn't angry at all...sorry if you felt this way...;)

but to answer...

you and your friends are a minority in this country...and that's bad...

sadly, our country is quite uneducated for an industrialized power...even more so for the first nation in the world...

i'm not saying that all this took place overnight, and for the purpose of this war...

what i am trying to convey to you is that it works to the gov't's advantage if the mass of the people is uneducated...

because comes time to side with your "country" or the other, it seems like no choice, and so whenever the gov't goes to war, it is almost guaranteed backing by the majority of the people (in the beginning at least)...

so all the gov't has to do to get the people behind them, is to play the "patriotic" card and voila...

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Originally posted by siceone

god forbid people take responsibility for them selves right?

and how do you expect them to do that? how would you expect someone, especially a person that has not had a decent education themself, to provide one that is more stellar and beneficial for their children? please explain...

if the gov't is taking our money and supposedly using it for services that benefit all of us, then why the hell aren't they investing more in education? oh wait..i forget, my tax money is funding this bullshit war, amongst other things...

how do you think this should go...since you obviously feel that the gov't has done its part...

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