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Something for ignorant rightist warhawks to understand

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Originally posted by frenchbread

how about igloo's post for original...:rofl:...


you guys are a trip...

seriously...i can't stop laughing at how funny you are...


you guys almost bring me to tears...

what are you going to say next?..."i'm rubber you're glue"...


woefully weak

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Originally posted by igloo


Don't even waste your time...you are too above this nonsense. Sassa and the other misfit have zero credibility......she has been wrong about everything the past two years--everything

The tactics of the Blame America Brigade, with their doomsday predictions, conspiracy theories, delusionary elitism, moral ignorance, and lack of any practical solutions to every negativity they overblow, has been exposed and is downright laughable...

LOL yeah. I have to put up with this shit with people in class too. For the past six months all i've heard is "fuck america" and "love not war" and of course "war is not the answer."

Then they're out on campus stepping on flags and insulting people who don't agree with em, because everyone else has obviously been duped by the propoganda of the presumably corrupt military/industrial complex. :rolleyes:

Sassa and Frenchbread should be out there with em, leading us all to a better world...

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Originally posted by cintron

LOL yeah. I have to put up with this shit with people in class too. For the past six months all i've heard is "fuck america" and "love not war" and of course "war is not the answer."


everyone feel bad for cintron because he has to see marchers on campus...please...:nopity:

i don't say "fuck america"...that's my country...

i say fuck "bush+cheney+rumsfeld+ashcroft+wolfowitz+pearle"...

but that seems too hard a distinction for you to make...

Originally posted by cintron

Then they're out on campus stepping on flags and insulting people who don't agree with em, because everyone else has obviously been duped by the propoganda of the presumably corrupt military/industrial complex. :rolleyes:

Sassa and Frenchbread should be out there with em, leading us all to a better world...


are you kidding me?...

that's all most of you pro-war guys do on here: insult people because they don't agree with you...

and now you want to complain about that being done to you?!?!?...please...:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by frenchbread


are you kidding me?...

that's all most of you pro-war guys do on here: insult people because they don't agree with you...

and now you want to complain about that being done to you?!?!?...please...:rolleyes:

I don't insult anyone for a well founded opinion.

I just wonder why you didn't give a shit about the iraqi's before the war and you are so concerned with them now. It just reeks of "I am not helping anyone who is not me."

And I just love all the "War is Not the Answer" folks..... unless you do have an answer, shut the fuck up with your cute slogans.

We were forced to pick the lesser of two evils, tell me what a better choice would have been?

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Originally posted by shroomy

I don't insult anyone for a well founded opinion.

I just wonder why you didn't give a shit about the iraqi's before the war and you are so concerned with them now. It just reeks of "I am not helping anyone who is not me."

And I just love all the "War is Not the Answer" folks..... unless you do have an answer, shut the fuck up with your cute slogans.

We were forced to pick the lesser of two evils, tell me what a better choice would have been?

The left and the fools here NEVER have a practical solution...ever

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Originally posted by igloo

The left and the fools here NEVER have a practical solution...ever

i suppose it is practical to bomb an entire country, probably knowing that the people you are searching for have already left in exile?? no way saddam and his family/friends are stupid enough to remain in iraq to have their asses handed over to the american military. i suppose it is practical to send troops over there to destroy homes and fuck up the infrastructure even more than it is already? i suppose it is ok to create a mess (who the fuck put the sanctions on iraq in the first place? that's right, your precious gov't) then say we are "liberating" from the mess that we put them in? is it so wrong to see past the bullshit that they are trying to make people believe and know that they are wrong/lying? i suppose it is also practical that they will make billions of money off the oil fields and other natural resources that exist in iraq? i also suppose it is practical that under international law, an invading force (or the "liberators" as they call themselves) cannot even uphold order in iraq, but they CAN do their best to protect the oil fields and not make sure looting does not take place in the country's most oldest musems? what kind of half assed, turn-of-the-century logic is that? yet you have the audacity to justify their actions and call people "liberals" "communists" and other things because they don't want to be sucked into the same rhetorical bullshit as you have. well, how interesting...and how ironic...


