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I would like to appologize for my really Gay post ... I don't know what go into me... I was just trying to check out some new supplements... I will save the " How do you guys wax your chest" and "Which self-tanner looks great on your balls" for a later date.. Once again, sorry for any confusion I may have caused..:rainbow:

Originally posted by kaydup

Never self-tanned my balls, how does that work

It's not threads like the last one that scare me... it's posts like this one that do.

Appology accepted, now talk about something nice and heterosexual, like diva house.

Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

It's not threads like the last one that scare me... it's posts like this one that do.

Appology accepted, now talk about something nice and heterosexual, like diva house.

Something Hetero like Bobby Trendy from Anna Nicole Show, that guy is a creepy muth-fuka..:eek:

Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

It's not threads like the last one that scare me... it's posts like this one that do.

Appology accepted, now talk about something nice and heterosexual, like diva house.

Isnt' that Flava's area


Eh, no worries. In reality it was no more gay than that periodic thread “It Is Sooooo Beautiful Outside But I’m Stuck At Work”. Talk about queer. Can we officially ban the next person who starts that lame piece of shit up?

Originally posted by groovefire

Eh, no worries. In reality it was no more gay than that periodic thread "It Is Sooooo Beautiful Outside But I'm Stuck At Work". Talk about queer. Can we officially ban the next person who starts that lame piece of shit up?

We can ban those as soon as we ban promo whore threads. :blank:

Diva house is for everyone! :rainbow:

Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

We can ban those as soon as we ban promo whore threads. :blank:

Lest we forget, this is CLUBplanet, for "NIGHT: clubs, bars, nocturnal happenings".

Me, normluv and ras are about the only one actually using this board for what it is intended.

Wait, I'm like normluv and ras?!? I take back everything I just said. BAN ALL PROMO WHORES!!


hah! :laugh:

and i thought i was a dj groovefire whore...

BTW... meeting room on manolo is for people trying to boost the number of posts they have... you can post aimlessly and other people dont really have to read it.

Originally posted by ras67

i thought i was a dj groovefire whore...

Nice! You're a Groovefire Whore without ever have heard us spin!

That's like offering a one night stand to a blind date before you go out. :laugh:


:laugh: oh yeah, that part owned

this one made me laugh too:

"Me, normluv and ras are about the only one actually using this board for what it is intended.

Wait, I'm like normluv and ras?!? I take back everything I just said. BAN ALL PROMO WHORES!!"

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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