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looks like i won't make it to metro..

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Originally posted by dani672

seeing as i broke my ass last night at work.. fell right on my little tail bone...and i think on my psyotic nerver.. great! but.. hey maybe the doc will give me something yummy to take to make the pain go away..


JK hope u feel better geek.

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Originally posted by dani672

went to the doc today.. wow my shit is worse than i thought.. my disc is inflamed... no working out for like 3 or 4 weeks.. i am soo upset... dammitt!!!!

Hope ya feel better.

Is the coccyx OK??


If you look at Figure 1 at the cervical spinal column you'll notice the last bone is the coccyx (pronounced cocks-ix) commonly referred to as the tailbone.

In figure B you'll notice proper disc placement then a herniated disc. In your case of an Inflamed disc the space between the body of the vertebra is increased by swelling to the disc therefore putting increased pressure in your lower spine. Bottom Line hurts lika a mother fucker and is painful as fuck. Hope you can sleep because tossing and turning would be a bitch.

Feel better

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inflamed???.......hook a brotha up....lemme guess ......perks?lol....rest up and get ready...summa time summa time..but u did miss a good night at sandbar.......and how bout rodney rogers with the winning shot.......fuck that .....go tim thomas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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thank you kosta... for that great explanation:) you are funny.. yup hurts like a bitch.. let me know when you want to come over and rub my butt:)

hey ryan. thanks.. my doc only gave me vioxx.. which is a anti-inflamatory.. a really stron gone.. adn a muscle relaxer.. that doens't really make me silly... just tired.. the doc was like.. well if i give you any percs or something like that you will feel like are ok.. and try to do too much.. didn't want to push my luck.. he was giving me free samples instead of going and buying them... although now that i am trying to type.. maybe i am a little silly:cool:

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Originally posted by dani672

thank you kosta... for that great explanation:) you are funny.. yup hurts like a bitch.. let me know when you want to come over and rub my butt:)

I guess these pills DID make you silly. Your talking out of your ass now. What did I tell you about teasin me like that!!

Feel better sunshine, lemme know if you need anything. Im going to bed now from last night (you missed a good one) BTW Dont go to church hung-over everyone looks at you funny. Good Night,

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