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Blair Advisor Admits Iraqi War Was For Oil.

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Originally posted by sassa

and it also looks, either way :rolleyes: that you cannot argue with frenchbread's facts....

What are you his cheerleader..

Don't start sucking him off just yet... read the whole thread the real question was whether it was all about oil.. what me and Fench are debating whether Iraqs production would have a significant effect on oil prices..

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Either way their voice and actions are heard when the price of oil is decided by the market..

there's no "either way"...

don't try to talk your way out of this shit...

you came on this thread, and try to post like you know everything and everybody else has no idea how the "real" world works...

well you know what?...you were wrong...

your facts were completely wrong...

end of story...

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Originally posted by mr mahs

What are you his cheerleader..

Don't start sucking him off just yet... read the whole thread the real question was whether it was all about oil.. what me and Fench are debating whether Iraqs production would have a significant effect on oil prices..

oh please...:rolleyes: ...you talk a lot of shit, but you can't back up what you said..don't be mad because i noticed that...
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Originally posted by sassa

oh please...:rolleyes: ...you talk a lot of shit, but you can't back up what you said..don't be mad because i noticed that...

Listen Mrs. Onion nobody is mad.. like Igloo said not 1 thing in 2 years..

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Originally posted by frenchbread

there's no "either way"...

don't try to talk your way out of this shit...

you came on this thread, and try to post like you know everything and everybody else has no idea how the "real" world works...

well you know what?...you were wrong...

your facts were completely wrong...

end of story...

The Oil and Energy Ministers of the OPEC Member Countries meet at least twice every year to co-ordinate their oil production policies in light of market fundamentals, ie, the likely future balance between demand and supply. The Member Countries, represented by their respective Heads of Delegation, may or may not alter production levels during these regular Meetings and any Extraordinary Meetings of the OPEC Conference. Given that OPEC Countries produce about 41 per cent of the world's oil and 55 per cent of the oil traded internationally, any decisions to increase or reduce production may lower or raise the price of crude oil

Straight from Opec site.. I read this a couple of days ago and didn't post word for word because I didn't find it important but you chose to TWIST my statement which wasn't what this thread was started on.. I stated that I hope it was about oil to ruffle some feathers and you automatically assumed that I admitted to you that it was all about oil.. I beleive, as should you that the oil will be important in rebuilding the country but to say we went their just to take the oil is false.. why didn't we take it 91 when we had U.N approval behind us??? just the fact you twist to make a point proves your argument is weak my freind.. you know the anti-war/ conspiracy theory voice holds no weight it is just plain absurd.. you take the word of Ted Rall and I am ignorant?? That guy has as much credibility as a author in this country as Scooby Doo.. You still dodged the fact that you have stated we dropped the twin towers so we can invade Afghanistan why?

I never stated that noone knows how the real world works.. but judging from you not understanding that Iraq out put would not significantly lower crude oil prices I am starting to have my doubts..

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Originally posted by mr mahs

The Oil and Energy Ministers of the OPEC Member Countries meet at least twice every year to co-ordinate their oil production policies in light of market fundamentals, ie, the likely future balance between demand and supply. The Member Countries, represented by their respective Heads of Delegation, may or may not alter production levels during these regular Meetings and any Extraordinary Meetings of the OPEC Conference. Given that OPEC Countries produce about 41 per cent of the world's oil and 55 per cent of the oil traded internationally, any decisions to increase or reduce production may lower or raise the price of crude oil

Straight from Opec site.. I read this a couple of days ago and didn't post word for word because I didn't find it important but you chose to TWIST my statement which wasn't what this thread was started on.. I also stated that I hope it was about oil to ruffle some feathers and you automatically assumed that I admitted to you that it was all about oil.. I beleive, as should you that the oil will be important in rebuilding the country but to say we went their just to take the oil is false.. why didn't we take it 91 when we had U.N approval behind us??? just the fact you twist to make a point proves your argument is weak my freind.. you know the anti-war/ conspiracy theory voice holds no weight it is just plain absurd.. you take the word of Ted Rall and I am ignorant?? That guy has as much credibility as a author in this country as Scooby Doo.. You still dodged the fact that you have stated we dropped the twin towers so we can invade Afghanistan why?

I never stated that noone knows how the real world works.. but judging from you not understanding that Iraq out put would not significantly lower crude oil prices I am starting to have my doubts..

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Originally posted by mr mahs

The Oil and Energy Ministers of the OPEC Member Countries meet at least twice every year to co-ordinate their oil production policies in light of market fundamentals, ie, the likely future balance between demand and supply. The Member Countries, represented by their respective Heads of Delegation, may or may not alter production levels during these regular Meetings and any Extraordinary Meetings of the OPEC Conference. Given that OPEC Countries produce about 41 per cent of the world's oil and 55 per cent of the oil traded internationally, any decisions to increase or reduce production may lower or raise the price of crude oil

Straight from Opec site.. I read this a couple of days ago and didn't post word for word because I didn't find it important but you chose to TWIST my statement which wasn't what this thread was started on.. I stated that I hope it was about oil to ruffle some feathers and you automatically assumed that I admitted to you that it was all about oil.. I beleive, as should you that the oil will be important in rebuilding the country but to say we went their just to take the oil is false.. why didn't we take it 91 when we had U.N approval behind us??? just the fact you twist to make a point proves your argument is weak my freind.. you know the anti-war/ conspiracy theory voice holds no weight it is just plain absurd.. you take the word of Ted Rall and I am ignorant?? That guy has as much credibility as a author in this country as Scooby Doo.. You still dodged the fact that you have stated we dropped the twin towers so we can invade Afghanistan why?

I never stated that noone knows how the real world works.. but judging from you not understanding that Iraq out put would not significantly lower crude oil prices I am starting to have my doubts..

ok...i'm back...don't worry i didn't forget you...;)

why don't you stop your whining for a second there...

i twisted your words?...

please tell me how...

this was your statement:

World prices are set by OPEC. Iraq output would not have a large impact on the price.. I really think people think we are going to smuggle the millions of barrells from IRAQ on some cruise ship under everyone noses.. uh oh did I start another conspiracy theory???


do we agree?...or are you going to tell me that i somehow gain administrator rights, and modified the whole thread...

well whether you like it or not, your statement was plain wrong...

world prices of oil are not set by opec...

that's it end of story...

stop trying to talk your way out...

i did not twist your words...you posted this shit...not me...

now after that happened, you tried to change little by little what you said...

that's what you want to do?...fine...i don't care...

anybody reading the thread can see that you posted something totally wrong, and that you then proceed to try to talk your way out of it...

now for the rest of your post...

"why didn't we take it 91 when we had U.N approval behind us???"


again a great testament to your living in lala land...

we didn't have un approval to take iraq's oil in 91...not then not now...

You still dodged the fact that you have stated we dropped the twin towers so we can invade Afghanistan why?

i didn't know who ted rall was before you mentioned him to me...

i didn't avoid anything about the twin towers...

i have believed and explained why, from the start, i think that some officials including the president knew of the wtc attacks beforehand...

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