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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

Eggmok has a cousin with the same name as me. She spells her name Gena (I think) but we have the same last name. Weird, huh?


Originally posted by Kuro

I just saw a post on Naughtybooth about something from back in the Twilo days. Did you ever find the girl with the white, furry boots?

ahahahahaaaa, yes i did find the girl with the white, furry boots. the funny was that she was a sister of a friend of mine. how fuckin awesome was that. the furry boot girl and i became very good friends. i have a very nice pic of her and i from wmc 2001. we actually hung out a lot. she lives in nyc and i am staring at her pic as we speak. the very first time i actually talked to her was in twilo and that night i was such a babbling idiot. :laugh: but yes i found the girl with the white furry boots and we are now very, very close, good frineds!!!

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