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Ashcroft vs. the Chicken Littles


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Ashcroft vs. the Chicken Littles

Michelle Malkin (April 30, 2003 | Print | Send

The civil liberties Chicken Littles are after John Ashcroft again. This week, some of the nation's top editorial writers accused the attorney general of "overkill" (Washington Post), "overreaction" (Chicago Tribune), and "throw(ing) away the key" (Rocky Mountain, Colo., News).

So, what's Ashcroft's sin this time? He has asserted the Justice Department's authority to help stop illegal aliens from exploiting the federal immigration system's idiotic "catch and release" policy. This is the system under which countless illegal aliens are released by lax immigration court judges on low bonds -- or no bond, as in the case of illegal alien sniper suspect Lee Malvo -- and then are never to be seen again.

"The authority to expel aliens," Ashcroft notes, "is meaningless without the authority to detain those who pose a danger or a flight risk." (He might have added that illegal border-crossers, visa overstayers, ship-jumpers, stowaways, smugglees, and other immigration violators such as the Haitian boat people who evaded U.S. law enforcement are, by definition, flight risks.) Ashcroft's observation came in a ruling issued two weeks ago, which denied bond to 18-year-old David Joseph, a Haitian illegal alien who was one of more than 200 passengers on a rickety boat that landed at Key Biscayne, Fla., last October.

You remember, don't you? TV footage of the invasion -- with hapless Coast Guard officials giving chase and hordes of illegal aliens swarming the highway leading into Miami -- was beamed around the world. Coming just a month after the Sept. 11 anniversary, the easy penetration of our borders by these Haitian refugees on an old wooden freighter was a national security embarrassment.

Allowing the illegal alien passengers to be freed on bond pending deportation hearings would have added to the outrage -- and it would have sent a message abroad that more mass incursions by sea would not only be tolerated by America, but rewarded as well.

Alas, the Chicken Littles refuse to see the obvious national security implications of our continued tolerance for massive immigration law-breaking.

In response to Ashcroft's reference to a State Department report that "third country nations (Pakistanis, Palestinians) (were) using Haiti as a staging point" for entering the United States, The Washington Post breezily argues that "the difference between a Haitian and a Pakistani entering from Haiti could surely be discovered in a perfunctory border check." Hello? Illegal aliens aren't checking in at the border or any other ports of entry for any kind of checks on their national origin, criminal records or medical histories, "perfunctory" or otherwise.

"Locking up the innocent to deter the guilty is not a policy that is necessary to national security or good for American values," the Chicago Tribune complains. "Innocent"? There is no dispute that the Haitian illegal aliens are guilty of subverting our immigration laws. Ashcroft is simply insisting that the federal government detain asylum-seekers such as David Joseph in order to validate their identities and verify their claims of persecution.

As the Justice Department's Office of the Inspector General has noted repeatedly, the "catch and release" policy for illegal aliens has been a nightmare for immigration enforcement. The inspector general reported in February 2003 that for aliens ordered deported by the immigration court system, 97 percent of all asylum-seekers who were released from immigration custody disappeared and were never deported; 94 percent of aliens from terror-supporting countries who were released from immigration detention walked out of custody and out of sight, never to be deported; and 87 percent of all aliens released from immigration custody were never caught again, and were never deported.

The Ashcroft-bashing Chicken Littles raise some valid concerns about striking the proper balance between liberty and security. But the truth is that they have resisted every sensible and effective immigration enforcement measure since Sept. 11 -- from cooperative immigration enforcement efforts between local cops and the feds, to Operation Tarmac, which has nabbed nearly 1,000 illegal aliens working in airports, to the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System, which has stopped 330 known foreign criminals and nearly a dozen known terrorists from entering the country.

The sky hasn't fallen since Sept. 11, 2001. Thank Ashcroft, not the alarmists, for that

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yeah, like all those Arabs(most of them innocent) have been detained without bond or counsel for countless months since 9/11. :rolleyes:

Sometimes, people really have the nerve to talk when they sit in their cushy homes, sipping their cappucinos...sometimes they really forget that every single white or black person in this country comes from an ancestory of immigration.

BTW, I dunno what this woman is talking about regarding the Haiti issue...I thought Ashcroft was referring to asylum (refugee) seekers.

Not that I'm condoning illegal immigration, but it does not hurt to have compassion.

