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Surf Club Opener....

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The opener was mad fun just like last year.....

I have to say the music started off pretty weak though....

Big thanks first of all to Dean for the hookup on the way in... very busy guy, but always has time to shake a hand and say hello...

Roxanne, Joey V... taking care of us all day with the vatta and cranberries.....

Thank god for Digga and his harmonica, and Dondeizel backin him up with some mad beats on the spoons...

We made the most of it till the good shiznit dropped.....

Never knew Tigga could yodel... what a surprise...

Lots of CP peeps running around like a bunch of rabid dogs in heat....

Stacked, Bigtime- Good job for bringin the laughter in on slinky sightings and bashings as always.....

Hype- Love the glasses... Tom Cruise must be jealous.....

Z- Nice tattoe sweety.... no regrets!!!

Dogekid- Better late than never... are you scared of Tiggs or somethin??? You have definately taken up my role as "Most Shady.." droppin in and out of site at will...... hahahh....

Digga/Dondeizel... I guess you humps learned your lesson not to take on Tigga until she is cross eyed...

I spotted Rod droppin a flyin elbow on her while she was trying to tie her shoelaces..... very smart move....

I felt kinda bad for the guy on crutches you pointed her too when she asked who the fuck it was.....

He was already in for about 6-8 months of rehabilitation... what's another 3-4 months ontop of that????

All the Cp ladies lookin pretty and show...

Stardo, Neena, Deelite, Siciliawoman......... hahah...

Big thanks for encouraging Tigger in her antics... Amidst the mad beats and yelling... we could hear the girls chanting Tiggs on "Go Tigger..."

That was all she needed... you girls made her day by being so nice and making her feel welcome with the krew.... big thanks..

My brain is off right now... cannot even get the names of everyone.......

Nice seein everyone....

and wait...

The highlight of the evening....

Passin the Moussa....

In the middle of the day... about halfway into cartoonland, on my little blue roller coaster...

I hear my big Hawain Brothers voice yelp...

"Pass the Moussa!!"

Only to get Moo tossed into my clutches.....

Nice pass Rod... that was about a 2-3 yrd toss...

Finally I get to meet Moo in person...

I think there may be a picture somewhere to record this monumental moment....

Mad props to Moo for bein a true gentleman and good guy...

After bein passed off.. we exchanged a hearty CP secret handshake and joked about all the nonsense on the board....

Nice meetin ya bro... I am still cracking up from the Moo pass and photo with Digga...

So all in all it was a great day... Music got better as the sun began to fade on Surf Club and one of the best nights of the summer.....

Hope to have many more Sunday's like this one.....

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Oh yeah....

Big apology out to Jay....

Apparently my boy Bigtime suffers from blurred vision and hallucinations when "Clubbing"

I thought I was finally going to get too meet the one and only XJ8Mike... only to find out it was one of Laurie's friends Jay...

So like an idiot I go out to introduce myself, shake Mikes hand and squash all the nonsense and drama being tossed around like a Moo... only to find out later that it was not even the right guy....

Jay.. shots on me anytime you come over and say hello all summer.....

Bigtime... you are payin for em....


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Well...I must say it was a sick day...! Honestly I was so whacked at one point I thought the Stacked was going down for the count...That was around 6.

I could not sleep last night....heart was racing..That strange....!

Did morning cardio at 5:15....

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The passing of the Moussa!!!!:tongue: (We love u Moo!!!)

Stacked - :D

Bus - Tiggs is so cute. You guys make a great couple.

Digga - Your the rotten ass brother I always wanted:)

Hunnie - Leave the the friends boyfriend at home:rolleyes: We need you to stay till the end

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Originally posted by njstacked2

Iron Sister...remember our conversation outside...on the patio? I don't! I just know that we were talking....

ahahhaaa :laugh:

i have NO idea what we were talking about! I remember talking though too...

thats funny.. we both have memory failure :tongue:

Stardo: Hunnie was sad! :( and of course... i could'nt fall asleep till 3 something in the morning! :mad:

ill make up for it allllllll summer

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Originally posted by hunnie818

ahahhaaa :laugh:

i have NO idea what we were talking about! I remember talking though too...

thats funny.. we both have memory failure :tongue:

Stardo: Hunnie was sad! :( and of course... i could'nt fall asleep till 3 something in the morning! :mad:

ill make up for it allllllll summer

i was so sad for you too. I wanted you to stay but i didnt have my car with me. :(

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Originally posted by stardo

i was so sad for you too. I wanted you to stay but i didnt have my car with me. :(

Its ok hunny.. its the thought that counts

I appreciate it anyway :kiss2:

Mochi: Juicebags everywhere!!! Get better asap.. we gotz some bootay to grab!!!!!!!!!

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Always good to start off the Summer with a lil Surf Club Sunday, only Big Serge was missing in action this year. Slow start, KLo picked it up later, at least I think so. Now I know why I couldnt sleep, too much Red Bull and Kettle! Good to see lots of familiar faces although I didnt get to mix it up with a lot of ya, yet. This old man was up to the challenge, shot for shot, my boy couldnt hang. Thus becoming the first person to get sick at Surf and its not even Summer yet punk. Rookie, if you want the title you better have more game than that.