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Originally posted by sassa

i suppose it is practical to bomb an entire country, probably knowing that the people you are searching for have already left in exile?? no way saddam and his family/friends are stupid enough to remain in iraq to have their asses handed over to the american military. i suppose it is practical to send troops over there to destroy homes and fuck up the infrastructure even more than it is already? i suppose it is ok to create a mess (who the fuck put the sanctions on iraq in the first place? that's right, your precious gov't) then say we are "liberating" from the mess that we put them in? is it so wrong to see past the bullshit that they are trying to make people believe and know that they are wrong/lying? i suppose it is also practical that they will make billions of money off the oil fields and other natural resources that exist in iraq? i also suppose it is practical that under international law, an invading force (or the "liberators" as they call themselves) cannot even uphold order in iraq, but they CAN do their best to protect the oil fields and not make sure looting does not take place in the country's most oldest musems? what kind of half assed, turn-of-the-century logic is that? yet you have the audacity to justify their actions and call people "liberals" "communists" and other things because they don't want to be sucked into the same rhetorical bullshit as you have. well, how interesting...and how ironic...




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Originally posted by sassa

i suppose it is practical to bomb an entire country, probably knowing that the people you are searching for have already left in exile?? no way saddam and his family/friends are stupid enough to remain in iraq to have their asses handed over to the american military. i suppose it is practical to send troops over there to destroy homes and fuck up the infrastructure even more than it is already? i suppose it is ok to create a mess (who the fuck put the sanctions on iraq in the first place? that's right, your precious gov't) then say we are "liberating" from the mess that we put them in? is it so wrong to see past the bullshit that they are trying to make people believe and know that they are wrong/lying? i suppose it is also practical that they will make billions of money off the oil fields and other natural resources that exist in iraq? i also suppose it is practical that under international law, an invading force (or the "liberators" as they call themselves) cannot even uphold order in iraq, but they CAN do their best to protect the oil fields and not make sure looting does not take place in the country's most oldest musems? what kind of half assed, turn-of-the-century logic is that? yet you have the audacity to justify their actions and call people "liberals" "communists" and other things because they don't want to be sucked into the same rhetorical bullshit as you have. well, how interesting...and how ironic...


:laugh: :laugh:

What a pathetic and idiotic response....yet made me laugh

This demonstration of idiosy on your part is a perfect illustration of how lost and clueless you really are.....

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Originally posted by igloo

:laugh: :laugh:

What a pathetic and idiotic response....yet made me laugh

This demonstration of idiosy on your part is a perfect illustration of how lost and clueless you really are.....

i suppose that with your response, you cannot come up with a logical argument to back up your view, yet instead you call it a pathetic and idiotic response...

now back up and let's see which one of us really has the pathetic and idiotic response...:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :blown:

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Originally posted by sassa

i suppose that with your response, you cannot come up with a logical argument to back up your view, yet instead you call it a pathetic and idiotic response...

now back up and let's see which one of us really has the pathetic and idiotic response...:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :blown:

:bored: :bored:

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Originally posted by sassa

i suppose it is practical to bomb an entire country, probably knowing that the people you are searching for have already left in exile?? no way saddam and his family/friends are stupid enough to remain in iraq to have their asses handed over to the american military. i suppose it is practical to send troops over there to destroy homes and fuck up the infrastructure even more than it is already? i suppose it is ok to create a mess (who the fuck put the sanctions on iraq in the first place? that's right, your precious gov't) then say we are "liberating" from the mess that we put them in? is it so wrong to see past the bullshit that they are trying to make people believe and know that they are wrong/lying? i suppose it is also practical that they will make billions of money off the oil fields and other natural resources that exist in iraq? i also suppose it is practical that under international law, an invading force (or the "liberators" as they call themselves) cannot even uphold order in iraq, but they CAN do their best to protect the oil fields and not make sure looting does not take place in the country's most oldest musems? what kind of half assed, turn-of-the-century logic is that? yet you have the audacity to jutify their actions and call people "liberals" "communists" and other things because they don't want to be sucked into the same rhetorical bullshit as you have. well, how interesting...and how ironic...


I wasn't going to respond but here it goes..

