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How to trap a black ant.

I was sitting at my desk bored like always, and this little black ant came walking across, so I decided to draw a circle around it.

Sure thing the ant won't cross the pen mark, it's trapped in the circle. So I ran over to the paper stock of my office and did this bad ass maze for the new lil friend... I did the first one in Black Ink, nope,, didn't work it just went all over the place, so I did one in Blue ink and it did the maze with out crossing 1 line. so I got event more creative, I went on the hunt for another ant.. found another bitch. so I got this 11 x 14 paper and did a big ass maze times 2, (to race the lil bitchs), and my ant won.....

well I should get a metal or sience reward for this shit... I discovered it!!!


Well, can u tell I have tooooooo much time on my hands?!

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