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I really enjoy discussing this issue with people who listen and have a basis for their opinion.

Now more ramblings......

The difference between Iraq and N. Korea, Syria, Iran etc. It that Iraq has used their WMD in an offensive manner and was headed by a non predictible megalomaniac who would destroy the world before he would give up power. Add to that the effects he could have on the world by threatening over 50% of the worlds oil. And oil is not just higher prices at the pump. It could cause the world a global recession that could cost BILLIONS of lives. No $$ for foreign aid, aids research, jobs, food, etc... Africa alone would revert to anarchy equivilent to the stone age if you added that to the aids epidemic.

As for the tax cuts......

Someone please explain to me why someone successful should pay such a higher percentage of my $$$ than someone who is not? I just dont get it. And it is a fact that the upper income families pay a higher percentage of their income than any other group. Why is that fair? It is approaching socializm.

I grew up in public housing in detroit, I joined the Marines to pay for college, I went to college and then went to work, I then started my own business and got lucky and had it do ok. If I died right now, my wife would have to sell it because she would have to pay half of its worth to the government for taxes!!! She would be totally fucked and the work I have labored at for years would benifit some crack head on welfare instead of my children. That is just wrong. You should be able to benifit from your labors and not be penalized because you actually try to better yourself.

And if you think NPR, and the BBC is non biased you are delusional, they do show a different angle but are as biased as any orginization run by people will be. (BTW I love NPR)

As for destabilisation, hopefully we can get the hell out of the region now, and let them have the right of self determination. Before we could not because of the threat he posed.

Alaska.... doesn't anyone realize the EXPLORATION (not drilling BTW) in Alaska is a direct result of Iraq? We realized that we damn well better know where we have oil so if another incident happens in the middle east (or even Russia) we may be able to avoid getting involved by knowing where our oil is in case of an emergency.

As for why we took out Sadam when we didn't take out others.... well maybe we should have. but not doing the right thing in the past isn't a reason why we shouldn't do the right thing now. And making mistakes (and we made many) doesn't mean that we can't start trying now. Just like you may help some friends and not others, it wouldnt be better if you helped no one.

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:cool: :cool: Shroomy we need to have this conversation at a bar over many drinks:cool: :cool:

You're right BBC and NPR are bias. But I prefer reporting like thiers over CNN ,FOX and the other major networks that most people are a custom to watching.

Over all I wish people would just think before they speak (News)

and that the majority of the public would listen with just half a brain and really give a shit...like you and I do ....about whats going on in the world today.

PS. the cats back from vacation

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Originally posted by ogmiami

Why do we get to decide who gets to have WMD?

Cause we've got the most bombs. Two words, nuclear fucking weapons :) (with apologies to Denis Leary)

But in all honesty...sure nukes suck (I prefer orbital laser systems myself) but we who developed it cannot get rid of it since it has proliferated so much...we have a massive arsenal due to the cold war policy of deténte, or the military term MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction).

MAD basically means that if you dare think about nuking my cities, missile fields and airbases, you're gonna get whacked as hard, if not harder than I did. For 50+ years, the US and the former Soviet Union (god I loved having those bastards around, we all had a common, coherent enemy in those days! Plus the whole voodoo economics thing...) constantly tried to upset the balance of MAD. The USSR would develop a new ballistic missile, or figure out how to pack a few more MIRVs onto an SS-21, or park a few nukes on Cuban soil, and we would respond with either the Star Wars concept, the B-2 stealth bomber, or some other 'black' project that would make Chris Carter sell his children into slavery.

The USSR then would make a new submarine with an ultraquiet drive system, and we'd freak out and park a few Ohios in the Arctic Ocean.

Of course this lead to some pretty tense moments, quite a few times we came within minutes of being annhilated in a nuclear fire (Lucky me, when I was a kid I lived 50 miles from a SAC base...)...then when the Wall came tumbling down and the tricolor Russian flag of Imperial Russia replaced the hammer and sickle of the Soviet Worker, their nukes got sold off for a nice attaché case and a 5-series BMW. So of course we're tense about all these stray nukes about nowadays...I'm sure a few ended up in Saddam's hands.

But ya gotta admit, we busted up that country like country sherrifs do an illegal meth lab!

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Originally posted by demo909

:cool: :cool: Shroomy we need to have this conversation at a bar over many drinks:cool: :cool:

You're right BBC and NPR are bias. But I prefer reporting like thiers over CNN ,FOX

Fuck yeah.. first round is on me.

and agreed Fox is such a joke, I can't tell if it is a news show or a recruiting commercial. OMG the fucking patriotic music and the eagle graphics, Im just waiting for them to tie the war to stock cars and county music somehow.

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FoxNews was actually the only network that had this war PEGGED,,,,from the get-go!

Call me crazeeeeeee,,,,,but all the other networks were too busy trying to find a reason why the war had failed(which we all know,,,it didn't). Looks like it's them and all those who took their bait,,,hook, line and sinker! doom/gloom,,,yeah,,remember that,,,,NEVER HAPPENED! WWIII, Terrorist attacks @ home and abroad,,,yep,,,,another one,,,NEVER HAPPENED!!! Chemical/Biological attacks,,,,,again,,,NEVER HAPPENED! Attacks on Israel,,,,,,uh huh!!! NEVER HAPPENED! Environmental disaster w/ all the burning oil wells,,,,,also,,,uh uh!! DID NOT FRIGIN' HAPPEN!!!


So,,,call me crazy,,,,assuming you're part of the crowd that predicted this massive DOOM/GLOOM scenario,,,,,,,guess what,,,you were WRONG,WRONG,WRONG,WRONG,WRONG,WRONG,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,YOU GET AN "F"!

Looks like our admin had this thing right from the beginning,,,,,,,,now that the major fighting is over, Iraq is free,,,the Saddam regime is non-existent,,,,

the anti-war, granola chompin', tree huggn', birkenstock wearing, misguided crew of "blame America first" bunch is trying to focus on somthing,,,anything,,,,that looks, smells or seems negative. That's the problem w/ that bunch,,,,THEY ARE JUST NEVER HAPPY! EVER! That is,,unless a democrat is in office.

I'll stick w/ what has been proven to be correct,,,,,by recent current events and history, of course!

Try focusing on the tremendous good that has come from freeing the Iraqi people after 35 yrs of sin and carnage! There's just too much good out there to focus strictly on the negative. It's counter productive and not very constructive,,,,,ESPECIALLY SINCE THAT VIEW POINT HAS BEEN RECENTLY PROVEN WRONG!


FYI,,,,I don't mean to ruffle anyone's feathers,,,but this cool cat (who's back from the alley) is just a little abrasive when he writes! Don't take it personal,,,really!!!

you guys are still great people in my eyes,,,I truly enjoy the debate,,,it exercises my brain,,,,,and God knows,,,I need it!!!




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