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my weekend trip to miami

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drove down with my friend thursday nite to miami actually got to miami in 20 hours. one thing about driving in miami people are idiots they don't use their mirrors so everyone cuts u off, no turn signals and the fast lane is full of slow ass drivers. the weather was beautiful from georgia down very hot but better than the northeast weather. got to the house unpacked and went swimming, the pool wasn't even refreshing becasue the water was like 90 degrees. we ate and went to bed until like 9 woke up got ready and went to dinner. headed out to the news cafe, all i have to say the women in miami dress so sexy. walking around NYC you see alot of hot women but i think miami has alot more. anyways chilled out, ate dinner and than we went to Blue right across from Cro Bar. so we were chillin upstairs by the dj booth and this chick comes upstairs and she is so fucked up, dancing away and she is wearing this dress and keeps lifting it up and looked like she had no underwear and i told my friend to look and so we really couldn't tell becasue it was dark. so she stops dancing and sits on the couch across from us spread eagle flashing everyone. it was funny as hell watching her going crazy, her face wasn't great looking but her body was nice. we chilled out till about 3 and went home casue we were mad tired. next morning woke up and chilled out by the pool for a little while and than went sailing early afternoon out by cocunut grove. that was really fun ive never sailed before and it was a 45ft boat really nice with some people my friend knows from miami. after sailing went to coconut grove for some coffee late afternoon. went back to the house to get some rest for Lawler at Space. went to bed for a little while and than went for dinner. after dinner went to Blue for drinks the music was really good tribal and west coast house. stayed till like 3 and than went to Lawler. cover was only $20, as soon as we walked in Lawler came on. i have to say his set was terribal it was all tech house barely any tribal. the dj on the terrace was decent i was chilling up there most of the night, he played better than Lawler. Space is fucking annoying with their VIP areas they might as well make the whole club VIP. stayed till 7 came home and slept. woke up early afternoon and spent the whole afternoon in the sun. and now unfortuanley im back in NY. this weather suxx.

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