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Space-Ibiza legendary terrace party @ The Opium Garden


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Space-Ibiza has embarked on a world tour and they are landing their legendary terrace parties at the Opium Garden on Thursday, March 15th. Reche - Space/Ibiza resident will be headling the event along with Lloyd Alvarez (Velvet Couch, Blue - Miami), Juan Mejia (Crobar, Miami). This is the closest thing to the REAL Space-Ibiza. Harder progressive house will be played in the Shanghai Lounge (upstairs) with DJ's: Gaby Fain (Fat Car Records, Israel), DJ Obby (Tantra, Miami) and DJ JBR (The Womb, Miami). Except no other imitation. Opium is located at 136 Collins Avenue...you should come and experience what a Legendary Terrace Party is really like. For additional information, please contact 305-531-5535. Again, the party is Thursday, March 15th...it shouldn't be missed. Oh yeah, I'd get there early, the line should be out of control. cwm17.gif

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Thats funny...I've experienced lots of "THE REAL" Space/ Ibiza's legendary terrace parties, and never once did I hear DJ Reche....

I think if you really want to experience one of these parties you better hop on a plane this summer and head over to Ibiza...so you can hear DJs like Carl Cox and Danny Tenaglia playing on the terrace....thats the real Space/Ibiza vibe!!!

Not a hand-full of local DJs and a resident(Reche?),who plays there in the off-season when nobody is there....

"ACCEPT NO OTHER IMITATION"....exactly smile.gif

[This message has been edited by kingstreet (edited 03-05-2001).]

[This message has been edited by kingstreet (edited 03-05-2001).]

[This message has been edited by kingstreet (edited 03-07-2001).]

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Hey Kingstreet...I guess since you are the leading authority on what is the "Real" Space-Ibiza vibe..why don't you tell us what is real. Or maybe you haven't been to Space-Ibiza and experienced the terrace. Luckily, I have been able to make it to Ibiza 3 times since 96 and let me tell you...when the owners of the hottest club in Ibiza embarks on a world tour with all their resident dj's, management and entertainment...you are experiencing the real Ibiza or the closest thing. Maybe you should check out their site @ www.space-ibiza/worldtour.com. This should put you up to date on what is real and what isn't. Also, you'll get a chance to experience Reche for the first time, since you've never been to Space in Ibiza, and sample some of his sounds along with all the greats that have spun on the terrace. It would be hard for Reche to spin at Space on the off season, since they don't have an off season. they only open during the Ibiza season (which is June - Sept. for you to know Kingstreet - novice) Oh yeah, novice means somebody who is new to the game like yourself. Anyway, there goes your theory on that. Finally, call the info. line and ask to be put on the list...i'll buy you a drink and let you judge for yourself. Just tell them Kingstreet is calling...the "real" king of the street?


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kingstreet, sorry bro, you're wrong.

Reche has been a Space resident long before my first time in 97. He's put out a few of their annual Space cds (98 with Daniel Klein and in 99 with Cox & Jose Devina)

other space residents include Sin Plomo, Java, Jason Bye, Steve Lawler & Jonathon Ulysses.

I'll agree with you on one thing, nothing beats the real thing. Give them a little credit for atleast trying something new. I think it would work at O-garden just from the reviews my friends have given me on the venue.

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Hey newbie-Opium promoter-know-it-all-been to Ibiza 3 times in my life-expert-Rendez-Vu,

Let me be the first to welcome you to the board....and what a grand entrance you've made..

FYI- This "novice" has been to Ibiza every summer since 92...new to the scene?? Oh you must mean when I was a card carrying member of the Paradise Garage..But hey..you've probably never heard of that place.....Beleive me buddy, I've experienced Space/Ibiza many, many times , and I was going to Ibiza long before it became the "Oh-so in place to go".Yes Reche is a resident, and I referred to him as a resident in my post, my point was that most of the infamous terrace parties are not about him...They are about the world class DJs that Space/ Ibiza brings in every week of the summer season...