Z. nice tattoo. Can I sign my name above it? :tongue: You were telling me something about the bird last night? My memory is blurred. My favorite smiling face from the board, :D Stardo and the chickens. Deelite I think I crossed your path at some point too, turned around and you were gone. Hunnie next time imma come over for some shots, lotsa shots. Always a smile on ya face. Hype I tried to buy you a shot too but you walked away. Notalthere you psycho, I think Z gave the shot to you instead. I tried but I dont remember. Busdriver, I was looking for you in the 2003 Guido Games. :) Roddiga, nice to meet you bro. Next time we'll have to catch up for some shots and some laughs. I think, think I stumbled past club legend Danfury? :finger2: to P-Daddy, you Mets fans will never learn. And to the warrior, Tech I'm going to make my way over to the back bar sometime for some shots. Solargirl you were right in front of me, and when I turned around you were gone. Next time. :D See you all over some shots this Summer.

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Originally posted by hunnie818

Mochi: Juicebags everywhere!!! Get better asap.. we gotz some bootay to grab!!!!!!!!!

yes please... i won't be back for jersey fun until next weekend. going home for mother's day this weekend.

i gotta grab juicebag ass soon... i'm going into grope-withdrawal.

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Originally posted by carguy19

Sorry people, I know eceryone missed me and I know i hyped it up bigtime!!!!

But I couldnt drag my azz out wit a 102 fever no matta how hard I tried.Im so mad !!!!! :mad: :worry2:

carl... u had a fever too :(

i think i have SARS... u?

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Originally posted by njdionysus

Always good to start off the Summer with a lil Surf Club Sunday, only Big Serge was missing in action this year. Slow start, KLo picked it up later, at least I think so. Now I know why I couldnt sleep, too much Red Bull and Kettle! Good to see lots of familiar faces although I didnt get to mix it up with a lot of ya, yet. This old man was up to the challenge, shot for shot, my boy couldnt hang. Thus becoming the first person to get sick at Surf and its not even Summer yet punk. Rookie, if you want the title you better have more game than that.

Z. nice tattoo. Can I sign my name above it? :tongue: You were telling me something about the bird last night? My memory is blurred. My favorite smiling face from the board, :D Stardo and the chickens. Deelite I think I crossed your path at some point too, turned around and you were gone. Hunnie next time imma come over for some shots, lotsa shots. Always a smile on ya face. Hype I tried to buy you a shot too but you walked away. Notalthere you psycho, I think Z gave the shot to you instead. I tried but I dont remember. Busdriver, I was looking for you in the 2003 Guido Games. :) Roddiga, nice to meet you bro. Next time we'll have to catch up for some shots and some laughs. I think, think I stumbled past club legend Danfury? :finger2: to P-Daddy, you Mets fans will never learn. And to the warrior, Tech I'm going to make my way over to the back bar sometime for some shots. Solargirl you were right in front of me, and when I turned around you were gone. Next time. :D See you all over some shots this Summer.

Thanx for the shot sweety :kiss2: It was great seeing you! :D

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Thanks for all the compliments on my girlfriend...

Tiggs is the best sidekick a guy could ask for....

Who else can take a slew of elbow drops from the Digga/Deizel Tag Team, and still come up smilin and asking for more...

You guys are all the best for making her feel so welcome...

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Awesome party yesterday and finally met some people from the board Brian nice seeing u again, notallthere haha sick 2 days along with imnakedritenow, hunnie818, butterfly nice mettin you's, zee you get mikes hard lemonade yet? lol thanx to osb for my surf club voucher and every1 else i missed nice meeting or seeing you again :)

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Originally posted by njdionysus

Always good to start off the Summer with a lil Surf Club Sunday, only Big Serge was missing in action this year. Slow start, KLo picked it up later, at least I think so. Now I know why I couldnt sleep, too much Red Bull and Kettle! Good to see lots of familiar faces although I didnt get to mix it up with a lot of ya, yet. This old man was up to the challenge, shot for shot, my boy couldnt hang. Thus becoming the first person to get sick at Surf and its not even Summer yet punk. Rookie, if you want the title you better have more game than that.

Z. nice tattoo. Can I sign my name above it? :tongue: You were telling me something about the bird last night? My memory is blurred. My favorite smiling face from the board, :D Stardo and the chickens. Deelite I think I crossed your path at some point too, turned around and you were gone. Hunnie next time imma come over for some shots, lotsa shots. Always a smile on ya face. Hype I tried to buy you a shot too but you walked away. Notalthere you psycho, I think Z gave the shot to you instead. I tried but I dont remember. Busdriver, I was looking for you in the 2003 Guido Games. :) Roddiga, nice to meet you bro. Next time we'll have to catch up for some shots and some laughs. I think, think I stumbled past club legend Danfury? :finger2: to P-Daddy, you Mets fans will never learn. And to the warrior, Tech I'm going to make my way over to the back bar sometime for some shots. Solargirl you were right in front of me, and when I turned around you were gone. Next time. :D See you all over some shots this Summer.

yea you know you were watching that shit cheering them on

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Riggs good seeing you and nice meeting ur wife.Pm me ur email address and I'll send u the pic. Rodiggadiggittydig thanks for wasting my film:D Dondiezel...blah.Badass good seeing you for quick second.Dan Fury rumor has it that your registered to njguido.:laugh: We'll talk about that later after you get some sleep.

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