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*NYC should sell "Smoking Licenses" to restaurants/bars

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So NYC has a $3.8 billion budget deficit. We're facing cutbacks in schools, police, firehouses, transportation. And increased taxes too.

Meanwhile, there's a new drastic smoking ban in NYC restaurants/bars/clubs. I don't smoke, but I think a complete ban is going too far.

Here's my suggestion: NYC should offer optional "Smoking Licenses" to restaurants/bars/clubs. Similar to liquor licenses. Make it expensive, or maybe put a limit to the number of licenses that can be issued.

That way, there will be some restaurants/bars/clubs that allow smoking. People who want to smoke, and people who don't mind smoke, would go there. And there will also be establishments that are smoke-free.

Additionally, the yearly fees for "smoking licenses" from restaurants/bars/clubs would help chip away at our massive budget deficit.

What do you think?

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Its a perfect idea, and should be implemented. There's certainly a market out there for smoking environments, and businesses that value smoking as a way to enhance their cash flow should have the opportunity to tap into the market. Businesses who find the license too expenive simply wont obtain a license, and as you stated, a nice market will develop between smoking and non-smoking environments. Being that there is such a wide range of places to chose from as well in New York, consumers will most likely have a wide choice of selection regardless of their preferences.

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Originally posted by jaybzee

Its a perfect idea, and should be implemented. There's certainly a market out there for smoking environments, and businesses that value smoking as a way to enhance their cash flow should have the opportunity to tap into the market. Businesses who find the license too expenive simply wont obtain a license, and as you stated, a nice market will develop between smoking and non-smoking environments. Being that there is such a wide range of places to chose from as well in New York, consumers will most likely have a wide choice of selection regardless of their preferences.

AMEN TO THIS:D :D :D i cant stand this "non smoking rules" :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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A smoking license would be retarded. The entire point of the ban is to rid locations of cigarette smoke, not to make money. The cabaret license is just the enforcement of an outdated law, while a liquor license prevents (thankfully) any one from serving alcohol at their whim.

These licenses are there for entirely different purposes, and sould have no bearing on the creation of any kind of "smoking license".

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Originally posted by Xpander

A smoking license would be retarded. The entire point of the ban is to rid locations of cigarette smoke, not to make money. The cabaret license is just the enforcement of an outdated law, while a liquor license prevents (thankfully) any one from serving alcohol at their whim.

These licenses are there for entirely different purposes, and sould have no bearing on the creation of any kind of "smoking license".

I want to write that on a baseball and throw it at everyone's head when they start doing it... because... i'm sure they will...

and americans ALMOST deserve it for being too blind to see it coming...

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this smoking ban is the greatest law ever implemented....last time i went to vinyl i didnt come out smelling like a fuckin chimney @ 8am in the morning...i love the smoke free environment...

the only thing that sux is the mobs of ppl in front of places that are smoking...im always thinkin theres a huge line or some shit

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

this smoking ban is the greatest law ever implemented....last time i went to vinyl i didnt come out smelling like a fuckin chimney @ 8am in the morning...i love the smoke free environment...

the only thing that sux is the mobs of ppl in front of places that are smoking...im always thinkin theres a huge line or some shit

i mean, i like coming out not smelling like smoke, too... but i think we have to be careful how much authority we give "big government" because a lot of times it comes back to kick people in the ass when its used for something it wasn't orignally intended for...

i mean, look at the crackhouse laws... sounds great, right? i don't do crack, you don't do crack, no one likes crackhouses... sounds good all the way around...

fast forward a few years... now they're shutting down clubs with it?? lol...

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

hey mel gibson..slow down :D ..but i know how they use the crackhouse law..but then again cigarrettes aint banned so they wont b as strict...


yeah, but my jaw isn't gonna hit the floor when i see "club shut down by firemarshall for cigarette smoke!!!"

btw... "i'm gettin too old for this shit..."


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