PS: "civil liberties Chicken Littles" yeah, lets throw civil liberties out the window for they most be a creation of the "evil blinded liberal left". Lets go back to wearing white hoods, and burning crosses.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

yeah, like all those Arabs(most of them innocent) have been detained without bond or counsel for countless months since 9/11. :rolleyes:

Sometimes, people really have the nerve to talk when they sit in their cushy homes, sipping their cappucinos...sometimes they really forget that every single white or black person in this country comes from an ancestory of immigration.

BTW, I dunno what this woman is talking about regarding the Haiti issue...I thought Ashcroft was referring to asylum (refugee) seekers.

Not that I'm condoning illegal immigration, but it does not hurt to have compassion.

PS: "civil liberties Chicken Littles" yeah, lets throw civil liberties out the window for they most be a creation of the "evil blinded liberal left". Lets go back to wearing white hoods, and burning crosses.


How do you protect America ifyou don't close the borders to ILLEGAL aliens?? The civil liberties of who? a person who snuck into OUR country illegally? You want to enter this country you have to be SCREENED and that is the end of story... so take that compassion speel and forget it exists in this situatiuon because if it were up to me we would have armed guards at our borders...

Allowing the illegal alien passengers to be freed on bond pending deportation hearings would have added to the outrage -- and it would have sent a message abroad that more mass incursions by sea would not only be tolerated by America, but rewarded as well.

This peice describes it all.. DiD you know whAt happens if we happen to catch someone?? I say happe because the CANADIAN-AMERICAN border is so pourus and under funded that upto a couple of months ago the person caught would receive a notice that says when you esatblish an address in AMERICA send us it and we will set up a hearing... huh???


THANK GOD FOR ASHCROFT, BUSH AND RUMSFELD because the U.S would be ashes in a couple of years if it's not too late already....

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Originally posted by mr mahs


How do you protect America ifyou don't close the borders to ILLEGAL aliens?? The civil liberties of who? a person who snuck into OUR country illegally? You want to enter this country you have to be SCREENED and that is the end of story... so take that compassion speel and forget it exists in this situatiuon because if it were up to me we would have armed guards at our borders...

Allowing the illegal alien passengers to be freed on bond pending deportation hearings would have added to the outrage -- and it would have sent a message abroad that more mass incursions by sea would not only be tolerated by America, but rewarded as well.

This peice describes it all.. DiD you know whAt happens if we happen to catch someone?? I say happe because the CANADIAN-AMERICAN border is so pourus and under funded that upto a couple of months ago the person caught would receive a notice that says when you esatblish an address in AMERICA send us it and we will set up a hearing... huh???


THANK GOD FOR ASHCROFT, BUSH AND RUMSFELD because the U.S would be ashes in a couple of years if it's not too late already....

So, wait a minute, you support indefinitely detaining refugee and asylum seekers as well, right? :rolleyes: (see article on Haitian refugee seekers)

Hey, just because someone entered the country illegally does NOT give the govt a right to hold them indefinitely. Do you know how many innocent people were held for months and months without legal counsel right after 9/11?? Do you know many of the reason these people were illegal were because the dumb INS could not do their job properly. Hell, even if they were illegal, send them the fuck back, don't keep them in jail with no charge!

Dude, really, if you don't know anything about this subject matter, do not draw sweeping conclusions.

Lol - I would really like to see what happens to the economy if all the illegal Mexican workers were rounded up and sent back!

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Originally posted by raver_mania

So, wait a minute, you support indefinitely detaining refugee and asylum seekers as well, right? :rolleyes: (see article on Haitian refugee seekers)

Hey, just because someone entered the country illegally does NOT give the govt a right to hold them indefinitely. Do you know how many innocent people were held for months and months without legal counsel right after 9/11?? Do you know many of the reason these people were illegal were because the dumb INS could not do their job properly. Hell, even if they were illegal, send them the fuck back, don't keep them in jail with no charge!

Dude, really, if you don't know anything about this subject matter, do not draw sweeping conclusions.

Lol - I would really like to see what happens to the economy if all the illegal Mexican workers were rounded up and sent back!

The majority of illegal arab immigrants held after 911 was just...and it most likely averted another attack... The mexicans are diffrent from the arabs.. I appreciate the work ethic and determination of immigrants who come to this country for a better life but bottomline is when 19 arabic men drop 2 skyscrapers from the N.Y. CITY SKYLINE you have to take some drastic measures to ensure the saftey of the country.. And I am sorry to say but those 19 highjackers ruined it for all arab immigrants seeking refuge in this country..

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