And if what you got to hear at the terrace party on your 3 visits to Ibiza was Reche, then I'm sorry to tell you ,my friend, that you were short-changed, and you should get a refund.......

All the major clubs in Ibiza have residents, and most of them are pretty good, but they are not the headliners...They usually open up for the headliners...When I started going to Ibiza back in the early nineties it was about the residents, but as the Island became more of a tourist attraction and the clubs became more succesful they started bringing in big name guests on a regular basis...And now the summer season there has basically become a showcase for all the biggest DJs in the world....

BTW: I love Opium Garden...it's a refreshing change of pace...


KINGSTREET smile.gif

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I got nothing but love for you bro!!

because I know you know your shit.. smile.gif

Honestly, did you ever hear Reche while at Space/Ibiza?

I never said he wasnt a resident, I simply meant there is alot more to those AWESOME terrace parties than Reche...beleive me ,at last years closing party with DT tearing it up, there wasnt a mention of Reche..TRUST ME!

Not to mention I took offense to the "ACCEPT NO OTHER IMITATION" comment, as I felt it was a stab at my beloved Space/Miami and it's awesome afterhours terrace parties...


KINGSTREET smile.gif

[This message has been edited by kingstreet (edited 03-05-2001).]

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Alright...I guess you said you didn't say anything about Reche, but if you refer to your original email you say you haven't heard of Reche...now all of a sudden you got your memory back. Listen..if you want to try and down talk the party and the dj's....well that's fine by us. Try to down talk the 2000 people that are going to be fighting to get in, while your lonely ass is sitting in the back of the crowd. Why don't you try getting off the computer for a while and actually get out...you might learn something new. Don't worry...my offer for the <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guest list</A> still stands...I won't hold any hard feelings on your lonely ass. Let me know and we'll place you on the list...come experience THE REAL IBIZA.

No Love


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Wow, thats a pretty cocky attitude youve got there Mr. Rendez-Vu,it must be nice working at the new club in town...2000 people huh?

Well enjoy it..because once your neighbors start to complain about the sound AGAIN

and once the raining season starts AGAIN

and its 90 degrees outside AGAIN

and when youre trendy patrons decide to move on to the next trendy club and leave that venue behind AGAIN....I think youre in for a humbling experience BAD-ASS....

BTW:I get in to your precious Opium Garden with no problem every week so thanks but no thanks HOT-SHOT.


oh and in my original post I meant to say "I never heard Reche" not "I never heard (of) Reche"....maybe someday when I am as smart as you I wont commit those silly Typos....

A guy can dream cant he?


[This message has been edited by kingstreet (edited 03-05-2001).]

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Just because you have a Space/Ibiza resident doesn't mean you'll come close to the vibe of the real thing... are you comparing Miami to Ibiza? Maybe during the Conference it comes close, but otherwise it's got its own soul; or lackthereof.


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

"Not everyone understands house music... it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing."

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While you guys continue your battle. I will be looking forward in making everyone move to my sounds on March 15, 2001. This event is not about who spun where and for how long but an opportunity for the ones who have not been able to experience the world famous Ibiza vibe and sounds to finally experience it in person. Better yet to experience it in our home city, MIAMI, FLORIDA

Get ready for my sounds.

Dj Obby, Miami, FL


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Sorry obby, but a Thursday night at the old Amnesia with a bunch of local jocks is a far cry from experiencing the real Space in Ibiza.Mr promoter, be happy if you get 200.

Not to put down any of our locals, much respect to them, its just that I can here them any time in their residencys..

And Reche? thats like headlining DJ Pipi from Pacha??? Hes an opening DJ, a good one but still, an opening jock..

Later Cats


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I'm still baffled as to how they think they're going to so easily get the "Ibiza vibe" in Miami... sounds like a nice sales pitch to me.


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

"Not everyone understands house music... it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing."

