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The Beach Nite CLub..... FUCK U


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Yes this is going to be a bash report.

This club opened during the WMC with good idea and a so called new concept.


The owners of the club have refused to pay out many of the Local companies that worked their assed off to make that place what it was during the WMC. I'm not going to start giving names out.

They keep giving everyone the run around... they have NOOOO idea on what to do or how to run a club..

I came on here a few months age talking good about them, giving them hopes... and they fucked me as well!


By cheating out the local people!


ok... just wanted to FYI everyone on this club....

I hope coolhunkie removes them from thier site and any other party site that may host them.

and when I say owe money, I mean alot of it!

After alll the shit they talked about club space.... saying they don't pay and they have dumb asses working there......

They try to fuck the locals..... dumb assses

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The Beach Nightclub isn't an advertiser for .cooljunkie. Rob happened to visit it during a night out and decided to write home about it.

Too bad they seem to be shafting people though...another one bites the dust?

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Guest saleen351

money is not the issue as i've been told... be patience young luke, the beach ISN'T EVEN DONE

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Guest saleen351

money is not the issue as i've been told... be patience young luke, the beach ISN'T EVEN DONE being built.. :idea:

If you ran a company which i've have, you'd understand things all get worked out, or you are smart enough only to do business with people who sign agreements that you can take back your assets or if your service is what they paid you for, you can tap their accounts.. this is how business is done... don't worry the beach will be fine as i've been told by the man who will head up taking on space's sat night dominance...

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Yeah, Chris came across as a good guy... I thought they had this game down packed.. but they wasted all their money on WMC and now they are closed.

The companies that are getting fucked have contracts, so this matter will be taken to small claims .... but it's the fact that they are going to have to go thru the mission of paperwork and court fees that sucks...

No GOod Business....

I was told that CHris was thrown off and a new managment is taking over.... well I hope they are ready for the Tab..

The people that worked on this project are honest hard working and it bugs me that they played with them.

Asfar as I got the beach is over with....


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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by nexusgroove

Yeah, Chris came across as a good guy... I thought they had this game down packed.. but they wasted all their money on WMC and now they are closed.

The companies that are getting fucked have contracts, so this matter will be taken to small claims .... but it's the fact that they are going to have to go thru the mission of paperwork and court fees that sucks...

No GOod Business....

I was told that CHris was thrown off and a new managment is taking over.... well I hope they are ready for the Tab..

The people that worked on this project are honest hard working and it bugs me that they played with them.

Asfar as I got the beach is over with....


makes nooooooooooooooooo sense. how do u spend all your money on the wmc and continue to build 2 clubs at once instead of just buidling one? your story is wrong...

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I Heard

It has allowed a latin nightclub from the grove buy in. They own the building and are looking at it from a real estate perspective as its back up . . . . . . . they will need it unless the place gets a real designer and real marketing director to get that place rockin', money, strong promotors, good corpoprate sales peeps, etc.. After 5 am, it has ONE competitor in the entire state of florida!! Don't compete. Find your niche and fill it.

I did a party for conference there and the place was supposed to be this and be that. It was an empty, white box with no vibe, no anything. They said they were going to fix up the upstairs VIP room and had no clue you needed an elevator. Duh!! A D A. I even know these things. How is a man on a wheelchair going up them stairs?

Anyways, They paid the dj's (thank you), I will say that and the office manager girl was sweet. Bar manager was cool but on board the wrong ship. If I had a big corner spot there. . . .

I hope these grove cats make it a latin staple. I would love to go salsa dancing sunday morning at 6 am.

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thanks for clearing that out MrJoe...

I was told by someone that they go new investors and got rid of the Chris Guy. the place has goooood chance of making it with the right people. it is a nice venue, just needs a creative mind.

I went to go program some lights there and all they bitched about was their video wall witch they never got working.

A dance club with 4 lighting fixtures.. comeon..

I had a friend that rented all those lights for the WMC... and now they don't wana pay the bill....

Dick Heads!


Club owners wonder why people always ask for cash up front... becuase you got assholes like this pulling trixz

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Every club downtown that has tried to compete with Space has been plagued with problems like this, and others. You think these clubs would be at least have their shit together internally before going up against the top club in the country.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by pod

Every club downtown that has tried to compete with Space has been plagued with problems like this, and others. You think these clubs would be at least have their shit together internally before going up against the top club in the country.

space top club in the country? aweful bold statement for a club that sucks now since eisner took over... :idea:

based on the physical design maze hands down is one of the best... and they are just getting started and when they move the booth all hell will break loose... And now edgar vs oscar... and we all know space could wind up being only a late night spot again like last summer, then the beach takes them on late night, so if the beach took 200 space clubbers and sobe takes 300 space clubbers on a sat night thats 500 and space is so big it looks dead...

Movable walls is the way to go:idea: Crobar did it, hunk bunka did it, abyss did it etc.... space did not... they just fire people...

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