- The infrastructure was spared that why there isn't a hole where Iraq onced stood... I will say this again... with a push of a button that country could have been LEVELED and fence could have been set up around it and ALL the OIL could have been ours and no one and I mean no one can say a damn thing about it.. did that happen?? can you.. in your right mind even compare for a second the destruction of this war to lets say WWII in Japan and Germany? So to say we are ruthless occupiers is incorrect..

-I hope we make money over there it's owed to us for freeing them but to say we did it just for the oil is getting STALE and the rest of he country feels the same way so stop with yesterday's rebuttle...

International law said Sadam has to disarm he didn't..International law says he can't torture his citizens.. he did... International law said he had to use the oil for food program to feed his own people.. guess what he didn't ..

What I can't beleive that you never hear orginization condem the attrocities in Iraq but are quick to point out collateral damage in a war that will only help those people in the long run...

-In the words of a fellow left wing loon Bill Maher " I am glad they protected the oil ministry because you wanna know what that is the real treasure of the Iraqi people" The oil will rebuild the country that's why it is important.. You claim we had better things to do... your right we were killing bad guys not protecting some rock from the 1200's I am sorry but who knew they would steal their own stuff.. you want to point fingers point it at the bandits of that country... That is a perfect example of blaming America first you make me sick... finish your school and go back to sweating in the desert you ungreatful soul....

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Originally posted by mr mahs

I will say this again... with a push of a button that country could have been LEVELED and fence could have been set up around it and ALL the OIL could have been ours and no one and I mean no one can say a damn thing about it..

i'm not sure what you meant here can you clarify?

did you mean that if we had nuclearly bombed iraq and taken over nobody could have said a thing about it?...

or did you mean something else?

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Originally posted by frenchbread

i'm not sure what you meant here can you clarify?

did you mean that if we had nuclearly bombed iraq and taken over nobody could have said a thing about it?...

or did you mean something else?

In her posts she states that we are bullies and that we royally fucked things up when we engaged in this conflict.. What other military would pick and chose it's targets to minimize civilian casualties? The old war model was wreck everything and rebuild from th ground up which could have easily been done this time... Here we are hitting military targets and preserving bridges and other municipal objects and people still think we are conducting this war improperly and targeting civilians.. Also when the war is over we can say that we control the oil and noone can do anything about it but we won't because that is not in our nature.. we might negotiate agreemnets that are in both of our bests interests but total control never.. Ask the kuwaitis in 91 when SADAM invaded if they had a say how the country will be ran or if the oil revenue would be kept by the kuwaiti people..

French I said this to you once.. I am not denying that are country does some shady stuff but compared to other countries and how they conduct them selves you can't compare the 2.. Where is the outcry about what was happening before the war? That'S why I feel the antiwar movemnet lacks legitimacy where were the protests when he was torturing his own and the Kuwaiti people?? that's all, I can't fathom how they could compare Bush to Sadam..


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so you didn't answer my simple question...


Originally posted by mr mahs

I will say this again... with a push of a button that country could have been LEVELED and fence could have been set up around it and ALL the OIL could have been ours and no one and I mean no one can say a damn thing about it..

you're crazy if you think the world would have just stood by if we had nuked iraq...

everybody could have said something about it...

that's right...

because you can't bomb a country with wmd's for supposedly having wmd's...

and on top of that go and take all their resources...

that's just insane...

Originally posted by mr mahs

-I hope we make money over there it's owed to us for freeing them but to say we did it just for the oil is getting STALE and the rest of he country feels the same way so stop with yesterday's rebuttle...

see...this is exactly my point from the beginning...

war for oil...for money...that's not being a liberator, that's being a mercenary...

it's owed to us?...

do you realize how insane that sounds...

then we can go to war anywhere we want now as long as there's money to be made (first gulf war = $30 Bil profit)...

and not go where's there's no money...

how much money is owed to us?...please tell me...

you're basically saying that there's a price to freedom...what is that price...how much oil is enough repayement?...

i've said it before, and i'll say it again, waging war with the prospect of monetary profit is morally bankrupt...

let's just be happy that we have the largest army in the world...

otherwise other countries could come here, bomb us to free us from our gov't and then expect retribution...

looking at the wealth in this country, i'm sure a lot of countries would want to get in on that action...

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