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JY04...Step into my office bitch!

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i see they have deleted my thread, let me just quote your friend rod one more time, gives KYLE and I a laugh to see him so angry

"hey what's up kyle, i got your number from jenny, and it appears you just wont let go of the past, i mean you come to places im at look at me and dont do shit, i know you and your girlfriend know about clubplanet, b/c heather and jenny were talking a few months ago and that dirty little whore jenny prob told you about it after i spun a cherri, am i right?????, anyway free punch to the head if im wrong, but if thats you and the little fucken troll on cp right now shouting me out, well then lets just say, I CAN NOT WAIT TO SEE YOU OUT AGAIN, BECAUSE YOU ARE BOTH DEAD, I AM GOING TO HAVE YOUR GIRL STAND THERE AS I BEAT YOUR HEAD IN, I WILL HAVE MY "BOYZ" TAKE TURNS RUNNING THE TRAIN ON YOUR GIRL, AS I RIP YOUR EYES OUT AND LET YOU WATCH" GOOD BYE AND HAVE A NICE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!"

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ya know the funny thing here stacked is that, OK so rod is a bit off the deap end and he was know for snappin a few times in college, and dave did tackle kyles best friend and can wrestle w/ the best of em

but anyway, who the hell are you??????, not sure if i know you!!! sound like some stubby little sauce boy that prob cant even swing a punch!!! ya def sound tough, but i'll put my money on KYLE

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Originally posted by jy04

ya know the funny thing here stacked is that, OK so rod is a bit off the deap end and he was know for snappin a few times in college, and dave did tackle kyles best friend and can wrestle w/ the best of em

but anyway, who the hell are you??????, not sure if i know you!!! sound like some stubby little sauce boy that prob cant even swing a punch!!! ya def sound tough, but i'll put my money on KYLE

Do you not like your BF are you mad at him.... Because ytou are putting your money on your BF and Stack will seperate your BF Spine from his head

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DAM, yes that is pretty much EXACTLY what i said!!!!!!!!

but you left out the HEAVY BREATHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hey what do we always say "its just a message board" simmer down fellas, like i said, rods got other things to worry bout, so if KYLE and JY04 want to talk, ill be glad to help KYLE put his teath back in, after i introduce you to these guys!!!!!!!!!!!

take care everyone

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I was an ALL SHORE FOOTBALL player in high school...Captain my senior year...played both ways...I was the Strongest Kid in my high school...I was also Class President for all 4 years...as well as an A student....Always pulling the best looking women...In fact I am engaged to my High School Sweetheart....She was a Home Coming Queen....Freshman Year....whoops...were you?

Then I played 4 years of COLLEGE FOOTBALL....

In college I was 5'10 230

Now I am 5'10 205


I am telling you I am tough and smart...Who are you? Is my question....

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Originally posted by njstacked2


I was an ALL SHORE FOOTBALL player in high school...Captain my senior year...played both ways...I was the Strongest Kid in my high school...I was also Class President for all 4 years...as well as an A student....Always pulling the best looking women...In fact I am engaged to my High School Sweetheart....She was a Home Coming Queen....Freshman Year....whoops...were you?

Then I played 4 years of COLLEGE FOOTBALL....

In college I was 5'10 230

Now I am 5'10 205


I am telling you I am tough and smart...Who are you? Is my question....

That was really cute.

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Originally posted by njstacked2


I was an ALL SHORE FOOTBALL player in high school...Captain my senior year...played both ways...I was the Strongest Kid in my high school...I was also Class President for all 4 years...as well as an A student....Always pulling the best looking women...In fact I am engaged to my High School Sweetheart....She was a Home Coming Queen....Freshman Year....whoops...were you?

Then I played 4 years of COLLEGE FOOTBALL....

In college I was 5'10 230

Now I am 5'10 205


I am telling you I am tough and smart...Who are you? Is my question....

we dont call him the stack for no reason

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well thats good to know stacked, i guess ill look for the juice head queer to be floating around to my house, cause if i know rod he def. e-mailed you our address, since he prob is too afraid to handle this himself.

and badass, you of all people have to be kidding me, you remind me these guys little brother, how bout you stop kissing there asses and hit up a cycle yourself!!!!! "we dont call him stacked for no reason" SHHHHHHUT UUUUUUUP, who are you DON KING, zip it loser. go watch the door, so you can help your buddy rod out when he gets kicked out of the club for getting his ass kicked for leaving such a stupid message!!!!!

and wait is this you?????? BADASS, OMG PM your buddy stacked and go get some of what hes' having


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Wow...this gets better and better...this bitch wil not stop...Actually sweetie...I have to much on the line to be fooling with people I don't know. Do you really think Rod will get his ass kicked? I will sell that short and write naked puts on it...I am sure you do not understand what I just said...quick do a google search you dumb bitch....

Billy...ignore this slut...She is insanely jealous....

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Originally posted by jy04

well thats good to know stacked, i guess ill look for the juice head queer to be floating around to my house, cause if i know rod he def. e-mailed you our address, since he prob is too afraid to handle this himself.

and badass, you of all people have to be kidding me, you remind me these guys little brother, how bout you stop kissing there asses and hit up a cycle yourself!!!!! "we dont call him stacked for no reason" SHHHHHHUT UUUUUUUP, who are you DON KING, zip it loser. go watch the door, so you can help your buddy rod out when he gets kicked out of the club for getting his ass kicked for leaving such a stupid message!!!!!

and wait is this you?????? BADASS, OMG PM your buddy stacked and go get some of what hes' having


whats really funny is your obviously not Joanna or what ever your name is: Its funny as a Newbie you know too much about everyone.... Go fuck your self you cunt because it is someone who knows us

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