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Yes Obby is going to rock the house that night. Listen..for all of you who think I was too strong on Kingstreet..why don't you try reading the first message he sent and how he immediately bashed the party. I don't even know this guy for him to be knocking my shit. To tell you the truth..I don't normally spend my days having messageboard conversations...especially if I don't know who I'm talking too. If I got on the defensive it's just my natural instinct. As far as sticking with my TV gig...I'll do that as well and promote and all the other things I spend my day doing. If anybody wants to meet me in person, you now know where to find me. For the rest of you who are looking forward to Reche, Lloyd, Juan, Obby, Gaby and JBR to rock the house..I look forward to seeing you all at the event. Peace be with you.


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I never post messages, but today I felt compelled to do so. I'm by no means an expert on the subject (having only been to Ibiza twice), but i'm looking forward to Space Ibiza at Opium. The layout is as close as your going to get, and they are distributing the music properly. From the flyers it sounds like the terrace is going to be playing smooth balaeric house and with the inside playing harder progessive house. Obviously, the real thing is in Ibiza, but for a thursday night in South Beach where else is there? Krave and Crobar are playin hip hop. I know that Space Ibiza, and Reche at the Tunnel in New York was off the hook. If its anything like that I know everyone will be glad you went. Kingstreet why you playa hatin what are you gonna watch "Friends" and "Will and Grace" on thursday. you should check it out. It's gonna be worth it

Peace Kingstreet and rendez vu both of you go and enjoy!!!!! I'll by you both drinks

take care

[This message has been edited by olijay (edited 03-07-2001).]

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I dont have a problem with people promoting a party ..but dont call it something its not...

What you have is:

1)DJ Reche (a Space/ Ibiza resident who for the most part opens up for the headlining talent)

2)Opium-Garden: (formerly Amnesia) a venue we have all seen fail many times..

3)A bunch of DJs who play in little South Beach bars and clubs every week (except Juan Mejia who plays hip-hop at Crobar every week)

4)Way to confident promoter("2000 people fighting to get in")

Other than Reche, what makes this "The real Space/Ibiza vibe"?

So when Crobar brings David Waxman, is that "the real Twilo/NYC vibe"? just because they bring a resident that would open up for Junior? I dont think so.....

Remember: just because you say it doesnt make it true.....

Hey, but what do I know? Im just a lonely looser who spends his life in front of a computer and watches "Friends" and "Will and Grace" on Thursdays...

GOOD LUCK smile.gif

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Kingstreet, your being a little hard on him dude. He's just trying to spread the word about the new vibe going on in Opium. I appreciate that he's on this board and is keeping us in the loop. I'm sure the music is going to be good in opium. If it's what he professes it to be still has to be determined but atleast he's offering something new down here.

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Sorry bro,

I sincerely apologize...

I was having one of those frustrated to live in Miami weeks....where it seems like this town will never turn around....and I recognize the fact that I'm not helping matters by dissing shit I havent even given a chance to yet...

I'll be there to support this event and I hope everyone else will give it a shot too..

MY BAD frown.gif


KINGSTREET smile.gif

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Ok, I've read it all now.

kingstreet, what's with the salt? Isn't the whole idea of going out to parties to have fun? Don't you want to just enjoy the music and get lost in your own world? If you've been to Ibiza, you know it's paradise. This party is an opportunity to put yourself back there for a few hours. If you have a problem with lines at the door, get their early. If you have a problem with promoters, befriend one and get on their VIP list so you don't have to pay or wait in line for their evets. If you have that already, don't shit on other promoter's parties. Rondez-vu is just trying to draw attention to what looks like a good event on a shitty night...Thursday.

On the otherside of the coin, Rondez-vu, you did come across harsh on the guy who didn't have his facts down.

Miami will never become anything more than a place where people who know and like music come to visit during the winter unless we support local dj's and promoters. As it stands now, we're hurting for people who go out to listen to the music, and understand how much work ittakes to put on a good party. Too many people here in South Florida go to clubs, drop some pills, take a few bumps and get lost in their own world. That will eventually lead to death, traffic accidents, jailtime, and date-rapes...among other things.

My closing statement here is that people need to lighten the hell up, stop dissing each other's shit, lighten up on the drug intake, and get to clubs early to enjoy every bit of open bar these clubs offer.

I'm off my soapbox for now.



Staff- Miami


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