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Gay Men Are Such Hypocrites/junior!


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Gay Men are such Hypocrites/Junior!

Some gay men are such hypocrites. Many of you run around the place

screaming equal rights, equal rights and as soon as one of your own do

something you consider is associated with the "straight crowd" you call him a

sell out.

If you are going to bitch about equal rights remember it goes both ways

like many of you. You just can't use it when it's convenient for you. I'm straight

black and love house music. I think it's a bitch like some of you when you

condone discriminating behavior. I. e turning away straight people from your

parties. I remember back in the day me and a few friends getting shot down

from twilo because we were straight.

Making statements such as "Yeah,shes catering to the straight crowd" and

"that's not the queen I know. The queen I know doesn't spin for 'fish' and ugly straight people I'm disgusted" is extremely hypocritical.

Make up your mind, what do you people really want? I've accepted you for who you

are so do the same and accept me for who I am straight. When many of you hit on me on a day to day basis I'm very polite about letting you know I don't go that way.

If I were to respond with a left hook to your jaw like some people do it would be wrong, so its very wrong what you people are doing. If you want to be accepted for who you are please do the same and accept straight people for who they are straight.

On the same token I should remember that not all "fags" go skipping their asses

around NY saying we want to be in the Saint Patrick's Day Parade so maybe I should just ignore the ignorance of many of you. But sometimes you reach your breaking point. :mad::confused::blown: :blown:

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